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RLCarter last won the day on December 13 2020

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About RLCarter

  • Birthday 09/29/1960

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    Harlingen, Texas
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  • Model
    1965 M20E
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  1. Being new to changing the oil & filter I would suggest get someone who is familiar with the task to watch over you. Not taking anything away from your mechanical ability but I have seen safety wire that wouldn’t stop rotation and even in the wrong direction
  2. So let me get this right, during the preflight you noticed A-symmetrical flaps but after you flew and deployed the flaps for landing they were fine…. Is that correct?
  3. Gotta ask…. What’s a hamburger button? …. lol
  4. Go to a sign shop and have the cut out of vinyl, hangar neighbor does it all the time to get into Mexico (larger N# is required)
  5. The 3rd window is cool looking (at least I think so)… description has some oddities in it, never heard of the FAA pulling the registration for lost logs
  6. Like others have said, it’s a good idea to verify fuel flow from each tank while on the ground and allow ample time running on the tank your going to takeoff on before attempting to get airborne
  7. Still looking…. If memory serves its in an odd place in the manual
  8. My E came with it, it’s in the IPC
  9. This was on a 65 “E”, it was a small 1-1/2”(ish) hose that ran from under the panel on the pilot side down the left side and exited just above the floor in the rear. I’ll see if I have a picture of when I gutted the interior, I remember it was a pain snaking the new hose due to all the structural tubing
  10. When I purchased my E it had the old style disks, I contacted LASAR and ordered everything from them, about a 3rd the cost over going Mooney. Not sure on yours, but I’m pretty sure your existing trusses can be reused, I’ll look for the invoice, but it was basically new shock towers, new disks, I replaced all the hardware and bushings while it was off as well… spend the effort and repaint the gear while it’s apart, it’s well worth it
  11. Check all the scat/sceet hoses (ducts)mine was original and not in the best of shape , the rear seat hose runs behind the LH side panel and gets crushed shut over time. Full disclosure I never run cabin heat here in S. Texas but I did replaced all the hoses due to their condition
  12. Remove it as you would as if it was being replaced, ripping, cutting or any other means of removal other than the correct way is just a little crude. Spend the extra time and you’ll thank yourself down the road by not having a bunch of orphaned hardware/parts…. Just my $0.02.. oh wait it’s aviation, make that $0.27….
  13. I wrote my own for my iPad, didn’t really like it once I stated using it…. Went back to laminated card stock (paper)
  14. My W&B was incorrect, followed the Maintenance Manual procedure including draining the fuel… empty CG moved a crap load… and solved loading issues… years of errors can add up each time something is added or removed, weight the aircraft and have solid numbers to work with
  15. The o-ring gets stuck, add 1 drop of penetrating oil every few days until you can pull it out, mine was pretty crapped up and that was what worked for me. I would imagine you could damage the flange around the outside of the button fairly easy, so use minimal force and your better off prying in 2 spots 180° apart from each other
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