I am pretty fresh IR pilot with very few IMC approaches. Today I kind of needed to get back to KBLM,NJ after week of work at OBX. As we know the weather was really crazy last few days. Specially today with 25 knots winds at MQI and low 600' ceiling and LLWS at my destination, Belmar NJ. The ceiling was way under my personal minimums. But after few hours flying with the new GTN750 and many hours with Garmin Pilot App I felt pretty confident I can make it. I still had a good plan B and good alternative.
I did hand fly the whole time just to get into the groove in the IMC. Upon arrival I got vectored to the IF ( still waited patiently not to activate the approach ) put on hold to let another aircraft to make his approach and got cleared for the GPS32 approach. Hit " Activate approach " button and hand fly following the magenta line. Set up MP and RPM, loose some altitude, GUMPS check at the FAF and get the needle back to the center. Double check everything on my Garmin Pilot with the GDL39 which is great backup. And wow, broke out at 700' with the runway right in front of me. Nice landing in 90degrees 15 knots gust. Pretty happy about that.