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About lukejb

  • Birthday 06/09/1980

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    Flying Mooney Aircraft, Skiing, Fishing, Scuba.
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  1. Great. Just sent Pm.
  2. I will buy them if you can ship them.
  3. Follow up to my original post on sudden increase in oil consumption. We ended up pulling suspected cylinder and the middle ring (one of the compression rings) was broken. The other two rings (oil control ring and top compression ring) were stuck with a large amount of carbon build up in the ring grooves of the piston. I guess when the ring broke it was allowing oil to go through and caused all the carbon build up that made the other rings stick. Took it to the cylinder shop and everything is still within spec and cylinder is fine. The guys at the cylinder shop did ask if I was using camguard. I am and they said they see a lot of stuck rings and broke rings on cylinders that come into their shop and they attribute it to the use of camguard. So, Not sure if I want to continue to use the camguard now…
  4. That’s interesting. I have completely cleaned the engine from all oil and going to do some static runs next to see if I can find something without having to go fly it. Flying it just seems like with the ram air coming in the cowl it would make it too hard to find any actual leak. So after the leak fix what did your consumption go to? Seems like if I had a quart an hour that was just from a leak under the cowl there would be so much more oil than what I am seeing. There is a noticeable leak under the cowl that was not there before but it just doesn’t seem like the leak mess on engine is equal to the quart an hour I am losing. It is making the belly black too I guess that could be from breather vent or exhaust which is what I will check next.
  5. Wow! I am wondering if a broken ring can cause enough damage to require an overhaul. Did you have to do a major overhaul after this or were you able to just have cylinder work done?
  6. No not yet. I was planning to borescope the cylinders to look for any signs. I was reading a Mike bush article about how you could have broken rings I’m a cylinder and still show high compression.
  7. My engine has burned about a quart every 6 to 7 hours for a very long time. However in the last month of flying (5 or 6 flights) I have been having to add oil after every flight. From what I can tell it’s going through about a quart an hour now. It’s running great with no noticeable loss in power, oil temp and pressure seem normal. EGT and CHT seem normal (factory gauges so only get theses treading a from cylinder 4) Compressions seem very strong on all cylinders when I cycle the prop through. The belly does seem like it has a little more oil on it than it has had in the past. And there is a noticeable leak up by front two cylinders that I had not noticed with the cowl off before (but this is certainly not a quart in an hour leak). Trying to figure out best way to troubleshoot. My assumption is that I am getting blowby from rings in one or two cylinders but I was getting some blowby before too when it was only burning a quart every 6 to 7 hours so it seems like there may be something else going on that has accelerated the consumption so quickly. I pulled all of the bottom spark plugs 2 were very clean and dry and two were slightly wet and a little black but not terrible. Wanted to see what the mooneyspace opinions for troubleshooting and fixing this problem are…
  8. Mitch, I would like these if still available! Luke
  9. I have one. I bought as a backup including the CDI a few years back. I paid $250 for it and would let it go for that. It as in good condition. I can send pics if you would like. Happy to sell it as I no longer need a backup 170b for my plane.
  10. This sounds like a really good solution. My boost pump sound like it is struggling and going to need an overhaul or something soon. Do you mind sharing the cost for the overhaul?
  11. Interested. How much did you want for it?
  12. I have a polished spinner from a M20J McCauley I would sell. Its in perfect condition.
  13. Interested in the KX170B. Pm sent.
  14. I've been using WingX for 4 years now. Great program. I had Foreflight prior and really liked Foreflight as well just wanted something with an open system for the ADS-B in. Plus WingX gives there full package including advanced IFR and Synthetic vision to CFI's for free. Can't beat that! I did prefer Foreflights options for preflight planning over any of the others I had used. Foreflight would automatically load in Forecasted winds aloft and it seemed very accurate. WingX only calculates in current winds aloft. If you are planning a trip for the following day it won't calculate in forecasted winds aloft.
  15. I would like it if still available.
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