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Jim Peace

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Jim Peace last won the day on May 14 2018

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About Jim Peace

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  • Gender
  • Location
    7FL6, Spruce Creek FL, Heaven on Earth
  • Model
    64 M20C

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  1. Mine came off the carb on the first flight after being installed by a MSC.....did you know the mixture can act as a throttle?
  2. My installer is banned from touching my plane....long story....
  3. I have the new software and it can still be trick fcuked into staying on with the master off. Happens when you turn off the airplane master and for some reason turn it on then back off. I do this sometimes when I forget to get my tach time on the JPI... So from now on my procedure is to turn the master off and say outloud countdown started....not a checklist thing just into my wrote memory now....
  4. I had a MSC install a new one for me on my C from McFarlane. All I can say is be sure to vet your installer...took two years to make it right.
  5. The 1964 C that I own will take 20-30 minutes to remove the cowling.....if you are lucky....so many screws you cannot count them....
  6. you can't remove or install the cheeks and the top in 5 minutes....unless you have 6 people working it at the same time...The two bolts in the front that hold the top on that need to be removed near the air inlet take about 10-15 minutes each to remove....
  7. I have a C and 90% of the labor to change my oil is removing the cowling and re installing....
  8. I consider myself pretty tech savvy, at least with user interfaces with avionics. I have FF with a full Garmin panel. GTN, 510 etc...I have to have GP for the database stuff and every now and then I try to use GP and there is no way it's going to happen. FF requires no reading and very little practice to figure out, intuitive to say the least. GP I should probably take a class or I can spend a week buried in the app and let the rest of my life waste away...not worth it. I cant even create a flight plan in GP and then to edit it makes me want to just through the iPad across the room...
  9. Where does the plane live?
  10. After my new panel install at XXX services I tipped each mechanic and the logbook sticker girl a 200 dollar gift card at the best steakhouse in town. 1000 in total...in return I was almost killed twice and also suffered a most embarrassing mx failure flight cancelation. The Japanese have the right idea.....
  11. Flying in the winter with no palm tress around? Thats just plane crazy.......
  12. Just live in Florida.........problem solved
  13. curious when the mag inspection was done last?
  14. I have a C with the Stec30 w/ Alt hold. It hold altitude to the foot.....very happy with it.... Came with the airplane...
  15. See and be seen.....get a nice new bright LED....
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