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Everything posted by rockydoc

  1. The registration had not lapsed. I submitted BOS and Original Registration App with original signatures. I have checked the FAA website where it clearly states that the only 3 things required are what you mentioned and what I submitted.
  2. After I purchased my Mooney, I sent in the FAA Bill of Sale and Application for New Registration--all with original signatures. The FAA has since contacted the seller and asked him to return the original registration and AWC to the FAA. The FAA has made no attempt to contact me. When I check the FAA website for the N number, it says that there "MAYBE" a problem with the registration. I then check for cancelled registrations. The FAA website says that the aircraft is not on the list of N numbers to be cancelled. Is this SOP to return original Registration and AWC to the FAA before receiving the new documents?
  3. Yeah, me too. But, I'm trying to upgrade! lol
  4. Has anyone installed a PRT in an M20? If so, how?
  5. I've tried the iPad reboot, but not uninstalling and re-installing ForeFlight. If I do that, would there be any chance that I loose all of the charts, airport info, etc., etc. that I have previously downloaded?
  6. I had the same problem. Just withdrew the cable out of the housing and soldered a new piece of ss fencing wire onto the end of the control end, put it back in, cut it to length and it works perfect. But, you have to have the 1/8" ball bearing which is what makes it lock in place. Simple deal really.
  7. This thread is a perfect example of why I value this forum so much. Being able to get information from so many experienced Mooney pilots...so many points of view. I bought my first Mooney on June 6 this year. Thanks to this group, I was able to transition into the airplane in a safe manner with full confidence that I could safely operate the machine. I had to do a "go around" with only four cross country hours because I porpised. I was able to execute it safely without complications. You guys are THE best. i don't think I could feel safe flying my Mooney without the support that you guys give me. Thank you so much.
  8. This thread is a perfect example of why I value this forum so much. Being able to get information from so many experienced Mooney pilots...so many points of view. I bought my first Mooney on June 6 this year. Thanks to this group, I was able to transition into the airplane in a safe manner with full confidence that I could safely operate the machine. I had to do a "go around" with only four cross country hours because I porpised. I was able to execute it safely without complications. You guys are THE best. i don't think I could feel safe flying my Mooney without the support that you guys give me. Thank you so much.
  9. Thanks for the detailed explanation. When my gear is up and I unlatch the bar from the floor and release it, it does indeed stabalize at the 45 degree point you mention. So, according to what you said, that means nothing is wrong with the bungee cords, eh? How does that relate to "preloads?"
  10. Great suggestion. That's what I'll do. Unfortunately, Arapahoe Aero at APA in Denver is the shop I'll go to and Scott won't do anything on a flat rate--ALWAYS $100/hr regardless of what it is.
  11. Based on these few responses, it appears that i must have a rigging or bungee problem or some other mechanical issue. I consistently try everything that each of you have mentioned. It has never been possible to raise easily with a thumb and index finger. i have to grip it with my whole hand and put my body weight into it while putting down pressure on the elevator and loosing a little altitude keeping my airspeed around 80.
  12. Since I purchased the old bird, i put 150+ hours on her and still have not mastered smoothe and consistent raising of the manual landing gears with the JBar. I rotate at 60-65, establish climb, get out of ground effect and then try to raise them. Occassionally, the JBar movement to the up and locked position is smooth. I don't know if its me or if its the rigging. So, two questions: 1) what is the correct procedure to raise the gear with the JBar; 2) How can I determine if the rigging is alright without taking it to a MSC (I live in Mexico). Thanks.
  13. After I upgraded to IOS7, I lost all of my waypoints, routes, etc. Anyone know if there is anything I can do about this other than re-enter them?
  14. What did Don charge for the rigging work?
  15. thanks for the info.
  16. Thanks for taking the time to walk me through such a detailed explanation and process. I'll experiment with it and see if I can make it work for my bird.
  17. So, if I'm understanding this LOP procedure, I should lean to peak and then further lean to 50 over peak using EGT. I'll certainly give it a try, but it seems that in the past when I have "over leaned" that the engine starts to stumble and i always assumed, would become fuel starved and quit. Help me understand please. BTW, I have a M20B.
  18. Where can I find the correct procedure for connecting the fuel line from a ferry tank to my existing fuel system?
  19. Does LOP apply ONLY to turbo charged engines?
  20. Don't mean to show my ignorance, but I have the same problem on one tank and would like to first check my "fuel senders." What are they, where are they and how do I get access to them on each wing? Thanks for bearing with me.
  21. I am in need of the control cables for both the retractable step and the cowl flaps for my 1961 M20B. Please PM me if you have one or both available for sale. Also, I need to know the part numbers for them both in case no one has them available. Any help will be appreciated. Cheers,
  22. Thanks for the info. I sent them an email today. Will let you know what they respond. David
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