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Everything posted by N231BN

  1. It will only provide heading and course inputs from the HSI, the G5 cannot replace the attitude indicator.
  2. When was your instrument filter last replaced? I have the exact setup in my 231, 15k is a lot for 2 G5s. Perhaps they were quoting you the GI-275? A G5 ADI will not run your autopilot. $562 for a tagged unit is pretty good. I replaced mine with one that had sat on a shelf for who knows how long and it has worked fine for 5 years now.
  3. Great advice here and it's easy to check. I picked up a Husky for a friend about month ago. Fresh annual, mags check perfect on the ground. Had a solid miss when checking the mags in the air. It turns out someone had dropped a plug and the insulator was broken.
  4. I didn't realize it has its own AHRS, that is a big deal.
  5. Aviation porn aside, an ipad is not a quality backup navigator like a (X)96 or Aera handheld. It does provide quality SA and valuable flight planning functions.
  6. And then you still need a backup right?
  7. Just curious, what does the MFD show that the HSI doesn't in map mode?
  8. I would think that when configured as a HSI the knob would default to heading.
  9. I bought a RG-35AXC when I got my 231 in August 2014 and it's still trucking along. I use a battery minder if it sits for more than a couple weeks. I also bought a Citabria in February 2012 and it had a two year old 35AXC that made it til last summer. I have been recommending Concordes to all of my customers and have seen a drop in battery replacements, especially in Cessnas with the battery mounted in the engine compartment. No battery is immune to poor treatment so make sure your charging system is working properly and if your airplane has a small static drain(clocks, surefly) you should invest in a battery minder specific for the type of battery you have.
  10. That sounds good, you will probably just have to fly it to get the governor set right.
  11. Corn flake, that is not exactly how it works. The governor stop will not change your static RPM unless it is being limited by the governor. If adjusting the screw gets you up to 2600, then that will be your max RPM in flight also. Another item to check is the rigging of the rod end on the prop control. You need to make sure the governor arm is contacting the stop before the blue knob hits the stop in the cockpit.
  12. That is correct, there is obviously a bigger issue with his particular governor. Either way he has the wrong part unless they can be configured for the different drive speeds.
  13. What was the approval for installing that engine in an E model? If it was a STC the installation drawings should list what governor to use.
  14. Well folks, now we have the rest of the story. The IO-360-A1A has a governor drive speed of 0.866:1 while the IO-360-A3B6D has a drive speed of 0.850:1. Your governor has run out of adjustment because it is turning the wrong speed. Simply overhauling your governor will not correct the issue you are having. You will need to acquire the correct governor or see if the prop shop can modify yours to work on your engine. Check page 10 of the attached file.http://cloud.tapatalk.com/s/5ece5a9376c22/1E10_Rev29%20%281%29.pdf
  15. This indicates you have a governor issue.
  16. You can rename the profile after you create it.
  17. That may be true, it's quite comical. Kind of like the Colemill Barons where they put IO-550s on a B55 and "limited" them to the original 260hp with a maximum manifold pressure chart.
  18. There may be some other reason but you need to consider the test conditions...max-power climb at Vx on a hot day at full-gross. As far as fuel flow, the aircraft plumbing could be the limiting factor. Most power ratings for powerplants are limited by heat rejection. As manufacturing technology improved, the ability to have more surface area for cooling allowed the engine manufacturers to increase the power ratings.
  19. Most likely either cooling or fuel flow requirements.
  20. The stock -NB is rated at 310 hp. RAM Aircraft offered several improvements to increase the rating to 325 or 335. In both cases, I believe they were rated at 325 continuous. Does the Rocket have an intercooler?
  21. Your dual-mag shares a drive and rotor assembly but it has two of everything else including P-leads and distributors. My advice would be to find a mechanic for this one as you are going to have to replace or repair something. Where are you located? Someone here may be able to help you out.
  22. While it could be the capacitor(condenser), check the ignition leads on the L mag, specifically at the lead nut to make sure the shield hasn't pulled out. Also, check the shield on the P-lead to make sure it's ground connection hasn't broke or come loose.
  23. It sounds like you need to have the fuel injection system properly adjusted. If the previous mechanic skipped an important step you can have adequate takeoff FF but be short at partial-power settings.
  24. Turn off the electric trim switch in level flight and see what the AP does. My trim constantly hunts up and down so that is my SOP once in cruise. It does not porpoise though.
  25. In a rare instance a vernatherm can fail but they don't "stick" like a thermostat because they work exactly opposite like that of a thermostat in a car.
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