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We have been asked by the Loewen's to help get the word out about a wonderful Mooney Event!  Please come and Celebrate LASAR's 35th Anniversary, July 17th, 2010 at beautiful Lakeport, California.
SATURDAY (11:00am-3:00pm) Morning: Arrivals and Ramp Time with friends. There will be coffee and donuts for all of you early arrivals. 12:00: BBQ Lunch; 1:00pm Presentations. For more information or to register follow these links:  Mooney Ambassadors on Facebook 

Vintage Mooney Group:  http://www.VintageMooneyGroup.com

Share the Passion

Mooney Ambassadors


The folks there are to be commended for doing so much to improve our airplanes and keep them flying with their parts manufacturing, among other things. If I am in town, I'll be there.. but I may be on my way to oshkosh :)


We hope to meet you at LASAR.  Yes, they are icons in our Mooney world!  If we don't see you at Lakeport for their event, then have a terrific flight to AirVenture.   The Mooney Ambassadors will be presenting a workshop at Oshkosh on Friday July 30th from 2:30-3:45 p.m. at the 002 GAMA Pavilion 2. Please come and see us!


Hi Michael.

The LASAR celebration is just that.  BBQ lunch provided by LASAR.  No seminars are planned for the day.  Paul and Shery and staff wish to simply show their appreciation to all their Mooney freinds with this 35th year celebration.  Families are welcome.


I do believe there will be some sort of presentations going on at LASAR about 1:00 p.m.  Perhaps to acknowledge their employees and such.  But no formal schedule that I know of!

  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, looking forward to paying homage to our Mooney heros, the Lowen's, this coming Saturday.  Looking forward to meeting and seeing so many Mooney lovers at LASAR's 35th year anniversary celebration. 


I'm planning on coming. My new bird checked out OK at Top Gun today, so I'll be there weather permitting. I'm super excited about my first fly in with my new plane!!Laughing


We thought we were going to get thru our annual without any problems that would affect bringing our fixed-gear rarity to LASAR but that's not the case. She's still at least a week away from being flyable. So, unless I can hitch a flight I'll be driving. At least I'm not that far away. LASAR has helped us tremendously with all kinds of great info, parts, and encouragement.


It is a beautiful California morning, and as Don Maxwell says "we are fixin to leave" for LASAR.  I know a bunch of our Mooney Family will be at Lakeport to celebrate the anniversary of two iconic folks, Paul and Shery.

Fly safe everyone and see you there.




This was my first VMG event and I have to say I was very impressed. It was great to experience the family atmosphere and all the friendly folks who reched out to me (being by myself) and made me feel welcome. It was great to meet you, Jolie Lucas and Phil Corman. It was also great to talk with all the folks at LASAR, Top Gun, and even Don Maxwell. I think it was announced that over 45 Mooneys made it to celebrate the hard work of some very deserving people. The BBQ was top-rate, the entertainment was engaging and the friendship is something I'm looking forward to fostering. Thanks especially to Paul and Shery for their generous hospitality and to their staff for making us feel so welcome.


So I woke up this morning and noticed this was today and ran to the plane and flew my way there. It was a great event amd i learned a lot about mY aircraft. I saw DaV8oRs Mooney which was a beaute, Ill post A pic of it when i get oFf work. Mine was the Brown white and orange "B" model. 


PS. I won the YOUNGEST pilot award and tied for oldest mooney ;-)


Quote: Sven

This was my first VMG event and I have to say I was very impressed. It was great to experience the family atmosphere and all the friendly folks who reched out to me (being by myself) and made me feel welcome. It was great to meet you, Jolie Lucas and Phil Corman. It was also great to talk with all the folks at LASAR, Top Gun, and even Don Maxwell. I think it was announced that over 45 Mooneys made it to celebrate the hard work of some very deserving people. The BBQ was top-rate, the entertainment was engaging and the friendship is something I'm looking forward to fostering. Thanks especially to Paul and Shery for their generous hospitality and to their staff for making us feel so welcome.


On our flight to Lakeport yesterday morning, Oakland Center informed us of numerous Mooneys in and around Lampson field.  We asked for an early release from ATC as we wanted to get on 122.8 to communicate with all the other aircraft flying in.

As we decended over the Southeast side of the lake, we were watching and listening intently, while receiving indications on the TCAD system.  As we turned West, still decending toward the airport, most all frequency transmission had stopped.  All that had been in the vicinity were down and off the runway.  Hmmm, all that high alert was for nothing as we were now alone in the pattern.   We liked that.

For me, the next sweat factor was my brain saying, Ok, landing now........watching us would be a bunch of fellow Mooney pilots, Don Maxwell Aviation, Top Gun, LASAR, MAPA, Don Kaye...........oh yes, Jolie sitting next to me [we both always critique each others landings, requested or not!].  No pressure at all!!

As I turned final, somehow all those silly thoughts went away as I concentrated on just flying the airplane.  It was, fortunately, one of my better landings.  I must admit, I do think of Don Kayes words about speed and trim as I am on short final.  That all seems to work well.  If you have not seen Don's video, it is well worth absorbing.

After we got out of the plane, I learned from some other folks that we were not alone thinking EVERYONE was watching our landing.  Funny. 

We had a great day meeting and visiting with so many Mooney flyers.  Thank you to the Lowen's for putting on such a terrific party for all of us!


In addition, I love my RED gift bag full of fun little goodies.  Shery Lowen embroidered each bag [there must have been over 100 bags] with a Mooney airplane and LASAR 35th 1975-2010 logo.  Very cool indeed!


That was a fun LASAR party wasn't it?  The attention to detail from the Loewens, the mister, the gift bags, wonderful lunch and two cakes! Wow. Those folks know how to throw a party that is for sure. The day was about the history of the Loewens and LASAR.

I read the history of LASAR that was included in the hand -embroidered gift bag, what a legacy.  And to have Paul Loewen, Tom Rouch, Trey Hughes, Don Maxwell and Don Kaye all in the same room.  The "Mooney Minds" were all in one place.

Paul and Shery were at the helm of West Coast MAPA for over two decades!  They had wonderul fly ins and opportunities for those in the Mooney family to get to know one another. [My Mom and Dad flew with West Coast MAPA].  I think all or social flying clubs owe a debt of gratitude for the West Coast MAPA.  They started it all.

The whole day just reminded me of how small the Mooney-world is really. The Maxwells and Hughes came from Texas, just for the days events....Wow.  We are really a great family.  Of course no one brought up lean of peak! Wink

Now we are on to Oshkosh.  Trey and Lela will hitch up the wagon on Thursday. Mitch and I fly out Saturday. I believe Don Kaye is leaving late next week too.  Let's all be around the MAPA booth sharing the Mooney love. And if any of you are around on Friday, the 30th, please come to the Ambassador presentation at 2:30 in the Forum II GAMA Pavilion.

Safe skies you all, as they say in Texas...


PS: every landing I saw was just wonderful!




conom06d, I have a fixed-gear mooney that's still in the shop. I tried hitching a flight but wasn't able to connect with a fellow Mooney driver from Santa Rosa so I drove. I left at 10am and Santa Rosa was still fogged in. It started to break up north of Cloverdale. I made it to LASAR by 11 since I took the winding shortcut. I would have won the prize for shortest flight there if I would have been able to fly. If it happens, we will be at the VMG gathering at Jackson.


Hi Scott

I do think Wings and Wheels is happening at Jackson/Westover  KJAQ on September 11th. Last year we had an Ambassador booth and four Mooneys.  We may do that again.  Look forward to seeing you there.


@sven: ok i got it now. I just took a guess because i followed someone in a cherokee and took a guess that you may have rented to get there but then again...you're right, santa rosa isnt that far to begin with


as for Jackson/Westover....I was looking at that on the VMG site but i thought it was in Oregon and not at the Jackson in Amador county? If it is the Jackson here in Amador I will be there for sure as its about a 10 minute flight from me haha.


Quote: conom06d

So I woke up this morning and noticed this was today and ran to the plane and flew my way there. It was a great event amd i learned a lot about mY aircraft. I saw DaV8oRs Mooney which was a beaute, Ill post A pic of it when i get oFf work. Mine was the Brown white and orange "B" model.

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