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jkhirsch last won the day on April 12 2017

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  1. You're not thinking specifically thinking of a couple of the heaviest items in front of the firewall.
  2. Definitely one way to cause a spark
  3. Newer equipment weighs a lot less than it did in 1967. Very specifically two pieces shed a lot of weight.
  4. It's also a bit of a simple economic (utility) math problem when you start throwing in variables like useful load, gph, for the additional dollars spent vs the additional dollars spent on a "different airplane" when spending my dollars will yield a "different airplane." My useful load is already around 1200lbs without any modern avionics.
  5. @M20F I'm not completely stubborn, but I think this is a bit of "I want what I want" situation, but it's also outside of @M20F-1968 I don't know of another "completely upgraded" F model, caveat being the details of yours.
  6. @M20F My "old/previous" understanding of the RayJay system is that it is significantly less "problematic" than a true "turbo."
  7. After a long story over a beer, I'm now at the place where I'm planning to some money and start flying again. My plans don't have to make sense to you because I'm not spending your money Unless of course someone wants to become a fractional owner somewhere near Tampa--in that case you can message me. Lopresti mods and sloped windshield Find a TN system No particular order: "That guy's fuel senders" and a "modern engine computer." Paint job....so sad to hear that I have to go to Zephyrhills now instead of right on the field.
  8. If anyone has any leads on a turbo-normalizing system let me know please. If anyone hears anything about the availability of one let me know please.
  9. Someone made a post on nextdoor this morning about children and bad behavior on golf carts and this was a comment that I had to share with everyone...
  10. How much for the elevators

  11. I've got 2 elevators from a 67F and a complete setup for a generator that I removed when I installed an alternator. Send me a private message with a price if you are interested in the elevators. If you cover the shipping you can have the generator and additional components.
  12. Somewhere around half of what you want has been done: Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee
  13. You're source does not provide a source for his data. I be interested in seeing a source for that statistic. That's a pretty lavish claim to make without a citation.
  14. Those foolish euros I cannot believe they didn't install an airshow smoke system! The nerve of those people...
  15. Oh how I like to argue with the internet about nothing Paul By a simple combination of the facts presented here we can create a "like-ability score" exM20K = 56.88% Rich = 53.70% Therefore Rich loses, even though the other guy's post was likely a foolhardy exhibition. Now if someone would like to enter another variable into evidence I'd be glad to revise the "like-ability scores" And if someone instructs me on how to impart a negative reputation point I'll take the appropriate course of action as well.
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