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urbanti last won the day on September 8 2015

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About urbanti

  • Birthday 10/11/1962

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    Twin Comanche

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  1. Rereading this thread, its amazing how much good info and experience can be found at MS. From an initial cost/cruise speed/fuel burn/engine overhaul standpoint, I would compare 4-cylinder Mooneys that cruise 140-160 KTAS with Beech Sierras, Piper Arrows and Cessna Cardinal RGs. IMO a nice four cylinder Lycoming powered Mooney absolutely crushes all competition at this price point. I would compare 6-cylinder high performance Mooneys with Beech Bonanzas, Piper Comanche singles, Rockwell singles, Cirri and that group of aircraft that are going to cruise @ 160-170 KTAS and in some cases carry more load, and have fuel burn 13-15 gph, and engine overhaul costs closer to $50k. Best Tim
  2. We should start a new thread where somebody posts an ad for a 40-year old GA aircraft listed with “no damage history”, and the logbooks. In my experience we won’t have to look too hard in many cases to contradict that assertion, and that’s before looking at the plane in person. But, good points have been made about the importance of proper due diligence with experts to ensure that any repairs are made IAW factory data and such. Your mileage may vary, Tim
  3. I should have said, “...be skeptical of the local guy on the field who brags about how much ice his plane will carry unless he flies a DC-3!” Tim
  4. Congrats, and be super careful anytime about possibility of ice any time the temp at altitude may be near freezing. Be skeptical of the local guy at the field who brags about how much ice his plane will carry. Good luck! Tim
  5. Sir I am sure you are a nice guy, and your planes are in great shape. That being said, you are cutting yourself off from a significant portion of the modern 2019 market if you are unable to share basic documents like logbooks electronically. Good luck Tim
  6. FWIW, I have recently owned both a M20E Mooney and a F33A Bonanza (straight tail). My Bonanza insurance rate was between $1,000 & $2,000 /year, the Mooney a little under, but the F33A had a much, much higher hull value. I skimmed the thread and didn’t see a discussion of the size/weight of your family, but if you’re looking to fill the seats that could be a determinant... If you fly in both I am sure that one will obviously stand out as the right choice for you! Good luck! Tim
  7. Congrats on really nice E! Yours is like my old plane, manual gear is the best! At first be super compulsive about keeping stuff on the floor away from where the Johnson bar sits with the gear retracted. Even a thin chart on the floor will keep you from getting the JBar locked on the floor in the receptacle. If you don’t already have one, make up a tool like a wood bar with a notch in it to help manipulate the fuel tank selector on the floor between your feet. And practice with it so you could quickly switch tanks in an emergency. Get your IR as soon as you can, that plane will cover ground quick enough that you will inevitable get into weather. Also, like others said be super careful about prop clearance while taxiing on uneven pavement, and if you have a imperfect landing remember whatever you do to keep the nose up and avoid porpoising! The long low wing and short gear will allow you to make great crosswind landings, have a Mooney-specific instructor show you how. good luck! Tim
  8. Can 231s with -GB engine + intercooler + merlyn wastegate use the same numbers as -LB engined 231s w/ intercooler + merlyn wastegate? Thx Tim
  9. I just wanted to jump in to say how impressed I am with the 157 KTAS M20F... That's awesome! Tim
  10. Daver328 - No disrespect to the C models! I was solely looking at the cruise requirement of 150 KTAS. In all of the objective tests online I've never seen a C do that kinda cruise. Agree C's are very nice airplanes best Tim
  11. I think you should be able to look at M20Es in that price range. Unsure if you'll get a modern autopilot with altitude hold. Call around to the bigger MSC's and tell them you're looking for a decent E and they may turn you on to a well-cared-for bird that isn't even on the market yet. If you want suggestions on who to contact PM me, best Tim
  12. Haha flight2000 beat me to it.... the C model you're looking for is called an E or a J! Good luck Tim
  13. I am intimately familiar with the ownership and operating costs of 172s, Mooney M20s, and Beech Bonanzas. IMO vintage Mooney's are a super inexpensive way to get 150'ish knots KTAS and complex hours in your logbook. In addition to the lower purchase cost than Cirruses, Bonanzas and many Commanches, the vintage Mooneys are going to have lower fuel consumption, and the engines will be significantly cheaper to overhaul/replace. good luck! Tim
  14. Postscript: N79835 has 3-rivet pads installed
  15. thanks for all of the replies! Tim
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