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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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This has been quite a thread.  Almost everyone left.  I have checked in occasionally just to gawk.  Some points I agreed with, some I did not.  Mostly the discourse appears as a train wreck.  If this is what folks like to do with fellow aviators, then all power. I guess politics is fair game in hangar talk and this is the virtual hangar.  There is definitely a lot of heart felt and deep anger I see here, sincerely felt, and whether I agree with the reason for it or not, it is clear to me that this statement at least is a fact.  I am glad people feel comfortable to express and it is not a bother to me as it is all in this thread which is obvious to all from the start her for this purpose.


Now for my view.  My view of Fox news is reflected perfectly by this article.  To me it is irrelevant what a persons politics are regarding the fox fear mongering.  I always remember that fox is not on a mission to spread news.  They are selling a product and they have found their niche.  Their niche is to brain wash angry misguided old geezers. 




To the angry: right or wrong, even if you are right in your opinion, if there is the constant shout down and name calling, everyone learns to ignore and the shouting kicking and screaming and one way dialogue/diatribe become completely ineffective in changing any opinions as we learn to simply ignore the tantrum.  At that point even if you say something brilliant, no one hears it because our fingers are in our ears.


Meanwhile I am standing by waiting for ebola sneezing isis terrorists to sweep in from the Mexican border.  Or who knows, maybe the Canadian border.  Never mind science.  Scientists are full of crap.  What do they know.  Global warming is a joke put forward by liberals who want to convince me that affordable healthcare is un-american.  The CDC is government, so that is bad.  But wait now, I want the government and the cdc to make some rules to stop anyone from coming to America to sneeze on me.  And they need to have some laws to stop them god'am gay marriages and abortions.  But besides that, I want a government that stays out of my way. God and the constitution gave me the right to carry an M16 to school and I'm gonna shoot any terrorist who stands in my way.  If you disagree with me you are a terrorist because my opinion is law. Cuz the constitution says I have the right to say that. And shoot you too. I gotta go, the commercials just ended and Fox is back on.  Its the word - for independent thinkers like me.



Blase' professor. Gee, Erik, where do you stand on the issues?

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I don't believe there are any direct flights from any of the affected western African countries. I think to get here from there one needs to travel through a European gateway, just as Duncan did.



Dulles to Freetown tomorrow morning. Coach or first class? When are you coming back? /:-)

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Network-"Didn't the nurse call the CDC and let them know she had a fever before boarding the airplane"?


This appears to be the latest piece of misinformation. Vinson's uncle appeared on the airwaves tonight and he said that he had a conversation with her today. He said that she did not personally speak with the CDC about flying, but with her employer, who supposedly did speak with the CDC. So who knows what transpired there.


Another piece of misinformation came to the surface yesterday when it was revealed that Duncan did not help a pregnant woman in Africa who was infected. I'm still trying to find out how that story got started. I'm sure there will be more to come.

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We sure would be goners.  Now I am not a disease specialist by any means.  So take this with a grain of salt, but my understanding is that diseases that are borne by bodily fluids like ebola are extremely unlikely to have airborne vectors since it cannot happen by just one simple mutation.  Many different mutations and intermediate benefits to the disease would have to happen to allow such a transformation.   I have read and heard that from multiple sources and it makes sense to me.


Not me! I have been watching every episode of "The Walking Dead" since season 1. I'm ready! Some valuable lessons learned. Guns are good -- until they run out of bullets. Then they are bad. Better to have a nice crossbow; "reusable bullets!". If that is not attainable, then a nicely sharpened Samurai sword. But if are in a pinch, at least a nice roofing hammer. 16 ounce roofing hammer would suffice, but what do you guys think, a 28 ounce better than a 16? Tough decision. Weight versus performance.


Best lesson I learned watching the show? Never go to a place where all are welcomed. You'll end up quartered and in a smoker. :)

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I'm still trying to find out how that story got started.

A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies, that a lie which is all a lie may be met and fought with outright, but a lie which is part a truth is a harder matter to fight.

-Alfred Tennyson

...we must admit that our opponents in this argument have a marked advantage over us. They need only a few words to set forth a half-truth; whereas, in order to show that it is a half-truth, we have to resort to long and arid dissertations.

-Frederic Bastiat

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You're a sad sad man; have you always had trouble with your temper or is this somethibg that's recently started?

So let me get this straight, you and scott got into it before which ended with scott sending you a very pointed, profane P.M. and then you took a screenshot of it and tattled on him because you didn't like the mean response you got :( cause it hurt your feelings :(.


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No, that's not straight at all. We didn't "get into it" and it didn't end with Scott sending a profane PM, it STARTED with Scott sending a profane PM, completely unsolicited. I have never engaged Scott privately and everything I've said to him is available here for you to read.

My feelings were never hurt, I just expect a certain amount of decorum from adults. If they can't control themselves then they have no business on forums like these. Judging by the response to Scott's actions and the fact that he's had more than one vacation, I'm not alone in thinking that.

I took a screenshot of Scott's Pm and made it available for public consumption. Scott wasn't man enough to say his words publicly, so I helped him out. There's a lesson in there that I figured everyone over 15 knew; but maybe I'm wrong.

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Ok. I get it. You were saying that there's nothing the Government does for you and I asked where you drive your Porsche. So that means it's personal.... my mistake. Your response is completely justified, any and all of us would do exactly the same thing.

And then we'd post three or four consecutive comments to this thread....

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The new czar for the Ebola crisis just named by B.O. was good ol' Bidens previous chief of staff, worked for Fannie Mae and signed off on the very successful Solyndra loans............at least he's a really good DOCTOR!    Genius, absolutely a great choice.   I take back everything I've ever said about this administration, they are like Flyboy4 44 and Tom and all the other elite zombies say -the smartest people in the room-

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Ok. I get it. You were saying that there's nothing the Government does for you and I asked where you drive your Porsche. So that means it's personal.... my mistake. Your response is completely justified, any and all of us would do exactly the same thing.

And then we'd post three or four consecutive comments to this thread....

Glad we are clear on tha tattletale.  More history peanut gallery...not worth it.

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Contractors did.  With my and others tax dollars filtered through state and federal government.  Roads, one of the few things worthy of "collective" tax dollars.  Wish ALL were handled by the state.  Still don't "LIKE" the idea of raising the gas tax that was floated in Iowa this year...again.


Credit where credit is due. However, if all were handled by the state, then we wouldn't have the Interstate system as we know it, just a bunch of states with disjointed roads. Even if some states cooperated with others by linking their roads together, we would probably find six lanes at the Texas border going down to two at the Oklahoma state line. The one thing the great Interstate system provides us is consistency.

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Outbreak. We watched it then. Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Morgan Freeman. In1995 it was a futuristic movie idea that could never really happen in the United States ... Now in 2014?


More bungling, more cover-ups ... who knows the truth? It certainly doesn't come from "the most transparent administration ever!" It's just like everything else with this administration! No leadership. Bungling, cover-ups, media assisted cover-ups, creating other issues As distractions, playing playing politics with our safety and our future. Dropping a few more bombs in Syria and an impromptu trip to Africa to stir-up controversy about gays and to sit in Nelson Mandela's prison cell to stir-up racial tension - won't make this go away.

People are dying now. The story keeps changing. A virus with no cure. The CDC doesn't know the answers, how it was transmitted. First it couldn't happen here. Then it did. Then it was only isolated cases. Now people known to be exposed and at risk are flying commercially around the country. And now CDC reaction teams are to be sent around the country and a treatment center established in each state? Doesn't sound like it can't happen anymore? Doesn't sound isolated anymore? The fact is local hospitals ARE NOT equipped to handle this. Apparently, neither is the CDC?

Maybe all 300 million of us can be admitted to Emory in Atlanta?

Let's get together on this ok? Together we can figure out how we can spin this as George Bush's fault?



People are dying now - True, Duncan did succomb to it, but as of now. Who is dying? Nurses Pham and Vinson appear to be doing well. Are there others that are dying that I haven't heard about yet?


The story keeps changing. A virus with no cure. The CDC doesn't know the answers, how it was transmitted. They have made it quite clear that it's transmitted through breaks in skin or by touching a mucus membrane, with a surface that contains the live virus.


First it couldn't happen here. It was said that a "widespread outbreak" such as that seen in Africa was "unlikely" to happen here. I don't believe anybody said that it "couldn't" happen here. Choice of words is important.


Then it was only isolated cases. It still is, unless you have heard of new infections beyond the two nurses.


Now people known to be exposed and at risk are flying commercially around the country. I haven't heard that people have been exposed. Flying with somebody carrying a disease does not make you exposed. 


And now CDC reaction teams are to be sent around the country and a treatment center established in each state?  Probably a good idea if they need to quickly spring into action.


Let's get together on this ok? Together we can figure out how we can spin this as George Bush's fault? He was lucky that a major outbreak in Africa didn't occur during his tenure. The containment process would have been the same, but the treatments appear to be new so the mortality rate had it occurred during his administration would have been close to 100%

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Our boys would down them almost immediately, but that would depend on THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Mr President decides? If the past is any indication ....

No worries. It must be false. Right before the election Obama told us "Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive, the terrorists are defeated and neutralized. It is time to end our war on terror." And of course he took credit for it as we withdrew from Iraq. Remember that? Obama would never lie. Right? It must be more from "The False News Network!" How dare anyone report anything contradicting President Obama!


"Today over the skies of Iraq, a Mig pilot one week out of flight school shot down three American F16's."

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Fox News just reported that ISIS is training fighter pilots to fly some old Migs they found. 


Anybody believe there is any truth to this, and if so, how well would they do against our boys?

Flyboy4 44 stop watching FOX you know thats a bull$h*t network, go back to where you feel more comfortable, MSNBC and then report back. Weren't you giving crap about watching too much FOX and listening to too much Limbaugh?

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Flyboy4 44 stop watching FOX you know thats a bull$h*t network, go back to where you feel more comfortable, MSNBC and then report back. Weren't you giving crap about watching too much FOX and listening to too much Limbaugh?


In the same breath I also mentioned that I don't watch MSNBC, except for Joe Scarborough each morning. 


But for full disclosure, I do tune into Rush when I'm in the car to get my daily dose of comedy (or is it tragedy?) Somewhere on my hard disk I documented everything that's he's gotten wrong over the past few years and the only person that comes even close to him is Dick Morris. Speaking of which, whatever happened to him?

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I knew that your deep love, worship and admiration of Obama and the Socialist movement in America would allow you to fully answer and respond to any and all comments anyone might have regarding the obvious incompetence of this administration.



Ask any infectious disease expert these questions and this is how they would respond. It has ABSOLUTELY no bearing on Obama what-so-ever.  For the first time Dave, you are letting your politics cloud your science.


Which response sides with Obama? The one where I said Duncan was the only one to die from the disease? Were there others up to this point - a simple yes or no. Are these the only isolated cases - a simple yes or no.


Are any physician's reading this thread? If so, I'd really appreciate it if you would jump in.

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So who is dying that we haven't heard of? As far as I know there are zero deaths among the patients who contracted Ebola in the U.S. and that list is approximately 2 people.


A hearty thanks to you Rob.


My lord, listening to these people one would think that we have a pandemic out there.

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