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About luv737s

  • Birthday 12/01/1952

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    Cibolo, Texas
  • Interests
    Flying, golf, riding horses, skiing..flying
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  1. I fly a lot of no flap approaches and find it smoother and easier to land. It also prepares me for formation flying where no flap landings are the norm. As far as instrument approaches, show me an instrument runway with less then 3000 ft available. I don't find the flaps in my old C to be significant. I know later models are different. I also carry 50lbs of ballast (SOLO or 1 Pax) in the baggage compartment after did the W&B and find it makes a difference. Know YOUR plane
  2. went from this To this MVP-50 and love it..used many JPI units and this is easier to use in my opinion.
  3. Have done it before, just take the clubs out of the bag and put them separately.
  4. N6486U based at KBAZ. Red Mooney looking forward to seeing you. Mike
  5. Went to Falcon Aviation on Friday, and bought a 35AXC, had 3 on the shelf. San Antonio
  6. Pulled from M20C after Mvp-50 and Aspen upgrade. All working great when pulled. Vacuum pump 249 Hours since install. GPSS was connected to Garmin 430W. Precise flight III and cable- bought it to eliminate the precise flight AD. Vacuum system $150 STEC GPSS- $300 Precise flight-$50 EGT and Volts/AMP Gages-$50 Yoke-$50-SOLD Voltage Regulator-$50
  7. They did check this. Turns out the voltage from the computer is not right and a new one is on the way. Thanks for the Help
  8. Avionics shop just installed a 1000 in my m20c. Autopilot is an STEC 40. Last bug to solve is when STEC 40 is in Heading Mode, the yoke goes full right and we are unable to control the roll mode with the 1000. Anybody seen had this problem?? Have a call into Aspen but looking for more info.
  9. If you climb out at 80MPH, Best angle, it takes about 3 seconds not 3 years to clear an imaginary faa Tree!! I have all my students count one potato, two potato etc. At 80 mph it is not hard to raise the gear and retract the flaps and either accelerate to best rate or keep best angle if the FAA tree (or you are in Montana) a while longer. Just remember our Mooney's get hot fast at that airspeed. The FAA tree is only 50 FT high, it is not a Sequoia in the redwood forest like so many DPE's see. That's what I teach in my C and no one has failed a ride yet with that technique. Heck the wingspan on my M20c is 35FT imagine another 15 ft. Just saying don't overthink it.
  10. Just sold entire package.
  11. Just pulled for upgrade-- Garmin 430. Tray, Antenna (GA56), Spare Nav data card. Working perfectly with GPSS and 206 with STEC 30 Autopilot. $3900
  12. Had this same problem. The ground wire behind the gage was loose. I could reach up behind the gage and push the wire and the gage was reading correctly. Thought it was the senders, had both overhauled (needed it anyway) but that was not it. Really check that wiring. Mike
  13. If you are slipping any plane at maneuvering speed or above, you are really screwing up and you need to plan better. And don't tell me "ATC screwed me", you can ask for maneuvering vectors to help get you down or go missed! The original thread was about slipping on final not flying a 133 MPH final and trying to slip to lose some altitude. If you are fast and high on final...go around and fix your pattern. I am also envious of my Mooney brothers with speed brakes. I am training a Columbia 400 pilot and he is figuring out how the speed brakes can be used, wish my C had them!! Every Boeing pilot out there knows the value of speed brakes cause you don't slip jets!! Mike
  14. Slip all the time. It is a fundamental maneuver taught to ALL private pilot students prior to SOLO. My C slips just fine at 80 MPH. If you forgot HOW to do a slip re-read the FAA handbook or go out with a CFI and practice, flight review is a great opportunity. Mike
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