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So I have my ATP written scheduled for 30 June.......any tips or tricks???

Buy the Sheppard Air test prep kit. You won't be sorry.


ATP School's has a course for $295 that is a one day shot.  You show up in the morning.  Get on a computer console, and later that day you take the real test.  96% score on average.  That includes the cost of the test and proctor, but you get no study material beforehand.  I'm going to try to study for it on my own and if I fail the test when I take it, I'll then go do the ATP thing.  If things get in the way and I haven't even started studying prior to about July 10th, I'll just do the ATP thing instead.




Could somebody clarify the need to meet the new standards? Am I correct to understand the new Class C SIM requirement is only for MEL ATP and not SEL? I want to earn an ATP SEL (I know, useless...just for cocktail parties). The cut off dates and new SIM requirements are only for Multi.....right?


N4352H, I just sent you a bunch of FAA documents referring to the new ATP Single Engine Written.  I know they aren't very specific on it yet but that's because they are still developing most of it.


+1 for Sheppard Air


John - I think, but I'm not sure, that if you don't have an ATP at all, you'll have to take the 30 hours of ground and 10 hours of Sim. 


However, if you hold your ATP Multi, then there's just some sort of additional something to get the single, but I could be wrong.


So the solution is to pass your ATP Test prior to Aug 1, 2014, and then opt to take the Multi Oral and Practical prior to 24 months from then.


You can then add the single at any time.


However, I can be completely wrong, and instead you'll still have to do the ground and sim for the single, but you'll have a Multi ATP, which is a good thing.





ATP School's has a course for $295 that is a one day shot.  You show up in the morning.  Get on a computer console, and later that day you take the real test.  96% score on average.  That includes the cost of the test and proctor, but you get no study material beforehand.  I'm going to try to study for it on my own and if I fail the test when I take it, I'll then go do the ATP thing.  If things get in the way and I haven't even started studying prior to about July 10th, I'll just do the ATP thing instead.




That is what I did a couple of decades ago.  ATP was great to work with (did mine in Grand Prairie, TX).  Highly recommend spending the money and getting it done in a day.  Well worth the cost IMHO.  Takes all the pressure off, and replaces it with confidence.

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Seth, referring to FAA-G-8082-1


It talks about exams activating on August 1, 2014.  One is the Airline Transport Pilot Multiengine and one is the Airline Transport Pilot Single Engine.  This is a reference N4352H was asking about.  From my understanding the Single Engine is not requiring the heavy sim time and expensive ground school yet to be developed.


I just found the FAR though.  Look at 14 CFR 61.156, this references "Training Requirements: Airplane category - multiengine class rating or type rating concurrently with airline transport pilot certificate".  You will notice that this regulation spells out the more expensive training requirements for Multiengine ATP... i.e. Sim with 40,000 lbs aircraft level C or above, etc.


Also, reference 14 CFR 61.153(e) under Eligibility Requirements:


(e) After July 31, 2014, for an airline transport pilot certificate with an airplane category multiengine class rating or an airline transport pilot certificate obtained concurrently with an airplane type rating, receive a graduation certificate from an authorized training provider certifying completion of the airline transport pilot certification training program specified in §61.156 before applying for the knowledge test required by paragraph (g) of this section;


Anything single does not require the expensive training.

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So I have my ATP written scheduled for 30 June.......any tips or tricks???

The Gleam course is goo. Get the PC version and practice until you recognize most answers. Don't try to work the flight plan and takeoff/landing distance, time to climb type questions. Just memorize as many of those answers as possible. Many of the questions concern a flight plan of 2 hours or so with only a couple of minutes between the choice. Learn the regs, w&b, IFR stuff, and flight characteristics.

The flight planning questions involve several questions about a specific flight. I memorized the times, fuel burn, etc for all of the scenarios. That way, if I saw the "flight to Buffalo" I recalled the answers.

I made about 5 pages of notes about things such as how fire extinguishers are required for more than 19 seats, etc.

I had several questions on Loran and MLS systems when I took the test three years ago.

I didn't learn much that doesn't seem to be the point.



The Gleam course is goo. Get the PC version and practice until you recognize most answers. Don't try to work the flight plan and takeoff/landing distance, time to climb type questions. Just memorize as many of those answers as possible. Many of the questions concern a flight plan of 2 hours or so with only a couple of minutes between the choice. Learn the regs, w&b, IFR stuff, and flight characteristics.

The flight planning questions involve several questions about a specific flight. I memorized the times, fuel burn, etc for all of the scenarios. That way, if I saw the "flight to Buffalo" I recalled the answers.

I made about 5 pages of notes about things such as how fire extinguishers are required for more than 19 seats, etc.

I had several questions on Loran and MLS systems when I took the test three years ago.

I didn't learn much that doesn't seem to be the point.



Again, this is all covered in the sheppard air program.  $75 bucks guarantees 90% or your money back and also guarantees no surprise questions or your money back.  No other program offers that.

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Is it 1500 Total Time or 1500 PIC time?


For the ATP?  Just doing math and seeing if I can get there in 24 months.  This includes getting 50 hours of  MULTI. 






Separately, thanks to those pointing out the single vs multi approach.  I'd probably go for the Multi to keep future costs down.  From my calculations so far, it'll cost me around 15,000 to 17,000 to get the hours/training to get the ATP done in 24 months as is (and that includes flying as CFI and CFII at the local flight school on average of four hours per week starting about 12 months from now - of course I wouldn't be paying for those hours, but I didn't at all consider the fact that I'd get paid for those hours - I figure that's a wash against my normal aircraft costs - just going with expenses here).


So, spend 15,000 to 17,000 to get 500 hours and an ATP or don't do it, and then later in life if I want to, be ready to fork over an additional $10,000-$15,000 to get the ATP, plus the cost of getting to 1500 hours over time (vs condensed).  I'm just about to break 1000 now.









It is 1500 tt with additional flight time break downs.


500 cross country

100 night

75 instrument (Simulated or Actual)

250 PIC


Multi time is 50 hours.  The reg is written that you must have 50 hours in the class of aircraft taking the test in but then again, who doesn't have 50 hours in a single except rotor and mil pilots.


Are you not a cfi/cfii yet?  I'm confused by your CFI being 12 months away comment.  You could average about 300 a year doing part time CFI work if you work hard at it.


Remember, you can pay $15,000 to get some sim time or... you can pay $15,000 to get real flying time.  The certificate will definitely start to have more meaning though with job interviews which is a good thing.

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