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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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But of course....and as Andy from Chicago loves to point out, malparactice only accounts for less than 1% of all healthcare expense.




Looked into some more, actually believe it or not, and came to a slightly different conclusion. 1% is still a correct number when it comes to premiums and liability paid. However, according to some studies, further 4% or so could be correlated to and caused by "defensive medicine". So once again, the only thing we've got to fear is fear itself. 

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But of course....and as Andy from Chicago loves to point out, malparactice only accounts for less than 1% of all healthcare expense.




Council Bluffs/Omaha area, not Chicago. Love Chicago, but I like the fact my office is less than 5min away form my house and living in Chicago would kill what's left of my sanity. Happiest days every year is when we pack the plane up and head to even smaller places in the mountains. Never been a big fan of cities. I'm a redneck liberal with a large firearm and camping gear collection.



Symbolism? Group hug? Great quote:


"Forgive me if a march for unity leaves me cold. It should be a march for war. This is not a time for a call for unity under the guise of tolerance, but for a unity of will – a collective fortitude necessary to destroy a movement that wants to destroy us. Most people get this. The media, not so much".





Now, Gutfeld is half nuts, but like anything....if you stab in the dark long enough, you'll hit it.



No disagreement here. Wipe them out with extreme prejudice. However, I have always been against our methods of bringing a chain saw to perform brain surgery because first we must identify who needs killing and somehow all fingers always point to a very uncomfortable place, actually, one place: Saudi Arabia. Can't even fart in this world without money and that happens to be the primary funding source of all extremist Islamic activity.

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Who would the jogger potentially sue? How could he tell if his situation was worsened?

The last Dr. who deemed him fit?

The person that gave CPR?

The person who dialed 911?

The bus driver that stopped to lend a hand.


Everyone and then see what sticks. That's the general anatomy of a personal injury lawsuit. Joint and several liability. 

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Further 4% or so could be correlated to and caused by "defensive medicine". So once again, the only thing we've got to fear is fear itself. 


And I would politely add, a pharma apparatus that has bilked us billions to facilitate defensive medicine. Sorry, until the TLA gets a handle on themselves, the ACA won't help. Now the civil targets are medical device people who are already taxed into oblivion and whose innovation is dimminished.

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"You know what this thread is when you enter it."

I would like it more, if this were a true statement.

For me, yes...fire away!

For the casual observer, not so much...

There is a lot of seething weirdness that looks bad overall on the website that supports it.

Scott from Iowa and at least one other person hasn't chimed in lately...

Somebody is being paid to answer complaints.

You know who is paying for the extra monitoring...

I would like to find a way to add some separation for this thread. For the benefit of Timmy.

Open to everyone that wants to find Timmy, but closed enough to look like it is not the opinion of pilots of MS...

This is just too weird for me...

There isn't another website that supports the Mooney community as much as this one.

Political weirdness can be found in several places.

Did somebody say separate but equal, above somewhere...?

Best regards,


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Andy...you're getting soft on me. You were breathing fire in the fall. Are you still a stark-raving-Chicago-Obamafile-Pro-ACA cheerleader?


Was that your Dad and you on Youtube in the King Air?


Still pro ACA, still pro Obama but I reserve my right to change my mind when presented with facts just like I did when I looked at tort reform pros and cons. Initially I simply looked at premium numbers and payout statistics. Then I dug deeper to try to understand. When I see 1%, it's not worth chasing to save money. When I see 5%, then there is something to it. But once again, tort reform alone won't do shit as it's still an issue of perception with 1% causing the other 4%.


Dad would not step his foot in a KA of any sort if you gave him 100 million. It either has two jet engines and two pilots upfront, or he ain't flying in it. So not my video. Actually, I don't think there is any videos of me flying. Never really got on the "look at me" bandwagon. Still no twitter, facebook or instagram for me. I lead a fairly boring life and don't feel others would benefit much from watching it. It might actually be to their detriment to follow my example. Plus videos equal evidence in any future potential litigation.

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Still pro ACA, still pro Obama but I reserve my right to change my mind when presented with facts just like I did when I looked at tort reform pros and cons. Initially I simply looked at premium numbers and payout statistics. Then I dug deeper to try to understand. When I see 1%, it's not worth chasing to save money. When I see 5%, then there is something to it. But once again, tort reform alone won't do shit as it's still an issue of perception with 1% causing the other 4%.


Dad would not step his foot in a KA of any sort if you gave him 100 million. It either has two jet engines and two pilots upfront, or he ain't flying in it. So not my video. Actually, I don't think there is any videos of me flying. Never really got on the "look at me" bandwagon. Still no twitter, facebook or instagram for me. I lead a fairly boring life and don't feel others would benefit much from watching it. It might actually be to their detriment to follow my example. Plus videos equal evidence in any future potential litigation.


There was a gentleman and his midlife son flying a King Air from Michigan to Chicago on Youtube with the exact same spelling of your last name. You have an almost empty footprint online, cleaver boy.

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"You know what this thread is when you enter it."

I would like it more, if this were a true statement.

For me, yes...fire away!

For the casual observer, not so much...

There is a lot of seething weirdness that looks bad overall on the website that supports it.

Scott from Iowa and at least one other person hasn't chimed in lately...

Somebody is being paid to answer complaints.

You know who is paying for the extra monitoring...

I would like to find a way to add some separation for this thread. For the benefit of Timmy.

Open to everyone that wants to find Timmy, but closed enough to look like it is not the opinion of pilots of MS...

This is just too weird for me...

There isn't another website that supports the Mooney community as much as this one.

Political weirdness can be found in several places.

Did somebody say separate but equal, above somewhere...?

Best regards,





I see you point, makes all of us looking like crazies. I'm not the proudest of some of my 11pm drunken comments in retrospect, but I own them and I did apologize to Scott. Decided to quit drinking sometimes in December so if anything, this thread will save me some money now and in the future ;-) Maybe this thread just needs to get removed and no politics rule instituted on MS. We can all go over the pilots of america forum and argue there. They have a lively political thread there.

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There is a no politics rule on BT. This has been pointed out many times on Mooneyspace, but BT is a for profit entity. If I am wrong on that (and they are a non profit), they have banner ads and someone is watching it 24/7 at some sort of compensation. Apples and oranges.


Here, there seems to be a revolving door of 7-8 politically like minded people who purport their own community fleecing on MS. They are alone in their efforts. They become moderately unhappy and drop by to toss in their dismay. The same 7-8 who love to sample self proclaimed leadership, but fall short on action. If it wasn't the same 7-8 people over and over again, I'd consider it indicative of a majority. Clearly it isn't.


This is a great community and proof that political thought can exist pretty well. On the otherhand...this thread might be a bit of a data-hog.

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Ok guys,


Here is a great one. Texas and South Carolina just saw two bills introduced to ban judges from even hearing cases about gay marriage under the penalty of removal from office:


A state or local governmental employee officially may not recognize, grant, or enforce a same-sex marriage license. If an employee violates this subsection, the employee may not continue to receive a salary, pension, or other employee benefit at the expense of the taxpayers of this State.


A court of this State shall dismiss a legal action challenging a provision of this section and shall award costs and attorney’s fees to a person or entity named as a defendant in the legal action.


I guess all issues facing these states (like the 3rd highest public debt in the nation, yeah, TX) have been solved. I love how the bill is challenge proof as well, any cases brought against must be automatically dismissed. And you all wonder why I feel that the tea party crowd is the one inching us one step closer to dictatorship. Stay classy, TEA PARTY


A libtard I might be, but this one smells very fishy to me.

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I saw the politics thread on BT melt down one time after another. It was always the same thing. There was a group of bullies who could never stay on topic, it was much to easy to denigrate into a personal attack, because after all, they were conservatives and Jesus was on their side too.

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Ok guys,


Here is a great one. Texas and South Carolina just saw two bills introduced to ban judges from even hearing cases about gay marriage under the penalty of removal from office:


A state or local governmental employee officially may not recognize, grant, or enforce a same-sex marriage license. If an employee violates this subsection, the employee may not continue to receive a salary, pension, or other employee benefit at the expense of the taxpayers of this State.


A court of this State shall dismiss a legal action challenging a provision of this section and shall award costs and attorney’s fees to a person or entity named as a defendant in the legal action.


I guess all issues facing these states (like the 3rd highest public debt in the nation, yeah, TX) have been solved. I love how the bill is challenge proof as well, any cases brought against must be automatically dismissed. And you all wonder why I feel that the tea party crowd is the one inching us one step closer to dictatorship. Stay classy, TEA PARTY


A libtard I might be, but this one smells very fishy to me.

Let me guess, brought forth by legislators who got elected on smaller, less intrusive, and more limited government.

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In other news, my copy of Time Magazine arrived in the mail today and the cover story is by Steven Brill. He's the guy that was on 60 Minutes last Sunday and has been writing about our healthcare system for the past few years about the source of its outrageous costs. This time he's writing about his experience being on the other side of the gurney, lying down on it as he undergoes heart surgery.


I'm sure it will be another action packed article. The first page is already somewhat telling when he mentions that the United States spends more on healthcare than the next 10 countries combined - and for all of that money we have worst outcomes of all ten. For those free-market people out there (and you know who you are), he mentions that there are 31 MRI machines here for every million people. In the UK there are 6 machines per million. That's because there are MRI's in strip malls in just about every hamlet and chicken coop across this great land. Lastly, he mentions that healthcare is the only industry where prices actually go up as more technology is introduced. Go figure.


I'll give you highlights when I'm finished with it.

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Maybe the majority of people should be able to decide what they want in their state by an placing it on an election ballot ... not one judge deciding, or over-ruling the election results based on his personal bias?


Probably not a bad idea, but then again, we'd probably have a few states with slavery now.

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Maybe the majority of people should be able to decide what they want in their state by an placing it on an election ballot ... not one judge deciding, or over-ruling the election results based on his personal bias?


So you're in favor of laws that cannot be challenged in court? Are you even listening to yourself? First you tell the protesters if don't like the law, challenge it. Now you want to take away the ability to challenge it? Dude, listen to yourself, for once? Why even have laws then? Why have courts? Why just not let the mob lynch anyone at any time? After all, the mob is always the majority.


And then you guys wonder why I call you crypto-fascists. Constitution is a tad larger of a document than half of the 2nd amendment, which quite frankly I do understand why you're all so enamored with, being it's not like you'd ever actually use it. Or does the process for regressive works like this:


-obey law, if you agree with it,

-challange law in court, if you disagree

-protest with your representatives, if you disagree

-shoot people


Sure sounds like it to me...

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Ok guys,


Here is a great one. Texas and South Carolina just saw two bills introduced to ban judges from even hearing cases about gay marriage under the penalty of removal from office:


A state or local governmental employee officially may not recognize, grant, or enforce a same-sex marriage license. If an employee violates this subsection, the employee may not continue to receive a salary, pension, or other employee benefit at the expense of the taxpayers of this State.


A court of this State shall dismiss a legal action challenging a provision of this section and shall award costs and attorney’s fees to a person or entity named as a defendant in the legal action.


I guess all issues facing these states (like the 3rd highest public debt in the nation, yeah, TX) have been solved. I love how the bill is challenge proof as well, any cases brought against must be automatically dismissed. And you all wonder why I feel that the tea party crowd is the one inching us one step closer to dictatorship. Stay classy, TEA PARTY


A libtard I might be, but this one smells very fishy to me.


These types of laws are put forth to stop administrators and court clerks from executing their job by their own conscience, but rather, by the rule of law. You'll recall multiple cases where court clerks wanted to be ground breaking in their ideals. As for your comment about the Tea Party, they don't rule the legislatures of 36 states who don't view gay marriage as a supreme, high prioity in the public agenda.


This argument is barking up the wrong tree. Run for office.

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I hope you don't really believe the negative dribble you type?


Why? You are claiming that if the majority of TX decided that the penalty for two man/women kissing should be death or life imprisonment , then it should be in TX's power to charge, convict and execute. This is not a far fetched idea, as not so long ago, penalty for homosexual relations in one state was life in prison. And when I say not so long ago, I mean, 2002 and Idaho.

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You reach your own conclusions based on your bias. This guy's bias will simply feed your bias, so I can't wait to hear your biased conclusions! You know this guy is not about to give our health care system any sort of a fair account at all ...

If we spend more on health care ... wouldn't that be because we have way more readily access to health care? Is it cost per person? And compared to what countries, Mexico? Haiti? I am sure whatever countries expenses or numbers he needs to plug-in bash on our health care industry ... he will put right in his truly personal unbiased comparison? Why did he have his heart surgery here if we are so bad and so expensive and have too many MRI machines? The word on the UK HEALTH CARE IS THAT IT SUCKS. So why should anyone use them as a measuring stick for how many MRI machines we should have? I am sure he could have had it done somewhere else so much cheaper? So as far as I am concerned, since it is so bad here he can take his sorry butt to some nice socialist country and complain about their health care? Maybe you would care to join him?


If you watched the 60 Minutes episode you would have found him to be very critical of Obamacare, to the point of saying it should be scrapped, so I believe him to be a straight-shooter.


He mentioned the next ten countries as being Japan, Germany, France, China, UK, Italy, Canada, Brasil, Spain and Australia. He doesn't mention Haiti anywhere. His data correlates to what I have read elsewhere.


As far as the NHS is concerned, recent polling has shown it to be at its most favorable point in its 60+ year history. It may suck by your standards, but evidently not everyone over there thinks it sucks. And surprisingly, it's most popular among seniors. Imagine that, the people whose care is rationed -  like it the most. They have a bizarre sense of humor those British, don't they?



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These types of laws are put forth to stop administrators and court clerks from executing their job by their own conscience, but rather, by the rule of law. You'll recall multiple cases where court clerks wanted to be ground breaking in their ideals. As for your comment about the Tea Party, they don't rule the legislatures of 36 states who don't view gay marriage as a supreme, high prioity in the public agenda.


This argument is barking up the wrong tree. Run for office.


I think this specific law is being passed for quite a different reason. Something to do with Article VI, Section 2. It's aimed specifically at the upcoming fifth circuit court decision. I have no desire to run for office. I'd rather continue to funnel money to ACLU.

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Why? You are claiming that if the majority of TX decided that the penalty for two man/women kissing should be death or life imprisonment , then it should be in TX's power to charge, convict and execute. This is not a far fetched idea, as not so long ago, penalty for homosexual relations in one state was life in prison. And when I say not so long ago, I mean, 2002 and Idaho.



In an interview printed today Mike Huckabee said that some of Beyonce's songs are "toxic mental poison". So maybe they should be banned and outlawed at the same time as lesbian kissing.

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Why? You are claiming that if the majority of TX decided that the penalty for two man/women kissing should be death or life imprisonment , then it should be in TX's power to charge, convict and execute. This is not a far fetched idea, as not so long ago, penalty for homosexual relations in one state was life in prison. And when I say not so long ago, I mean, 2002 and Idaho.


No, but it is in the middle east. In fact you are murdered for it. Animals like this are defended daily in places like Huff Post and NY Times. It's time to call out extremism for what it is. Christians don't do it. Hindus don't do it, Jews don't do it...shall I go on?

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