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Everything posted by Skypylott

  1. Call Lake Aero Styling in California the should have what you need.
  2. Looks like a pretty nice airplane to be parting out! I would like to have the Brittian autopilot stuff you have if you let me knowable! Also could use left main gear door and baggage door stop off the C model. I'll check when I get to shop if I need anything else. I have a 1962 C model and a M22 Mustang. Tom Granite Mountain Aviation, L.L.C. skypilot1@cableone.net
  3. May know someone who is interested in the wing, he has an M20E with a damaged wing. Tom 928-443-8509
  4. Interested in 530W if still available! I'm assuming no rack, connector or antenna? I have all that if someone else buys it and they need it. Tom Granite Mountain Aviation, L.L.C.
  5. If it's a 71 I would be interested in the instrument panels for the standard instrument lay out Thanks Tom Granite Mountain Aviation, LLC skypilot1@cableone.net
  6. I have a Mustang, a good airplane that was before it's time! Problem with this aircraft is parts avialbility mostly engine parts practilly nothing available for engine. I just had all new glass made for mine at a cost of 11K. They used my old glass to make molds and make me new. Mustang is a fast well designed pressurized and unique aircraft but it's not an airplane for someone that can't do there own work and doesn't want to be challenged to keep it flying. Good luck! Tom
  7. It's a scam happens every once in a while. They will have you pay for it first and you will never get it! Always remember if it's to good to be true it is! Stay away! The going rate for a 430W is 6500.00! Tom
  8. Does anyone know anything about Ultimate Door Seals in California? I paid Craig in full for a inflatable door seal and he never sent it and now won't answer or return phone calls! Has anyone had contact with them recently?
  9. I have been looking and waiting for Brittain to come up with the necessary components for about 3 years. Very hard to come by, I have the AccuTrak and AccuFlite in my Mustang and really would like to complete the install by adding the altitude hold portion. I made the provisions in my instrument panel when I made new panel too
  10. You can probably have one manufactured by Custom Aircraft Parts in El Cajon California. 800-561-1901 ask for Clinton. If that doesn't work for you email me direct skypilot1@cableone.net and I'll see if I can help more. Tom Granite Mountain Aviation, L.L.C.
  11. I have a nice 3" 6 cylinder EDM800 how much trade in are you allowing. I don't have probes but I guarantee to to be a good one I removed it from my Mooney M22 Mustang when I upgraded to EDM830. I had just paid JPI to change it from a 2" to 3" gauge because of my panel needs, then decided to upgrade to the EDM830. Tom Granite Mountain Aviation, L.L.C.
  12. I would try Lake Aero Styling, White Industries, Faeth Aircraft, etc. there are several salvage yards around someone is bound to have one. Lake Aero Styling specialize in Mooney's but there are several other places that would have one they were on hundreds of Mooney's in the 60s. Dodson Aircraft parts, Texas Air Salvage, Preferred Airparts, you'll find one. Try KRN Aviation too there is one out there! Tom
  13. I would like to buy this transponder. Email to skypilot1@cableone.net details how I can make this purchase. Tom Granite Mountain Aviation, LLC
  14. You don't need a switch or annunciator if you have a dedicated indicator for the GPS only. You should be able to find what you are looking for quite easily on eBay.
  15. Abe, There is one on eBay now for $400.00 buy it now bench tested and guaranteed for 30 days. Go to ebay motors and type in KI-211C and it comes up first. There are two others below that but I didn't look at the details of those.
  16. My cost for the generator overhauled by Falcon is $226.05 and the G1500N controller is $147.20. There doesn't appear to be a core charge for either which seems strange. The usual rate for used equipment like that is 50% of new. Granite Mountain Aviation, L.L.C.
  17. Andre, I have a local FBO in Prescott, Arizona and have a very large parts department. I will either have or can easily acquire whatever parts you might need and can ship UPS out of country. If you like you can email your needs and we can communicate by email @ skypilot1@cableone.net Thanks Tom Granite Mountain Aviation, L.L.C.
  18. I have been on waiting list for altitude hold system from Brittain for like 3years or maybe a little longer, not sure it will ever happen. Didn't have any trouble getting an AccuFlite and AccuTrak system plus the HSI interconnect though. Unfortunately I had a nose gear collapse on my M22 Mustang this past Thursday. Not sure what will be it's fate with insurance company if it will somehow get fixed or sent to salvage yard somewhere:-( Tom
  19. I can use the brake linings and if no one else need it I will put the M800 face plate to use and install an M800 in my Mustang. Thanks Tom Granite Mountain Aviation, L.L.C. 6543 Crystal Lane Prescott, Arizona 86301 928-443-8509
  20. Faeth Aircraft in Calfornia 916-368-1832 can repair these items very reasonable, cheaper than buying new for sure.
  21. If no one else has asked I would love to have it I have a 430 in my Mooney Mustang but no Manual. Thank You Tom Granite Mountain Aviation, L.L.C. 6543 Crystal Lane Prescott, Arizona 86301
  22. Be careful it all has to do with DOT (Department of Transportation) approval. You can get away with it until you get caught.
  23. If your airplane has PC which I'm sure it probably does the turn coordinator should have a roll trim knob on it. If it does it's made by Brittian Industries in Tulsa, Oklahoma. You can call Jerry Walters at Brittian and he will hook you up better and cheaper than anyone. Jerry is one of the nicest and most helpful guys I know. 918-836-7701 tell him Tom from Granite Mountain Aviation, L.L.C. in Prescott, Arizona told you to call. Tom
  24. Two choices Lopresti Hubba Hubba hubcaps 1-877-565-1731 or 1-772-562-4757, or Lake Aero Styling for new stainless or white used 1-800-954-5619 or 1-717-263-0412. Tom
  25. Dang, just tried to visit my own website and it says it has been disabled I need to find out why
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