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  1. I can't stand that side yoke thing in a Cirrus.
  2. Average, civilian student in my humble opinion has his hands full with an Archer. On a side note; One of the more amazing things I have learned as a new instructor is how tough an Archers landing gear is, just amazing what they will put up with.
  3. I started teaching recently at a very large school. I'm giving 4 lessons a day to 4 different students on most days. Its no myth. The average student struggles greatly with an Archer. Teaching the average primary student to fly a Mooney or any other high performance aircraft would be comical at best.
  4. A book I read about multi engine flying starts out as I remember saying that when Lindberg made his famous flight there were plenty of multi engines available. He chose a single for its compatative simplicity. Two engines, twice the odds of an engine problem. I'm over here still dreaming of my first Mooney. Can't see much out of a twin anyway, nacelles in the way. "Just sayin"
  5. It's not exactly the best time of the year for this subject but I just found it, watched it, and thought it was worth sharing. It's an hour long but is well done in my opinion.
  6. I like the Flight Safety Moto: "The best safety device in any aircraft is a well trained pilot"
  7. I've wanted a Mooney so bad for so long and then I came here and saw the love you guys have for your "Birds" I just can't wait until I can share in the pride and joy of ownership that is so obvious and prevalent here. Kids are grown and gone, house in contract for sale, downsizing in the works, I'm getting closer.
  8. This type of accident is so common that it has a name; "The Impossible Turn" "On takeoff, in the event of an engine failure with insufficient runway remaining, we will land straight ahead making only small corrections to avoid obstacles" "In the event of an engine failure the first thing the pilot should be thinking about is a wing stall" And one I read here; "Below 100 Kts, fly angle of attack"
  9. When I was on my long cross country working on my PPL, the school policy was to fuel at each stop. At the pump upon completion of the first leg I told the attendant; I have plenty of fuel but they want us to fuel anyway. His response; "The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire" On the final leg I became a bit disoriented after getting a bit too happy and playing around. I can remember being glad I had plenty of fuel as I was trying to get my bearings.
  10. From experimental aircraft.info; "When replacing tubes make sure to use talcum powder as it makes sure the tube slides in easily with out any folds that might rupture someday. Also do inspect the wheel on the inside for any burrs as they will cause a flat tube eventually."
  11. http://www.mooneyevents.com/chrono.htm
  12. Hey Thanks Marauder. I'm right by KHPN, White Plains, NY. I'm training once again with a flight school there that tells me they'll hire me once we get all "the rust off" . After 10 years of inactivity I've made it through a BFR and now am practicing teaching with instructors who make believe they're students. I have no Mooney time. I do have my multi commercial with 100 hours of Seminole time. No CFII or MEI but am studying for the CFII written. I completed a commercial multi program at Flight Safety, Vero Beach FL 15 years ago for an attempted career change that didn't work out. I have 450 hours TT
  13. Hi. Just to introduce myself and revive an older thread. I pick this name because it's my first name with a bit of my last name dropped off. It seems to get approved on a few sites also I have yet to purchase my own airplane but have dreamed of owning a Mooney for a long time now. I've been reading here and enjoying it. Im a CFI who has never had a student yet Done raising the kids and can afford to work for no money now and am hoping to start teaching. Hope I can add something of value down the road. Bruce
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