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Everything posted by mooniacX

  1. I was unable to locate a 337 so I went back to my IA and he informed me that I do not need it. He made the logbook entry only. I have been reluctant to say anything else about it at this point. But since he made the log book entry and reassured me that it was perfectly legal (since it was the same as the skybeacon) I figured I am safe.
  2. Hey guys, Sorry, I just saw this. I will go see exactly what he did and get back to you. I have not been able to fly for awhile, but will go grab the logs.
  3. It is the same as the skybeacon. Exact same hook up just on the other side.
  4. I have seen a few posted on facebook by a company called Avionics Source. His name is Bryan McConnaha and he seems to have a pretty good following although I have never done any business with them.
  5. @HankI should have been a little clearer. The baffles going into and around the doghouse. The IA also did some sealing around the alternator. The kit was well made and definitely helped solve the issue!
  6. I will vouch for GEE-BEE's seals. I had been fighting high CHT's in my C for quite awhile. My IA said that the doghouse was pretty tight but the seals were wearing down, well we ended up replacing all the seals and like magic, all my temps were great!
  7. Hi All. PIREP time. I have the Uavionix skybeacon and it works great. I decided to add the skysensor on the right side. It works flawlessly. My IA did have to do a 337 since it is still experimental but for any of you needing ads-b in, its a really nice unit. Installation took about 15 minutes (had to bypass the high voltage of the strobe) 3 wires, just like the skybeacon. Once done all that is needed is to find the skysensor wifi and load up your EFB and you are ready to go.
  8. I just saw this thread. I am in Carson City and have a C - If you still want to see one send me a message.
  9. I installed my AV30 yesterday. The installation was pretty straight forward. I only installed the AI and will wait to install the DG until they have it ready to drive my STEC. The installation was fairly simple and should have only taken a few hours at most, but I was waiting on my IA to inspect before I could go any further so it ended up a most of the day project. Basically ran a power line from the circuit breaker, put in a couple T's for the pitot and the static, run the OAT. Put it all back together and everything fired right up! Since I had my panel apart, I ran the second power line and ground so I will be ready for the DG install as soon as the APA mini is available.
  10. I have one out of a 64C. I put in a EDM900 and still have everything that was replaced.
  11. Do you have a part # for the sleeve and spacer? Glad you found the fix!!
  12. Will this drive an STEC 50?
  13. I did the flush mount in order to make it work. I really prefer the left side. I have had both. I know the panel looks a little rough, but I am waiting to complete the panel depending on the certification of the AV30 units and the ability to drive the s-tec. Hoping to not have to go the Garmin route..... but that's a whole different topic
  14. I also have the electric step. Awesome set up. Easy install and works great!
  15. Jim, It is a little slow, but works well. After I land I have turn off nav lights on my check list and it lowers while I am taxiing. I lowers in less than a minute.
  16. I got tired of pretending my step didn't exist. I installed the electric from Rob at Flight enhancements. Pretty easy job and works great!!
  17. Thanks for the Pirep DBX. Did you notice any difference on the CHT's during climb? I have been hearing that they run hotter on the C's. Did you notice anything?
  18. I am curious as to if you fixed the darting issue? if so what did you do?
  19. Sorry, I should have been more clear. They raised the price by $400 to $1995 (was $1595) yes that is alarming. It's up there with the G5 overnight
  20. Well it looks like Uavionix just upped the price of the AV30 $400 to $1995.
  21. Looks like The AV30 belongs to Uavionix now. I wonder if this will speed up the STC?
  22. Troy Creeks Carson Aviation CXP. He is a Mooney guy. Has been doing my service and PPI's for years.
  23. I have been considering this option as well. What was the install time?
  24. Yes, with the flush screws it is removable in about 30 seconds.
  25. Kerry, not sure if you got it working yet...but here is a quick tutorial. 1.Go to Wifi settings and find Beacon. Log into it using your password which came with the skybeacon 2. close wifi and go to your skybeacon app (available at the app store if you have not downloaded it) It will not come up automatically. You have to go to the app manually 3. Enter in your information and follow the directions. Once in and configured you should be good to go. Good luck!
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