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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2012 in all areas

  1. I know there has been some discussion on the subject of pre-heating so here's what I built for my hangared airplane. It may not work for everyone, but this setup has worked well for me in Texas where we're not hammered like the guys up north. I used it today and here are the findings- Ambient hangar temp- 31 degrees Time heater was used-4.5 hours Lasar gun temp of crankcase-33 degrees Lasar gun temp of crankcase after 4.5 hours-78 degrees 1300/1500w heater from Home Depot-$19.95 Flexable vent hose-$14.00 Scrap thin plywood- $0
    1 point
  2. I found it funny today. We flew from Boca to Ft Myers to drop off my wife's aunt and her daughter. We laid down the 97 miles in about 40 minutes, and burned up 7 gallons of gas. On descent into KRSW, we were told to slow up 20 knots for an Airbus 320 on final for sequencing. We were doing about 180 KIAS in the descent. Then we were told to slow up another 20 knots. Its not often I have to slow up 40 knots for an airliner. Love those Mooneys.
    1 point
  3. Flames on Christmas?! Only if the tree catches on fire... IMHO opinion, it is all over priced. And if you really want to get to basics, why fly at all? Really, who absolutely needs to fly? Maybe if you own a business and want to see lots of customers both existing and potential. For the rest of us, it is a hobby. When you calculate out the actual costs, it would be cheaper to have a drug habit. As for the avionics cost, it falls in line with everything else overpriced in this market. Why is a LED landing light $249 and a similar set of off-road auto LEDs a third or less of that cost. They got us just where they need us, in a limited sized market with money in our pockets. If you elect to vote with your wallet and not buy, the Aspens go away and the diversified companies like Garmin survive. What do you think will happen to the prices then? When I made a decision to upgrade my F with an Aspen and a Garmin GTN, I essentially made the decision not to leave my kids too much money to fight over and certainly not to line my coffin in gold to take it with me. You only live once... Peace...
    1 point
  4. I disagree. ~15 large for an adi, hsi and mfd? That's pretty crazy for a 40k plane.... I know guys are anti garmin, but an Aspen is just as much of a gouge IMHO. Would love to see a denon type product for certificated A/C. The guys that gush over Aspen seem to LOVE apple products too... How an a silly single source AHRS/ADI cost 10k when a multi functional iPad costs $500.00. Don't give me that "certification costs" stuff... It's because guys like us will pay it. It's not worth it people! Rant over. Flame away.
    1 point
  5. Most (over 90%) of auto engines have aluminum blocks and aluminum heads.....the reason they run 0 and 5 weight oils is because of windage affecting fuel economy....(windage is the friction of the oil against the bearing surfaces , and the wieght of the oil sticking to rotating components) The only reason head gaskets fail is because of electrolysis from not changing the coolant , or warpage from severe overheating....They don't fail from differential thermal expansion ......
    1 point
  6. The real question is whether Jesus would have flow ROP or LOP. At first I thought probably LOP as he believed in not wasting, but then I remembered the story of Mary Magdalene and the perfume (i.e. it depends what the resources are for). I'm going to go with ROP as he would know his time on earth is limited and precious, as should we all. Naturally, of course, he could always get around without burning any fuel at all. Merry Christmas everyone!
    1 point
  7. Dear Friends, May the newborn baby Jesus bring the Joy, the Hope, the Peace and the Prosperity that is Christmas, into your and your families' hearts! Also may your flight plans always be safe paths to your destinations! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! N910BU and family!
    1 point
  8. I'm glad you got it all sorted out. I think you're going to like your new governor.
    1 point
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