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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. I do it (and teach it) during my GUMPS (or “Before Landing Checklist”) which I do on downwind or prior to the final approach fix if ifr. I prefer to just have the throttle left for a go around, but there are other techniques.
  2. You both would have been good fighter pilots. Not for taking off opposite directions, but for clear, concise communication and not freaking out!
  3. Yes it works well. The pulse ox is key. I can definitely notice a difference when I keep my pulse ox 93-97 on a flight vs 85-93. People are all different, but I found that I needed oxygen around 8k and up to keep my o2 at those levels… Im 50 and reasonably fit too… so I just use it whenever we’re cruising at 8k+ and I feel so much better, nevermind making better aviation decisions. I fly a Meridian at work and pressurization is awesome, but just use the o2 often and track the pulse ox. You’ll be fine and feel good.
  4. The plugs. One of them leaks if we fill it all the way. It’s 100% a bear to get a finger up there. I have stubby wrenches but it’s gonna be tough to get a 7/16 there. I believe you, but I’m surprised it’s not bigger. The plug has the fill tube coming out of the middle of it. Thanks for the info though. Just make sure that access door is sealed really well when you’re done so you don’t get water in there on your avionics.
  5. I was just thinking the same thing. Can you reach the two nuts on top of the hydraulic fluid can and tell me the size? I need to tighten the fill line and access is nigh impossible.
  6. The gps iPads display gps altitude and groundspeed even without the stratus too, so that’s definitely helpful! Good story.
  7. Wilmar has an excellent reputation and sees a lot of Mooneys. I’d call and talk to them with very specific questions about your situation and try to get a feel for what they think. I have not used them myself though. I also wouldn’t hesitate to use Dmax for something specific like this without Savvy. I have used them, and they treated me well.
  8. I know it’s more, but I’d rather do the 355 if you want the comm and nav combined. Avidyne 440 also a good choice. I have a 430w and like it but I wouldn’t install one now if I didn’t already have it. Whatever you do, make sure your ap is comfortable with the install because it’s going to be pretty serious… some of them would balk at that much wiring, configuring, etc. (not all)
  9. Would’ve been better if it was on the oil breather… CBs could then reuse the oil!
  10. Novus is another great option and it’s cheaper if you buy larger quantities on Amazon. You can put it in a small pump bottle or refill their pump bottle. Novus 1 for washing, 2 and 3 for trying to remove scratches. For convenience and ease of use, plexus in its original spray can is tough to beat.
  11. Yes, but it has actually worked out great for me. The previous owner (a EE by the way), had a nice J with a turbo-normalized engine that his family had for a long time. Well he “upgraded” to an SR22T without measuring the hangar doors or checking the wingspan. He sold the J, but when he got the new bird home he realized it didn’t fit! I was in a crappy rented/shared hangar but with 40’ doors. We traded. I got a great price to buy his nice, private hanger, and he got my crappy one! A year later, the owner of the crappy one kicked out the renters and turned it into a shop! Meanwhile, I own mine and the hanger prices have almost doubled! Now that I think about it, the 38’ hanger has been terrific for my situation!
  12. Mines in a 38’ wide hangar. Why the heck they built a whole row (several actually) of really nice 38’ wide hangars, I’ll never know. However, with good painted wheel lines and careful ground ops, it’s safe.
  13. If it was loose enough to cause that, there should be blue stains everywhere around it. Probably outside the cowling too. I suspect you’ll continue to notice fluctuations in fuel pressure from the electronic gages.
  14. The integration is nice. All the boxes sharing all the info. If you split garmin/jpi you have to be really careful about what is shared and how. Different setup, but I have a jpi930 with dual g5s. In order to get a TAS display I need to add Garmin’s temp probe even though I have a temp probe for the jpi and it shares the data as far as my gps (430w). A fully integrated system has definite benefits. Know what your getting.
  15. I agree with that, but it could also be a little dribble grabbed by the crazy airflow through there. The airflow is strong and hard to predict. Either way, be care With the threads. There’s lyc guidelines on tightening the injectors and getting the bleed aligned properly.
  16. I’m not gonna say it’s causing the issue, but I’d tighten the injector to make the bleed hole face up which puts the letter on the flat facing down. That’s how lyc says it should be anyway. Usually doesn’t make a huge difference, but Here’s my theory… pointing backwards, it’s subject to lower pressure as the airflow goes around it and under certain conditions, some little fuel is sucked out and sprayed up there. I didn’t say it was a great theory, but what does it cost to rotate the injector ~90 degrees?
  17. The bleed hole is opposite the letter stamped on the flat. I can just make out the letter, so bleed hole is pointing backward towards cylinder 4…
  18. Curious, who was going to take your current prop in trade? Hartzel?
  19. Id probably try removing, cleaning and reinstalling the injector first as it’s hard to “break” them. Where’s the bleed hole positioned with the correct torque?
  20. Ha! I pushed over a little once when I knew my wso was peeing. I was looking in the mirror to see his expression. Was hilarious. Luckily he couldn’t reach me to hit me, but unluckily, he threw some stuff at me including the (thankfully sealed) piddle pack.
  21. My wife successfully used a lady piddle pack in the Mooney. Once. The second time she “missed” and I ended up removing, cleaning and drying the entire interior to make sure we didn’t corrode away the whole damn thing.
  22. Yeah I figured it would work most times fine. My parents are 525nm and I do it a lot in my F with 50 gallon fuel load most times. Last weekend we did it with ~15-20kts headwind though and I had to run Lop to make it with ~12 gallons from 55. Loaded to 50 gallons on the way home with a tw and landed with 17. The winds make a huge difference.
  23. Just a minor thought as it looks great and fills most of your needs… you have the smaller fuel tanks on a C, so 500 miles will generally require full fuel tanks and may or may not be possible with a one hour reserve depending upon your winds and fuel burn. Most Cs aren’t too happy lean of peak, so don’t count on that. It will work fine often, but not always.
  24. So I figured out your perspective, and I can see that the prop governor is below the mag, not above it. My throttle cable does not have a clamp between the firewall and the bottom of the engine sump where it changes from the plastic sheathing to the metal pushrod. It is not touching the governor, though, the way it bends coming out of the firewall, keeps it along side, the copilot foot, well, and about an inch away from the governor.
  25. Ill try to get a picture of mine as I’m on this way to the airport anyway. I’m having a hard time getting the perspective of your picture though… is that an A1A with the prop gov above the right mag? Mine is a 68F.
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