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Everything posted by ncdmtb

  1. My "wing walk" is not looking best anymore. What is the best way to repair? Does the old stuff need to be removed? Do you just "paint" over the old to fill the holes? What kind of a compound is neeed? How to proceed? Since this is totally new for me, any advice is much appreciated. Here are some pictures of what the "wing walk" looks like: Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. My wife bought me one for my birthday! Unfortunately I have not received it, as they are having availability issues with the watch in Europe. Hope to get it in the next weeks. I am glad to hear you like. I am also quite excited to check it put.... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Some of you may recall my posts after Christmas regarding my fractured spinner. I was not able to find any information of the part number needed. So it was quite some detective work. Thanks for those who helped me figure it out. I then found a spinner in German and one in UK. The costs where really high - almost $1800!!! I ended up ordering one from Lasar for under $600. The service was great! Dan FedExed it over and I had it a few days later. It then turned out that the back plates didn't fit. It looks like one of the previous owners just bought "some spinner" and had somebody "drill around" until it fit. Even Lasar could not figure out what parts those where based on pictures. So I needed to then also order new back plates. Again from Lasar. Another week lost. This past week the new spinner was installed and I finally took it for a test flight today!! It was so great to get up in the air again. It's been over three weeks!! Now I just need to figure out how to polish the puppy. If I would have ordered a polished one, it would have taken over a month to get the part. I'll probably post a separate topic on how to get it polished.... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks Ben. Fortunately I do not need a trust, since I am a US citizen. That is what is adding some complexity, since the partnership that previously owned the aircraft also had a trust. So the aircraft is actually registered with a german address. I am not familiar with the noise certificates ;-) Any advice you have for me on what makes sense to do? Nick Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. In the past year I have had 2 ramp checks in Germany. There were both quite thorough. They did not I showed them all the docs, so I am not sure if I would have held anything back, if they would have asked. But it's a lot easier just to have the stuff in order to avoid hassle. I hear that the Swiss can be quite difficult. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. I started using an iPad as my EFB. I tried to use iBooks (via cloud) to organize my PDF manuals. Either I am too stupid to figure it out, or it is not working as it should. (They are not showing up on my iPad, only on my Mac) What iPad App do others use to organize their electronic documentation/manuals (PDF files)? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Thanks for sharing! Great video! Was that a three point landing at end ;-)
  8. Some more information for our "international flying friends": I applied for Radio Station License via the website. I was somewhat irritated, since it did not accept my address. The system insisted I use a US address format, but I live in Germany. When I applied for my Radio Operators License I had no issue entering a foreign address and my FRN account has my foreign address on record. So I gave them a call to clarify. They explained to me, that it is common for foreign pilots holding FAA licenses to apply for a radio station license so that is covered. When it comes to N-registered aircraft however the reasoning is, they need to be registered in the US, hence the requirement to only accept a US address; the actual requirement however, is that the holder needs to be US citizen and place of residence/registration is irrelevant. Which brings me to "my use case": a US citizen living in foreign country can register an aircraft with the FAA at a foreign homebase/holder's address. This is not covered by the FCC. So they advised my to use the address of my sister in the US - she will then need to send the license to me. All related correspondance, will however also go to her.
  9. Thanks! Since the plane is operating internationally, I will get the FCC Form 605 rolling….
  10. When an aircraft is registered to a new holder, is it neccessary to apply for a new FCC Radio Station License. Note: the aircraft is N-registered, but based in Germany, i.e. international. -Nick
  11. Thanks for the extensive and good response. I have (based on advice from this thread) just started the ground school using King Schools. I am currently planning two trips "home" to the US this year. The first one will be pretty short - just a long weekend for a family event; but I will get a little flying in. I am shooting for April. I will take my written test and meet up with my instructor then (he is the same CFI I did my IFR with) and try to get a few hours in. I will go through my log book with him and review all the requirements. A friend on mine in Germany is an FAA certified CFI (he is actually the guy I bought the Mooney from). I will try to fill some of the "requirements" with him (e.g. cross country). Then latest in late summer/early fall I will head back to the US to finish up the training and take the practical. Since I will not be taking lessons/test with my Mooney - I will need to familiarize myself with a different aircraft. They have quite a few airplanes, mainly C172. But they do have a few 182´s and a Piper Turbo Arrow. I´ll need to see what will meet the requirements best. -Nick
  12. >>Type Certificate Data Sheet as found on the FAA website will spell it out nicely. I have a spare if needed. Thanks. I ended reaching out to Lasar. They knew exactly what part I needed. They sent it out on Friday and it arrived in Germany today! Hopefully I can go give it a test flight over the weekend ;-) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. >>Where are you going to do your training in the US? I will be flying out of Centennial Airport (KAPA), Denver, CO. I am a member there of the Aspen Flying Club and fly with them when I visit my sister in Denver. I also did my IFR there in 2012. They don't have a Mooney, so I will most likely do my training in a 182. -Nick Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Thanks Andrew! Regarding the King Schools course - is that 100% online? Or does it include material that is mailed (e.g. Books)? -Nick
  15. I am looking for some advice on getting my commercial. I currently live in Germany, but I am planning to visit my sister end of April for 2 weeks. I would like to use that visit to get my commercial. I am not looking at perusing a career as pilot (I am 45 and my career has already taken a different path ;-) but I like the idea of being able to fly skydivers, parcels, or people for a fee, or become a CFI.) I already have a CFI lined up - the same one I got my IFR with in 2012. I am thinking about using Gleim for the self study ground school (I used Gleim for my IFR and was quite pleased with it). I would do the self study ground school here in Germany from my PC and then when I arrive in the US I would take the written right after I arrive so I can then focus on the practical part and my exam. I would take the dual and fill the rest of the requirements. I have approx 220hrs and not recent/relevant night experience. Ideally I would try to get my night experience in before I head over, but if not I would do this in the US. Those with a CPL - how did you do it? Anyone take a similar path to mine? Is that realistic? What self study ground school do you recommend? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Thanks for sharing. Indeed a pretty cool solution. I am going to start night flying my Mooney this year, so I will pick some up and give those a shoot. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Thx for the tip. I ended up ordering one from Lasar. That way I know what I am getting and have the appropriate paperwork.
  18. I am looking for a (used) spinner for my M20E. My prop is a Hartzell HC-C2YK-1BF. I was not able to find a part no, but based on the Hartzell manual it looks like the P/N should be 835-20, 835-33 or 835-33P. Ideally a polished spinner. denissenmail@yahoo.com -Nick
  19. I just watched a few episodes on youtube. Quite entertaining. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. My 64E has a hand crank step. I have never used it, since I am afraid it may brake ;-) Neither I nor my passengers ever missed it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. How can I find out what part no. my spinner for my 1964 M20E has? I have details on the prop, but I was not able to find anything for the spinner. Note: I have not yet removed the spinner, so maybe there is something etched on the inside. I need to get a replacement spinner and need to have a part no.
  22. Around 55 hr. All in my Mooney.
  23. During my preflight today, I noticed that my spinner has a hairline crack. This is the first time I noticed it, so I am not sure if it just started up, or if it has been around and I just haven´t noticed it yet. I decided not to fly until I have the issue resolved. I have a 1964 M20E. The plane just had a recent annual in September. Prop was removed and checked during the annual. The shop did not mention any issues at the time. Since there are so many experienced folks on this forum, I would like to hear what your thoughts are on this. Have others had this problem? How did you deal with it? Would you have also not fly until fixed? Would you (a) buy a new spinner, ( try to find used one, or ( c) try to get it fixed?
  24. I flew with the large iPad and found it too cumbersome. My wife gave me an iPad mini w/retina for Christmas. It is great. I already flew a few times with it, using it for VFR charts ( Jeppesen Mobile FD). Tomorrow I plan to take an IFR trip and will give it a shot with enroute charts and plates (Rocket route). It is great to read and nice and small.
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