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Everything posted by ncdmtb

  1. Hi Ben, In addition to my FAA ticket I received my EASA PPL from Germany/LBA (did not convert my CPL or IR though.) I have level 6 on my license. I was awarded this based on a verbal "test"/conversation, in addition to supplying them with my transcripts from US universities proving that I completed undergrad and grad work in English. Keep in mind I am also a US citizen. Good luck! -Nick
  2. On Friday there is a solar eclipse in Germany. I may flying a 2hr cross country during that time. Any concerns I should have? Anything particular to watch out for/be aware of? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Last Saturday I flew to Pula, Croatia (from Augsburg, Germany). I crossed the Alps at FL160 in my 1964 M20E and had a smooth ride. When I passed through FL080 during the approach, the "bora" started to hit me. The "Bora" is a "mountain wind" in the Adriatic region. I landed on 09 in Pula. A nice long (10,000´) and wide (150´) runway - so plenty of room. When I landed the wind was from 04 at 25knots gusting to 33knots; so a 19-25knot crosswind. I only have about 150hours in the Mooney and it was the strongest crosswind I encountered yet. I was "tense and focused" and was concerned if I was about to exceed my limits. I know my POH has 15knots as max "demonstrated". The landing went well. When I took off the wind was not much better. Even when I was flying about 100mph, the stall warning was going due to the gusts (both on approach and departure). I was "extremely tense", but confident in what I was doing. I had one passenger, who is also a pilot. If I would have had a "non-pilot"/"nervous passenger" - I would have diverted to another airport. I would like to hear what others have flown in crosswind wise? Was this "foolish" of me? Or is that a normal part of "testing limits"?
  4. I have heard a lot about Foreflight. Unfortunately it is not available in Europe, so that is not an option for me. I will be one of the first to switch, when it becomes available though ;-) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Which FAR/AIM do you use for your electronic flight bag? I am wondering which FAR/AIM version you use? ASA, Sporty's, etc. there are quite a few choices. Which one is best? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. I just had a check flight a few weeks ago in Germany with an examiner of the LBA (german equiv FAA). I had to do the check flight in a D-registered aircraft so I couldn't use my Mooney (did it in a C172). We did engine out - and he actually had me turn the engine off. We then brought the plane into a high nose up attitude to get the prop to stop turning. Then I had a few minutes to circle to land. Has anyone done similar? First for me... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I do not believe it was properly latched. If so, I do not think it could have opened. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. While we are on this topic...I once had the canopy of a glider open during a winch start. It was an old glider and I was hanging on the winch at about 300feet when the canopy poped open. I held the stick in one hand and closed the canopy on the KA6. That was the biggest test of my "nerves" todate ;-) I will now add "lock luggage door" to me pre-floght. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Today I flew my M20E. During T/O I noticed something was not right. I was at about 60-65 kts and felt "cold". I have a Lightspeed PFX headset, but I noticed a distinct change in "sound". Turned out the luggage door poped open. I broke off the T/O, exited the runway, pulled over and closed the door. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I am certain the door was closed, but I didn't lock it. I am thinking about adding "locking baggage door" to my pre-flight. What do others do? Any similar experiences? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Approx 100 hrs Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. I have no experience with flight simulators (other than the redbird I used for my IFR training). I would like to get a flight sim for my macbook (w/peripherals?) to practice instrument approaches when the weather is really bad (like today). Main objective is to practice instrument scan and "learn approaches" before I actually go fly them. Since I am still a novice IR pilot, I have not even flown missed approaches (since my personal minimums are so high, that the need has not yet arisen), but I would like to also practice those. Any advice/recommendations? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Nice video! How did you mount the camera on the tail? Can you share a picture of it? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. The temp will probably be 70F and the elevation 2000' Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Good question. I am not sure. My best guess - it is an airport for gliders. There are a few engine planes stationed there to tow the gliders. The extended threshold is use to set up the glider being towed. I think the surface is no different then the "runway". Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Thanks for all the great feedback. I got some more information on the runway. It has a really long displaced threshold, making the effective landing distance almost 2.300' (see the google maps picture). So it doesn't seem quite as dramatic as it did on first glance. But I will most likely drop off the passengers at a different airport (unfortunately a 60min car ride away) and then fly in in on my own. I'll sleep over it ;-) The flight would be tomorrow. I am heading in for an airshow. I'll take my virb and post (if I decide to do the trip....) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. I typically fly into larger airports with long paved runways and am never really concerned about "short field" landings. This weekend I am flying into a smaller airfield with a 1,500' paved runway. For those of you who fly into shorter fields, what is your preferred "short field landing" technique. I will be flying in with 2 passengers and pretty heavy on the fuel, i.e. Pretty much close to max weight. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. The weather is not favorable. I will not go. Any other ideas for a "flyin" sometime soon? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. I had preordered the new Lightspeed PFX headset and have flown around 15hours since. I am very impressed. It is the first active headset I have owned, so I have no comparison to others. I upgraded from a passive David Clark (which I still love and now my "co-pilot" will be able to use.) The quality of the PFX is very impressive. It is extremely comfortable (with sunglasses) and even on longer flights I did not really sweat. The sound quality is excellent. The case is very robust; I even had it in my softshell suitcase which I checked in with the airlines recently. I very happy with my decision to upgrade and for those looking to get a new headset - I can really recommend. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. They don't answer the phone...but it looks like Gdansk is the nearest alternative. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Hmmhhh...I will give them a call tomorrow. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. I am flying to Gydnia, Poland for the Red Bull Air Race. Any others want to come? Make it a Mooney get together? Airport EPOK
  22. I have not yet upgraded to 8,33 yet and fly IFR all time (Germany, France). Will be flying to Poland next weekend. I am upgrading to a GTN650 and will be compliant soon, but so far no issues.
  23. Update: I got my Commercial last week! I ended up using King Schools for ground school and did my written at PSI in Centennial, CO. I took lessons in a Cessna 182RG from Aspen Flying Club with the same great CFI I did my IFR with. He prepared me well and I very much enjoyed learning the commercial maneuvers. The C182RG flies like a "dog" compared to our Mooneys. I had full back trim during landings and still broke a sweat pulling back to rotate. If our Mooneys handle like a porsche, the 182RG handled like a dump truck. But I got my CPL!!!! :-))
  24. Nice!! What did it cost? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Thanks for the recomendation Dave. I just gave Larry a call and had a friendly talk about the options. They do their CPL with a Seminole, but he can also get 210. Maybe I will try to do the CPL and Multi Engine in one wash. It always has been a dream of mine to also get a multi... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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