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Found 8 results

  1. My Mooney 252 (TSIO 360MB) has a strange idle issue. When I land after a flight, the engine quits just before I turn off the runway. If I keep the idle at 1000 RPM or above it doesn't quit. Additionally, when I turn left or right the engine wants to quit too. So the side force of turning left or right or stopping seem to make the engine quit! What could this be? Anyone with similar experience? My guess is it's either the fuel pump, fuel servo, or the spider.
  2. So I have started a new post on this topic. The title of the last one sound a bit too lighthearted for the pain that this has become. Here is a recap: Bought the plane early March. It hasn't flown in 2 years. Squawks were expected. New turbo and overhauled mechanical pump went in prior to purchase. Got checked out by a MSC and immediate items were addressed. Had a 2.5 hr transition flight in South FL then brought it back to ORL with no squawks. Go to start it on a 50 degree morning and it won't run off the mechanical pump. Works fine off Low Boost. Come back that afternoon when it has warmed up and starts without hesitation. Same scenario next day. Send it over to the Cirrus Service Center on the field for their knowledge of TCM's. initial diagnosis is the mechanical fuel pump. Remove it and send it back to the supply shop that provided overhauled unit. They bench test it and give it a clean bill of health and send it back set at the proper idle pressures. Reattach it and the engine still will not start or run off mechanical pump. Will run off boost. The mechanical pump has 4 flights and 4 hrs total. What we have done so far: Cleared all fuel and air lines in engine, cleaned injectors Eliminated everything FWB as a restriction to fuel flow Eliminated everything downstream of mechanical pump as fuel restriction Eliminated fuel spider valve as issue Removed the pump and bench tested ourselves. Pump appears to operate normally Checked the gears, square drive, and fit of engine/pump connection components. No abnormalities. Removed fuel lines from firewall and ran the following tests: Provided gravity fed fuel directly to fuel pump. Would not work Provided external suction of gas all the way to throttle body point. Would not start. We are literally out of ideas. Does anyone have any suggestions or other tricks that may be helpful? It still runs perfect off the low boost pump, but the moment it is shut off it appears that fuel is removed from the engine. The shop is reaching out to other shops, the pump supplier, and TCM Monday morning for ideas as well. Eliminated air and spark with the operation off the boost pump. Full range of operation available on it.
  3. Honestly, how kinky is this aircraft? Apparently vintage Mooneys had the fuel pump fitted with a leather hood that was fed with a SCAT hose off of the doghouse for cooling against vapor lock. This may have been only FI engines. I am curious as to what this hood looked like, the one on my E disintegrated long before I got her and I just went through some detective work on an errant hose and discovered this hood thing. I can just imagine the Google results some people are going to get from this thread.
  4. Good morning Folks, The electric fuel pump in my bird has developed an auto shut off feature. I have reached to shut it off several times in the last month only to find it already off. I thought I was going crazy but it turns out it's been gas lighting me. I actually saw and heard it pop off climbing through 2500agl a few days ago. The breaker was clearly popped and needed about 3 mins before it could be reset. Is this the typical failure mode for a Klixon or should we be digging deeper?
  5. I am guilty of abusing the electric fuel pump in my a/c. The switch for the electric fuel pump in my '67C is way over to the left in the row of toggle switches at the bottom of the panel. It is hidden from vision by the left portion of the yoke that usually has my left fist around. I really just can't see it from my normal position. I usually remember to switch it on at the times when we are supposed to, but it amazes me how often I forget to turn it off. Occasionally I'll turn it on to switch tanks, then notice many minutes later that I forgot to shut it off because I got distracted by something else. I'm tired of abusing that poor thing so I'm thinking about moving the position of that toggle switch to a more visible location. I'm also thinking about connecting it to a toggle switch with a light on the end. Any thoughts? I stopped by an auto parts store the other evening and they have a nice selection of what seem to be rugged, illuminated, toggle switches with high amp ratings (e.g. 30 A). Thanks.
  6. Hey there everyone! I’m having a weird issue with my bravo. I’m having EGT fluctuations that happen in all cylinders at the same time. They first cool down 20-50 degrees then back up 60-70 and back to where they were when I leaned the engine out. This is in level cruse flight without any adjustments to the prop, mixture or throttle. My suspicion is the engine driven fuel pump. The only other correlated indication I’ve noticed is the fuel PSI gauge which will flicker from it’s normal cruise level of 40psi to 36 or so for just a second. Shortly thereafter the EGTs start their rollercoaster. Common sense tells us the engine is getting less gas during the rise and falls because of the rise and falls of the EGT and the correlated fuel PSI indication makes me believe the engine driven fuel pump is on its way out. I’ve attached a video of one of the more tame fluctuations I’ve managed to catch on video. Side note: I’ve had a mechanic check this out and I was told “I’ve never heard of an engine driven pump going out before” they didn’t find anything else relevant. Any help at all 20906550-E036-4103-9F85-CC15F5E65322.MOV is greatly greatly appreciated! 20906550-E036-4103-9F85-CC15F5E65322.MOV
  7. Anyone know the part number for the metal can and shroud that go over the fuel pump and where you can buy one?
  8. Hello all. I had a problem with my fuel flow yesterday. ('82 M20K/231) I took off from Paso Robles, CA around 10a headed for Santa Rosa, CA. It was about 82 degrees OAT. Fuel flow was normal on take off and climb out (about 25GPH) until about 7000 feet. The fuel flow started dropping off TIT started increasing and fuel flow would only max out at about 15GPH. Leveled out at 8000 and ran it LOP. Everything was normal for LOP operations. Did some troubleshooting in the air (switched tanks, low boost pump, high boost pump) Nothing changed during LOP so felt it was OK to continue. We landed at Santa Rosa and spent some time with a mechanic on the ground. He couldn't figure out the problem either. Did a high speed taxi down the runway and fuel flow was normal. Took it up in the pattern and again everything was normal. We did fuel up before we left KPRB and I didn't sump the tanks for water. Maybe there was water in the fuel? Any other ideas?? Thanks!
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