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Time to Climb


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6 hours ago, bonal said:

I'm still waiting for the Hankster to put up his numbers.

What a coincidence! I found my paper on Monday. Give me a little while and I'll add them in. Sunday a week ago, with 2 guys and 40 gals, I maintained >1000 fpm from 327 to over 4000 msl.  :P

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8 hours ago, Cyril Gibb said:

Was that a nitrous oxide bottle I saw in the back of your hangar yesterday ? .... just askin'

No not nitrous oxide, it was extract of Mooney.


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On December 7, 2015 at 7:25 PM, bonal said:

WAIT A MINUTE ! I'm sitting here watching Street outlaws and what better thread to re read than this and it occurs to me that Hank never posted his numbers. What's Up!

Let's see if I can copy and paste from an Excel file on this here ithing. This was coming home from Thanksgiving at the beach; my wife rode with her mother since I had to work and arrived late. (The joys of a new job, limited first year vacation.)

It was a towered field, departing over the water before turning west for home. All alone, lots of things to scribble down, and I forgot my premade form to fill out, so there are some things missing, just for sh!ts and giggles, I also copied down leaning information, but for some reason recorded IAS at Full Rich and Peak, but GS at 25°LOP . . .

 Field:     KHXD          Elevation:     19 msl    
 Altimeter:     forgot to record          OAT:     74ºF    
 People:     pilot, solo          Fuel:     52 gal [full]    
 Baggage:     approx 80 lbs                   
 Altitude     Time     MP     OAT (ºF)     VSI (FPM)     ASI (mph)
 field         29              
 1000     0:45     28              
 2000     1:43     27     70         
 3000     2:55     26     67     600    
 4000     4:25     25     65     600    
 5000     5:55     24     62     400    
 6000     7:40     23     59     500    
 7000     9:40     22     58     400     95
 8000     12:00     21.5     58     300     95
 9000     14:34     20.7     54     300     92
 10000     17:25     20     52     300     90
 Accelerate at WOT/2700 to 128 mph indicated                       
      20-"/2500/Peak [~1500ºF], 137 mph indicated                   
      25ºLOP, rough at 1475ºF; GS = 142 knots                   
      slide seat back, 140 mph indicated/ 140 knots

At 10K cruise, Altimeter set at 30.26" and 54°F OAT. 

Surprise! Apple doesn't okay well with Microsoft, so all the columns are jacked. I'll redo this on my desktop this weekend . . .

With my carb, to shut off the auto-enrichment fuel flow at WOT, I pull the throttle back until the MP needle barely moves; on this trip, it was just under 20". My speed control while scribbling so many numbers and dealing with tower, departure, etc., I was often 5 mph or more faster than my desired target of Vy = 100 mph - Alt in thousands.

Excel created all kinds of problems with the time column, it kept auto-formatting it as dates so I won't swear the doggone times are right. I'll double check against my little paper tomorrow while riding the big aluminum tube for work (not much else to do, 2-1/2 hours ATL => ROC for one night, then back again). They were the minutes and seconds reading on my yoke clock, not elapsed time. Something looks wrong here--stupid Microsoft won't let me enter mm:ss without changing it to MM:dd:yy_hh:mm:ss. I may redo it with that column changed to text, but then I can't subtract them (which I haven't done yet). Nothing is worse than a machine that thinks it knows what I want to do better than I know what I want to do . . . . .

Edited by Hank
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Stupid Microsoft! Can't enter time in minutes and seconds!

Stupid Apple! Can't paste from Microsoft without removing all formatting and screwing up the columns (even if the data in some columns is already jacked up!

I'll redo this mess from my desktop 'stead of my iThing here . . .

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Well Hank now we have messed up conventional thinking on the 2 vs 3 blade it appears that I out climb you but based on other posts I think you have me in cruise by a couple few knots. This was a fun thread perhaps others will play the game. 

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I just climb at 500 feet per minute, easy on everyone's ears.  I descend at the same rate unless required to do something else by ATC.  I climb at that rate regardless of altitude.  So 20,000 feet AGL will take 40 minutes or a little less.  

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10 hours ago, jlunseth said:

I just climb at 500 feet per minute, easy on everyone's ears.  I descend at the same rate unless required to do something else by ATC.  I climb at that rate regardless of altitude.  So 20,000 feet AGL will take 40 minutes or a little less.  

Ah yes the voice of reason, I climb based on terrain but as discussed in other posts prefer a cruise climb. I think the point of this was to see what best time to altitude you could achieve. So Jlunseth strap in and pull back and see how that fast 231 gets it done.

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Well, ok.  I went back and looked at the original post and it did not look like we had an agreement on what altitude to climb to.  I will try 10k just for the fun of it.  You could have picked a number that was more fun, like FL240, that would be a true test.  10K will have to do. 

I don't adjust climb speed based on winds.  There is sort of a built in adjustment.  If I am going to 21,000 it is because there is a reason to, i.e. a nice tailwind.  I have seen as much as 75 kts.  So GS self adjusts as I go up and I don't feel the need to adjust airspeed.  I will climb in the vicinity of 120 TAS, indicated might get as low as 85 for that TAS by the time I am up in the flight levels, and by the time I get to altitude I am going 160 or something like that before leveling off.  If there is a similar headwind obviously it is not worth the trip up there and I am staying down where TAS is good , the bumps are limited, and GS is good.  The only adjustment I make is that the 231 MP needs to be manually adjusted during the climb, so I periodically push it in so I am making 100% HP, full rich, all the way up to wherever I am going. 

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