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I'm in Seattle for work this weekend and through Thursday. My Mooney is still in Tampa since I flew commercial. I hoped to rent a Diamond or a Cessna while I was up here, but with the weather being so nice scheduling is impossible with the flight schools that I called.

I was curious if anyone is taking a burger trip and has a extra seat to where I could see some of the sights out here from the air. I've got my stratus 2 with me if anyone out here is considering getting one and wants to try it out.

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I'm a 20 minute flight from KBFI but just dropped my J model at KTTD for an annual. Got to ride back in my orthopedic surgeons C182.


I'm planning an Angel Flight S50 (Auburn) to FHR (Friday Harbor) to BFI (Boeing Field) and back to S50 on Wednesday.  I'm planning on taking off about 1330 from S50.  I'm supposed to pick up the cargo at 1445.  Hope to be back to S50 by about 1630 or so.  I am hoping to find a safety pilot so I can fly part of it under the hood and log an approach at FHR and BFI.  One of my partners says he 'might' be interested in coming along but won't commit until Monday.


If Wednesday works for you, would you be interested in being a backup in case he can't make it?



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