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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I usually lock the baggage door since it has been known to pop open.
  2. I haven’t had 4 passengers, and with the handle pointing to left side it only be an issue for the pilot side rear passenger. If I did regularly have 4 I would probably try to find a spot in the copilot’s footwell.
  3. I don’t like the idea of blowing the oil out with compressed air, seems to me this would likely blow the sediments trapped in the filter back into the engine?
  4. Your payload with FIKI and full long range tanks might be only enough for you and 1 other passenger. Speed brakes may be something simple (lose connection, bad circuit breaker, etc), if not it will be $2000 to overhaul them. Prop strikes in the states require a tear down and inspection, I don’t know what a load test is. I assume oxygen tanks are past certification dates, here in the states you can have them recertified. I would look for one here in the USA, there’s 16 models on controller for sale, apparently you can keep the US N registration. A ferry flight in an Ovation would be relatively easy.
  5. Might want to post your location as some may want to pickup items.
  6. IIRC they were certified to 700’, no auto trim and GPS only.
  7. If you go for a short flight: Take hands off the controls when in cruise, make sure it flies reasonably straight. Turn on cabin heat, make sure your not getting exhaust leaks. Make sure all avionics are functional, autopilot, radios, etc. Ask for the fuel tanks to be filled beforehand and look for leaks. Then on the prebuy you can focus on inspecting for corrosion, engine and other big issues (airworthiness items).
  8. Whoever you pick, just don’t tell them “do a prebuy”, you tell them what you want to inspect. Im assuming you’ve already looked at it and gone for a test flight.
  9. My J doesn’t, but I have never gone to empty, maybe 7 gallons, so 25 gallon, 150lb imbalance. When I’m alone I always draw down the left tank first.
  10. Check the control surfaces when in level flight. If in level flight and they look ok, and it flies uncoordinated, I would look at the rudder. Try mounting a GoPro camera on the tail hook to see if anything is amiss, like are the gear doors remaining flush. This can happen if a gear door bracket cracks, won’t be obvious from casual inspection. I had to replace both of mine.
  11. You already have a JPI 900, why spend the extra money for no real benefit? Why not keep AV30s as backups, still need 1 G5 to backup the G3X. I would remove the annunciator.
  12. Why are you selling when you made so many upgrades recently? Didn’t even have a chance to enjoy it.
  13. Good point, maybe he had the long range tanks?
  14. The tanks actually hold a little more than spec, mine measured 65.5 when doing my JPI calibration.
  15. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/46274-modded-f-versus-j/
  16. Actually more like 50% higher, but the Js are obviously newer (up to 30 years newer) and tend to have upgraded panels.
  17. I thought they used a thermistor?
  18. I saw a blip on my analog gauge when pulling it at level cruising altitude, no measurable difference in airspeed. I pulled it the first time it broke.
  19. And the result is the intake is more efficient and doesn’t require the ram air kludge.
  20. Over the years you’ll own the plane, the acquisition costs will be dwarfed by maintenance, hangar, insurance, and fuel costs. And there’s more to a J than just a cowling and windshield modification.
  21. I made the decision after my 1st cross country, KNS80 was INOP, JPI 700 segments were not working, old 430 with no WAAS, no ADSB. It was an easy decision.
  22. Every avionics tech I’ve met is on the small side, 5’10” or less tall and very trim. This is why they like the big jobs, they will rip out the entire panel and have easy access.
  23. Smart glide, VNAV plus maybe a few others.
  24. https://www.digikey.com/en/products/filter/accessories-caps/210?s=N4IgjCBcoMwOxVAYygMwIYBsDOBTANCAPZQDaIMYM1AnCITDQKwBMYdAuoQA4AuUIAMq8ATgEsAdgHMQAX1mEWZEAAUArtgAWAAgBGa3ryITt2AO5jeSHSA6ygA As you can see there’s lots of choices, depending on your actual model of PTT switch. It’s probably a slip on and if you measure it you can filter it down to a few choices
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