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Everything posted by ncdmtb

  1. Welcome! This is a great place to learn a lot about Mooneys. Many knowledgable folks here. My Mooney is also based in Germany. There are quite few EU based aircraft represented here, Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Thanks for all the good advice! @N9495V: did you also test the Jeppesen VFR Mobile FD? I used it yesterday and really liked it. If you a compared the two, it would be great to get your feedback on the comparison. I used Air Navigation Pro a few times, but I find all the features overkill; seems more like a toy for flight sim, than anything you can use as a single pilot in the cockpit. The problem with Jeppesen is the cost, plus it doesn't have IFR. For IFR I am planning to give the new app from Rocket Route "World Airways" a go. I am quite impressed with Rocket Route and use it for IFR filing and SID/STARs and approach plates. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Hmmhhh.....technology is failing on me. The post appears numerous times, but no video. I'll try to figure out and fix...
  4. Quick flight over the Zugspitze. Highest mountain in Germany. Flew at FL115. There was some turbulence and We encountered down drafts of over 1.000ft/min so I did not cross the ridges too low. On the way back to my homebase in Augsburg, we had some good tail winds coming off of the mountains and flew at over 190knots. Gotta love those Mooneys!
  5. Quick flight over the Zugspitze. Highest mountain in Germany. Flew at FL115. There was some turbulence and We encountered down drafts of over 1.000ft/min so I did not cross the ridges too low. On the way back to my homebase in Augsburg, we had some good tail winds coming off of the mountains and flew at over 190knots. Gotta love those Mooneys!
  6. Quick flight over the Zugspitze. Highest mountain in Germany. Flew at FL115. There was some turbulence and We encountered down drafts of over 1.000ft/min so I did not cross the ridges too low. On the way back to my homebase in Aigsburg, we had some good tail winds coming off of the mountains and flew at over 190knots. Gotta love those Mooneys!
  7. Quick flight over the Zugspitze. Highest mountain in Germany. Flew at FL115. There was some turbulence and We encountered down drafts of over 1.000ft/min so I did not cross the ridges too low. On the way back to my homebase in Augsburg, we had some good tail winds coming off of the mountains and flew at over 190knots. Gotta love those Mooneys!
  8. I let my membership lapse in 1996 or there abouts. I rejoined 2 years ago. I like getting the magazine and they did a good job helping me through the process of buying my first aircraft. I live in Germany and am a member of both AOPA in the US and AOPA in Germany. The German organization doesn't really offer me much value, besides keeping me abreast of all the EASA changes (which are a ton) and how they relate to my FAA ticket and my N-reged Mooney which is based in Germany. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. ho, ho, ho ... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Do you find Sky Demon better than Air Nav Pro? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Santa brought me an EFB in the form of an iPad mini with retina display. I was wondering what apps other pilots are using. I fly in Europe and use Rocket Route for IFR (filing, plates, enroute charts). So I have installed that already. Since Jeppesen will not continue to support VFR charts in EU, I am thinking going digital on this front too. I will also install the FAR/AIM and the Mooney MAPA guide. Any other apps that would flying more fun, safe and comfortable? What would you recommend I install?
  12. I am looking for some advice on preheating. My plane is in an unheated hangar. I fly at ground temps of slightly below freezing. Should I preheat? What do I need/ what should I do?
  13. I borrowed my wifes mini and tested it with a RAM yoke mount. I really liked it. I have a large iPad, but I rarely use it because I find it too large for the cockpit.
  14. Thanks for sharing this. I take an iPad as a back-up, but I rarely use it. With Jeppesen winding down their sectionals in Europe I am looking at gong digital for maps. May just check out the mini. Do you use it for maps too?
  15. I am a US American living near Munich and flying my N-reg Mooney out of Augsburg, Germany. I work near Dortmund (EDLW) so I fly that stretch every now and then. I visited Tannkosh this year and stopped by the European Mooney Club. Most I met where Germans. Many flying N-reg. The EASA airworthiness requirements can realy make you scratch your head. In particular if you are familiar with the FAA ;-) The planes here are typically owned by US trusts. Many fly on their FAA ticket and some have an EASA conversion. I fly on both tickets.
  16. I couldn't agree more! Go to an FBO on a Saturday morning (in nice weather) and try to rent a plane on a moments notice. Telling them the total flight time will be about 3 hours and you have no idea when you intend to return the plane. Maybe this evening, but then again, maybe not until Sunday. Thatis the cost one needs to compare with ;-)
  17. The vast majority of pilots I have meet on this forum are based in North America. On occasion I run across folks here who are also based in Europe. It would be interesting to see how many (of the active members/forum posters) are based in Europe.
  18. As others have pointed out, find a way to "use" flying. I couldn't imagine just flying the pattern!? I try to use my plane for work. Typically I commute commercial, a lot chaeper than flying myself with avgas at north of 15$ in Germany and user fees well established :-( But I still have flights, where it is actually not more expensive to fly myself. I also use it for my freetime. (of which I have much too little). So the airplane is a great way to that. Living in Europe it is just a quick jaunt to escape to France, Italy or other cool places for the day. Keep searching, and you will find your "flying purpose" ;-)
  19. Thanks for sharing the video. A real good tutorial. I just watched and learned lots about tires! How oftern do folks check their tire pressure? What gauge do you use? I infrequently check the tires with the compressor. Always a big pain.....I will now move to a more regular check...
  20. Indeed pretty cool! Looks like you have enough great photos to bring out a 2014 Mooney calender!
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