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Riq last won the day on January 1 2013

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    m20c turbonorm

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  1. According to the a/p, blow-by loaded up the crankcase pushing out the 150hr old seal. I would think the breather would relieve enough pressure, but thats what the mechanic told me.
  2. I ran a low cylinder in hopes of trying the same thing in my cherokee. Long story short the prop seal blew and black oil coated the plane, loss of oil pressure ensued and forced what seemed like an imc emergency landing.(the windshield was useless, I had to use the storm window and slip to see anything.) Im no a/p, but I will never treat a low cylinder as airworthy again.
  3. Great read, and I appreciate your candor. When I got my ppl, my instructor told me, "got time to spare, go by air", meaning with vfr youll wait for weather A LOT. I have found this to be totally true, and the first couple years my family and I slept/waited in numerous fbos, small airports, hotels, etc for wx to break. Thank goodness for great/understanding parents/babysitters and employers.
  4. I have a turbo normalizer on my C and I really enjoy the utility and power it adds when needed. I feel like I have the best of both worlds being I can never use it if I want, or crank it on when needed. Plus, its a super reliable engine.
  5. I tipped $150 plus a case of patron to my mechanic at annual. I need him to work on my cherokee in another town so it was more of a bribe.
  6. I use lsd nimh's from hobbyking in about everything. http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=25023&buddycode=5938E721-23DA-4749-9817-B026A092704A The kids and I have about 60 in devices, and they last a long time, and me being into rc aircraft of all sorts have all sorts of ways of charging them. They are Low Self Discharge; they hold a charge a long time. Ive had some in my king portable radio for about 3 years without recharging them, and used it again today while working on the plane. Granted, you do get a bad one every now and then, but rarely, and they are cheap, a lot cheaper than feeding the devices alkalines.
  7. Here is my experience....4 hours and a couple custom tools later the 77852 did not work on my 63 m20c. The prop cable bracket was too close in the rear to allow any filter access. A remote filter would have to be the answer in my case. I should have measured with greater accuracy the first time. Not sure what others are finding, but I never found this out from anywhere on the net so I thought id save someone the hassle someday.
  8. As far as I can tell, the c is one of the best values in aviation. I love mine.
  9. Piloto, My home fbo charges 50$ a preheat. When it was 15$ I didnt think twice about having them preheat me. A northern companion heater, a tanis heater, a yamaha generator, etc...could have paid for a lot of preheats, but wheres the fun in that.(plus, my northern heater is a msr stove, and the yammie gen is handy regardless)
  10. I had the same "problem" on my new to me plane. The dealer and I adjusted it ourselves. I wouldnt recommend this unless youve done it before, as its a pita. My plane had just had a new tach put in so we assumed it was ok, and the gov just wouldnt give over 2600 when warm. Well, after cruising around the country for 100hrs I decided to use a rc airplane tach and sure enough, my gauge was off! I was burning up the sky at ~2650 all over. Make sure your gauge is accurate.
  11. I had a wicked departure stall that resulted in a spin that the checkride instructor was amazed we got into. It was seemingly only to the left, and we couldnt replicate it easily. It sure got my attention because it flips a wing and goes down fast, but was easily recoverable.
  12. I think thats what my buddy moved up to. The blulink has the capability to do bluetooth for both cell and music, and my headset inc dc's are strong and paid for. When I win the lottery Ill get a screamin eagle and new headsets.
  13. Here is my pirep on the blulink. I bought one from a friend who upgraded, and I saw it in his hanger, remembered seeing it in a sporty catalog or such, and got a deal on it. My planes intercom leaves a lot to be desired so we've tried everything under the sun to watch movies, listen to music etc, and were always ending up putting ear buds under our headsets, and trying to make a call involved putting the phone under the headset as well. It was less then desirable to say the least. I was happy and eager to try a cost effective solution. After playing with the blulink at home and linking it to my iphone and ipad I was impressed, it was easy to hook up and quick. But, the test was to come in the air. Before I maidened the unit, I wondered if I could listen to movies on the ipad and still make phone calls. I called the tech support and was told how to(simply put, turn off bt on the phone and let the blulink find the ipad 1st) by an extremely helpful gentleman. I always appreciate good tech support, and they have it. First time using it was absolutely fantastic. I could hear a conversation, and people couldnt tell I was in a plane. I could actually listen to a movie, and when atc, or something came over the radio, it took precedence over the input and ramped it back up smoothly. I have not bought something that added so much joy to flying in awhile. Anr headets, ipads, and this make flying xc soooo easy and relaxing.
  14. Wow, looks fantastic. Im also curious as to the process and what products you used. My plane needs this badly.
  15. +1 I lean aggressively during ground ops in my cherokee, and it still needs a plug cleaning/change every now and then, but the fine wires in my mooney have seemingly lasted forever and require no maintenance. This year the cherokee gets motor work and new fine wire plugs.
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