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Everything posted by PeteMc

  1. Also remember that sometimes the leaking issue is the O-Ring is just flattened. For the cost, changing them every year (or two) at the annual is an easy fix. And not for leaks, but there's also the often over looked basic maintenance of proper lubrication. I've had a number of mechanics tell me that occasionally after adding a quart of oil before you toss the bottle, take it over to the cap, lift the lock and add a drop or two of oil out of the bottle. Open/Close the cap lock a few times and then wipe up the excess oil. I'm sure Tri-Flow would also work fine, I've just always been told that the process of adding a quart of oil was a good reminder and you had the lub in your hand.
  2. My first mechanic was at DXT many years ago. As for Air Mods, their frequently doing recoveries on planes and shipping the whole plane or parts. But no clue if this is a job for them, you'd really need to talk to Dave.
  3. The TSIO360-LB I think is a pretty straight forward engine, so most reputable shops should be able to help you with the engine. If you have some real Mooney specific issues, then I certainly head to a Mooney Shop. And are you sure it's a full tear down? Did this recommendation come from a reputable shop that just can't do the tear down? If you're not looking to do an overhaul, then might I suggest a second opinion from a Mooney Service Cntr. Air Mods and Repair is a short hop for you over to Trenton-Robinsville, NJ (N87) and it might be worth the time to see if they agree a full tear down really is required and if they have the time in the schedule to do it for you. (Again, this is if you're just looking to do the oil repair and not a reman.) Dave Mathiesen is the owner there 609-259-2400. He was away for a week or so but I believe he's back now. Give a holler if you do end up leaving your plane there and need a ride back, downside of N87 is that it helps to know other people that go to Dave so you usually find a ride there or back as needed. Guessing you fly out of HPH? I'm at FRG.
  4. Please update us on the Rwy condition. I flew right by Furnace Creek in Oct and *REALLY* wanted to land. But I couldn't find any recent info on the runway and have heard the stories similar to what @mooneyflyer was saying, so we flew right on by.
  5. My reference had to do with handing it to a LONG TIME FRIEND (or friends) that happened to work for the FAA. So if needed, there was an "official" that could testify that his intent was not to have anything to do with Piloting of the flight. And this was back in the day when a lot of those "wives tales" were being created - founded or not.
  6. If you're referring to adjusting the cowl flaps so with the handle in the Closed position the CFs stay open a bit... YES! Very important thing for a 231 driver to know. Mine are set so the right side is open a bit so that my #5 cylinder doesn't go over 380 in normal cruise and normal power settings. If they are in the fully *Closed* position it's almost impossible to keep the #5 cyl cool.
  7. Are you looking to go to Avionics School or do you know someone that is? If so, one reality check to go in with eyes wide open. My avionics shop has gone through a few Avionics Graduates where they've chosen to leave within a few weeks of starting. Story goes that they get a big hype from the schools to get them to sign up, then do most or all of their work at a workbench. All the "installations" they do are placing equipment into racks that are sitting on a bench. But then when they get out in the real world, they're crawling around on the floor of GA planes or in tight avionics bays in larger planes. But NONE of the physical work is what they were taught or thought they'd be doing while in school. At least one guy (but I think two guys) when they told the shop they were leaving said it was because "this is hard work, not what it's supposed to be like." So eyes wide open when you go into the school and may set up an internship on the side at a local avionics shop. (Not an avionics guy, but built a few TV/Video studios in a prior life and have crawled around in a few tight spaces...)
  8. Yep, get that. But I kind of think that was his ploy... er... plan. Since it was a "friend" he was not concerned about getting it back. But had there been an issue and they started to look at him, then he would have pointed out he HAD surrendered it! The friend probably would have agreed that he had surrendered it, pending the severity of the infraction to help protect him. But I think the real reason was to make a statement that I am not going as a Pilot. I'm just going as a Pax.
  9. This summer at the KSFF AOPA Hangout Mark Baker and Doc Blue discussed it a little. AOPA has the data that shows there's no difference in Basic Med vs. 3rd Class Medicals in any instance that would/should change your insurance risk. It appears to be total BS on the insurance companies just trying to gouge prices and AOPA was trying to get meetings with the main players to call them on it. Obviously they have the numbers too. So it will just be a matter if AOPA calling them on it has any impact.
  10. I remember a very public well known mega rated pilot saying once that he would give his friend at the local FSDO his Pilot Certificate if he was going flying for fun with people that were much less experienced than he was. Don't think it ever became an issue, but would have been an interesting discussion if they tried to pin him for being PIC when he did not have the credentials that allowed him to be. And if fact the FAA was holding those credentials. Gets into the mind puzzle realm of how the regs would be interpreted. As for someone with a Basic Med acting as Safety PIC... I'll echo the Finally!
  11. Does your K not have the in-wing fuel gauges? I find them to be extremely reliable.
  12. I seem to remember that the reason for the max speed has to do with the motor and the extension of the flaps. There is no structural or control issue with the flaps being in the extended position and you accelerate past the max speed. Not that you should do this, but basically no safety of flight issues. Anyone else remember this or have documentation on this? Not that I plan to go extend the flaps and then start a descent well into the yellow arc. Just trying to make sure I remember it correctly.
  13. Hopefully the word has gotten around and he's been banned from any other air show. Granted there shouldn't be Alt busts. But if there are and all acknowledge the error and use it as a leaning experience, great. But with the attitude you got back from the guy, sounds like that should have been his last show.
  14. My condolences to the families and friends... I know very little about formation flying, even though I've had *some* training. Any chance it was a joining maneuver that went wrong?
  15. No, what you show in the picture is correct. The Rocket is a modified K, not a J. The K has weights added for better control and trim up at higher altitudes.
  16. Excellent! What was your final decision on what's getting installed? And any availability issues?
  17. I've heard of using a diluted acid wash for cement or concrete with a high content of cement mixed in to make it denser. But if we're talking basic concrete, the acid usually is absorbed into the more course material and then starts to break it down.
  18. And why can't you add the resistor if you don't currently have one??? If some Mooneys do have it, then isn't it an approved thing? Or does it even need to be? Can't a A&P sign it off? (Thinking that sounds like something that falls under their sign off.)
  19. Try adding small amounts of water a LOT of times. No point in just letting the water run non stop, but every couple of minutes while you're there open the hose to get the area wet or pour a little water out of a bucket. Once the concrete has absorbed a fair amount of water, then dump a pile of cat litter on the stain. Probably have to exchange it with new a few times. Maybe once a few hours after initially putting it down, then again the next morning. If the concrete itself has not already been discolored, the cat litter may suck up some of the fuel as it suck the water out of the concrete. Jackhammer and a concrete mixer works too....
  20. I'd give Dave Mathiesen at Air Mods & Repair a call (609-259-2400). Located at Trenton-Robinsville Airport, NJ (N87) They are a Mooney Service Center and have been working on Mooney's (including mine) for decades. And I've seen a few Rockets in there. Though I think I heard he may be away this week.
  21. When I was looking to purchase my plane it was being listed as XXX hours since Overhaul. It too showed all sorts of work had been done, but not everything to give it that "Overhaul" badge. The mechanic reviewing the books for me noted that some perfectly good original or used parts were put back into the engine that did have the right Tag to be considered New or Like New or whatever the magic word is to use it in an "Overhauled" engine. Mechanic thought all the work and the log entries were top notch. But it just didn't have what it took to call the engine overhauled and restart the clock. So I ended up getting a hefty discount on the asking price and basically got an "almost" rebuilt engine.
  22. Played with maps.me a bit and it may be a definite possibility. Still trying to get some more terrain detail and looking through the settings to see if I can turn off all the junk at the bottom that I don't want. But it is a descent offline map. Thanks for the tip!
  23. I have the Precise Flight Pulselite. It has worked fine for decades.
  24. My mechanic was going to Shapeways years ago and we got no response from the Klixon cover maker that was listed there. I too tried to have Shapeways reach out to them with their direct contact info, also no response. After that I did some research and found @AH-1 Cobra Pilot here.
  25. If the two lights are wired separately... Look around and see if you have a little toggle switch, possibly down below on the center console by the trim indicator. For my Recognition lights I had a Pulse Lite put in. One switch for power and the toggle switch for pulsing or steady. My Landing lights are already LED, when I get the LED Recognition lights I was going to recheck the amperage and see if the Pulse Lite can handle all of them.
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