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StevenL757 last won the day on July 3 2016

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  1. Personally, I’d double-check the wiring and security of the cannon plugs up inside the speed brake inspection panels on the bottom of the wing. If they both look secure and all pins are seated properly, your issue is likely elsewhere in the electrical system. I doubt you’d have two bad speed brakes.
  2. Am flying trips until 12/24 so I don’t have access to my install docs, but I seem to remember planning for somewhere in the 15-hour range for labor, which didn’t include a required new panel cut. The TXi footprint is completely different than the legacy G500. Done 2 so far, and didn’t regret for one second spending the extra $ for the TXi over the G3X Touch. So much more functionality, interoperability/interconnectivity, along with better screen resolution…to name a few things.
  3. You're getting incorrect information. Mine comes from Bob Minnis - former owner of the 310BHP STC, and from Continental directly...who corroborates Mr. Minnis' data...which I reflected above.
  4. Your best option is 1/16" rubber sheeting material held in place by 3M 1300L Super Weather Stripping Adhesive (NOT the General-Purpose stuff). You want 3/4" wide strips to be cut evenly and then shaped with an XActo or other blade to the contour of the gear doors. I can send you some of the material sufficient to do the job if you want...PM me for details if interested Just pay me for shipping. I have excess. Steve
  5. Yeah, 29.0 - 29.5 is optimal for that platform, which provides for better cooling...but you didn't hear it officially, as the STC actually says 27.3 - 27.4. Haven't seen @EricShr's reply yet here about @LANCECASPER's boost pump question, but the boost pump should not be running whilst the engine is being started under normal conditions...hot or cold start. Also agree with @GeeBee on the baffle seals. Minimizing their importance proper placement and consistent inspection and repair as necessary will cause more long-term harm than good.
  6. If you have the Saf-Air quick-drain, an 18” length of hose at 1/4” I.D. will do it.
  7. Neither. Obviously an individual decision (like everything else), unless panel space is at a premium, I’d go with a PS Engineering PMA450B or 450C. @Mscheuer can speak to their features. :-) Premium hardware at reasonable price points. I’ve had three different models…never a glitch.
  8. Without doing a deep-dive, the G500Txi is not only a crisper and cleaner-looking display, but is by far more compatible with both newer and legacy hardware from a variety of vendors than the G3X Touch. Flat-out, it's a better quality piece of hardware all the way around. The GI275 is - as my avionics shop put it - a "Txi in a tube"...meaning, it contains literally all the functionality of the G500 TXi in a smaller package. Again, from an interoperability standpoint, the 500 and 275 are far-superior. The installation criteria is also much less-limited on the TXi and 275. I appreciate they cost more, but you'll certainly appreciate the added levels of functionality, flexibility, and ease of use.
  9. Late to the party, but I'll throw my $0.02 in here...from doing this exercise 4 times to 3 airplanes... My answers inline above...
  10. PM me and I can give you a steer in the right dir. -Steve
  11. Right side. Similar to @Ragsf15e’s panel pic.
  12. If you have the 310bhp STC, you’re authorized to purchase the IO550N(_)B…either Factory Reman or Factory New. You’d replace the (_) with either an “8” if you don’t have air conditioning, or “39” (I believe) if you have ac. This is usually the best and most cost-efficient time to make this change…given the “N” engine variant is the same cost as the “G”.
  13. I know others on here are likely to answer this easily; however, I'd personally run this by Paul Beck at Weep No More. He'll give you an estimate based on the magnitude of your situation so you know what $$ will likely need spending, where, and when so you can plan accordingly.
  14. Not likely. He most-likely has the GAD43E driving it, or a G5 if he still has the KFC150 with a G500Txi. This is the way I was configured prior to getting the GFC500. The GAD43E sat in-between the KFC and the Txi.
  15. @NickG - that's exactly where you should be...consistently. Next thing I'll hear is that you're making TBO and beyond with that engine. :-)
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