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    Charlotte, NC
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  1. Thanks y'all. Always learning here on MS. Very grateful for the knowledge shared here.
  2. Note that the first two seem too small. The last one (red/white cowl) seems to be big enough.
  3. Good evening folks, As I'm looking at Ovations, several seem to have spinners that are too small. They don't seem to match up with the cowling. I'm not talking about engine droop/shimming. Is this normal or something to address when viewing prospective birds?
  4. I remember going to look at your bird back in 2013 when it first was offered. Should have bought it. Do you still have the wood panel overlay? New paint job looks awesome.
  5. I've always wanted to ask. What's the little eyebrow air scoop for on the Missile?
  6. I'd probably keep them off the panel entirely. Place them below the throttle controls maybe. Depends on what you're plugging in to them.
  7. Give some thought to where your USB plugs are. The cords are going to get in the way of your access to the a/p.
  8. https://resources.savvyaviation.com/wp-content/uploads/articles_aopa/AOPA_2022-08_what-price-speed.pdf This is a great article for what you're asking about.
  9. Thanks so much for the info y'all. Scott, especially for the info about modifying. I prefer the access over keeping stuff in the back like Bolter said. Always different missions and looking for the least amount of compromise possible. My wife really liked the bench seat in the '78 because she could lay down and take a nap.
  10. Why do some J models with split rear seats have seat backs that are tall? Most I see are shorter with headrests. Thanks for any insight.
  11. Gorgeous! Plane looks nice too. Congratulations.
  12. The GX-60 is no longer supported by Garmin. You will not be able to get updates which limits it's usefulness.
  13. I'm just gonna ask. Did the original poster retract the gear? It's a huge speed mod.
  14. Just donated. Thanks for all that y'all do to support this trough of information that I feed from. Maybe one day I'll be back in a 201.
  15. @aviatoreb I completely agree about the Xootr. Impossible to beat for a quick in and out. We've used those before as well when we don't need to go far.
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