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Everything posted by rockydoc

  1. Does anyone know anything about this "Clarkson Flight Control" wing leveler system. I had assumed that I had a PC System on my M20B until I started looking for the LH yoke mounted switch and couldn.t find one. The system I have is mounted under the instrument panel on the left side of the Johnson Bar. It is a round guage looking piece of equipment that says, "Clarkson Flight Control." On the bottom left corner is a push-pull knurled button that you pull to turn ON. On the bottom right corner is a knurled knob that says, "Sensor." Thanks for any input from you guys.
  2. Before I took delivery of my Mooney, I read the postings on this forum about the convenience of having rudder pedal extensions so I purchased a new pair from a forum member for $200. Now that I have my Mooney and have flown it a few dozen hours, I find that I don't need them. I would like to sell them to another member for the $200 I paid for them. Any takers? Rockydoc.
  3. Where can I find operating instructions for the PC Control on my M20B? Its not a part of the owner's manual. Thanks.
  4. Where can I find instructions for operating the PC system on my M20B?
  5. Where can I find an on-line copy of the flat rate labor manual for an M20B?
  6. What is the time normally billed to R&R a starter on a M20B plus installation of the cable extension for the cable from the solenoid to the starter? Also, the time to R&R the spinner on the M20B. thanks
  7. I just sent an email to the AOPA asking them if they will provide us with legal services should we find ourselves in this situation and refuse to say anything until we have a lawyer present. Maybe others of this forum could do the same thing. Possibly this could heighten the awareness of the AOPA to the importance of this issue with its members.
  8. I very much liked the way you put it. Plain and simple. Our government is using heavy handed tactics to intimidate us. I feel the only reason they continue to do this is because not enough of us are challenging them. Most of us know we're innocent of any wrong doing so we tolerate such abusive tactics feeling that that is the best way to put it behind us. The common man doesn't have an advocate in these kind of situations. I have been a member of the AOPA for years. I have reaped much benefit from that membership. I would hope that they could take this on as a "cause" and have their legal department consistently file objections to this kind of "disrespectful" treatment. I am not overly hopeful this will happen, but "hope springs eternal."
  9. What is the best way to get access to the flap pump and its adjustment screw. Also, what is the procedure for bleeding the system? Thanks for the info.
  10. After reading all of these postings and the articles, i have come to a conclusion. i.e. should I ever be approached by the FAA for a ramp inspection, I will tell them I don't have time right now and I want them to schedule an appointment with me for a more convenient time. Also, I will refuse them entry to my airplane. Secondly, I do a lot of cross country flying (west to east, east to west), should i ever be approached by the FBI, DEA, Homeland Security or any other law enforcement agency, I will IMMEDIATELY ask them if i am free to leave. If they say yes, I will leave. if they say no, I will IMMEDIATELY tell them I want a lawyer to be provided for me. I am at peace with this decision. Thank all of you for your input on helping me to arrive at this decision.
  11. I think that ads related to Mooneys would be a useful addition and everyone would benefit from it. I agree though, pop ups are so annoying and/or any ad that produces noise or other gimmicks to MAKE you notice them. The Barnstormers format is very acceptable to me. Good luck on finding a solution that will appeal to your prospective advertisers and thereby compensate you for your time in offering such a great site to all of us.
  12. I get the idea and understand now what you purchased. I think I'll order the same as you minus the cup. I'd appreciate the photos whenever you get time to get by your hangar. Cheers
  13. Let me know what you wind up doing. I've got the same problem in my B model which does not have the screw in type drains, meaning that Mooney SB M20-188A applies to me. I don't relish having to make that complex a repair for a minor drip, but it appears there is no other recourse.
  14. Seems like that would probably work with an FAA ramp check, but 1) would your give the FAA inspector permission to enter your airplane? 2) how about dealing with Homeland Security like the prior experiences of several. i.e. Would you just say, "I want a lawyer."
  16. OK. I found several cockpit armrest options on Sporty's site. Which one(s) did you use and how difficult was the installation?
  17. I LIKE it. Would you share the Sporty's info so I too can buy one?
  18. Reading these comments by my fellow forum members encourages me greatly. The principals our country was founded on are alive. Hooray!
  19. thanks for the info. i.e. 120mph @ 60 degrees bank. I'm having a difficult time deciphering the other numbers. Would you explain them please. Thanks
  20. So Dale, I very much appreciate your expert opinion. I have a couple of questions. First, Since a ramp check is mandated by FAR's, while we can put it off and refuse the inspector admittance to the inside of our airplane, the only legally mandated information we have to give is to produce our documents. Right? Second, I have been under the impression that if you are being questioned or detained by Homeland Security that you do not have the right to have an attorney nor do you have the right to notify anyone where you are being held. If that is the case, how is the best way to deal with Homeland Security should they start questioning you and decide to detain you if you don't answer their questions? thanks
  21. Wow! Do I ever feel ignorant. What are "rigging boards?"
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