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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. I did call, As usual they are great. It seems that the issue is a ground, either of the alternator and/or the JPI. THis could also be related to the ASPEN...They are working on it and hopefully I get some good news...
  2. I have a three aspen pro installed in my Mooney. One of them periodically indicates that it will switch to battery power, but then it does not... Voltage is 13.9 and everything else works well.... Any ideas? Oscar
  3. Well, I have been observing something really strange and I have been trying to figure out what is going on... but I can't. I replaced my analog fuel sensors with digital CIES ones. They worked great. But lately they indicate well when everything is off. But as soon as I turn on the alternator the fuel indication goes down on my JPI 900 from full to 3/4. Any idea what may be going on? some grounding perhaps... Thank you Oscar
  4. I should check before each flight, but I do it if I see that they look flat… I usually use an analog gage. Oscar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. I went for an Aspen max2500 with an Stec 55x. I also installed a GTN750 and 650. Everything plays nicely together. I also like the flexibility of the Aspen screens Oscar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  6. This is another option with a GTN 750 and 650 with remote transponder and audio panel. Three Aspens and Stec 55x
  7. I have the same issue. Ended up discarding the 210 and getting the 510 card. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. I try to do owner assist as much as possible, my schedule permitting. I always participate very actively in any Maintenance decision, which in most cases ends up translating into more money spend. Otherwise oil change, etc I do myself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. Based on your suggestions, I moved ahead and did the modifications... Here are some pictures of how it looks now... Thanks for all the ideas...
  10. Nice! I had one of these Boom Bean installed in my M20, but one night my alternator went off line and it was incredible how fast the battery started losing power... Luckily the alternator went back online. But at that point I decided to reduce to the max my power consumption. So I changed over to LED. Good to see that the G3 is now a new option. Thank you.
  11. Chris, For work I have been interviewed on TV several times and I had to deliver statements etc. You are absolutely right the best thing it to be yourself. Next video I am going to try to speak and comment what is going on... let's see how it goes. The flight was close to 3.5 hours. My main problem was always battery life for the outside cameras. I tried the wifi option but somehow it never really worked. I found some cheap, very simple, cameras that have a battery life of about 4 hours. No thrills, but decent video quality at 4K. The brand is "Drift". I turn them on before I get into the plane and then I leave them on until I arrive. Tons of video footage. Good advice on not accelerating landings. You are absolutely right. I always enjoy watching others land their planes. Oscar
  12. Hi Chris, I had a great laugh when I read your response, because my challenge is how to write and interesting script and of course how to sound engaging. Let me share with you what I do in my videos and you will see what I mean.
  13. My son Fausto decided to call N9341V "our Mooney". Oscar
  14. Chris, BTW I love your videos. I am seriously thinking of putting some voice on the ones I produce in light of how interesting I find yours. My only concern is that you are so good at it that I would never reach your level of proficiency... I installed the VGs after I got my plane. I was using my plane to fly into grass strips and shorter runways. My field was also at 5,000 feet and density altitude was often an issue. On several occasions I was taking of and landing with 8,000+ feet density altitude and it was an issue. So I decided to install them. I feel that I may have lost some knots... may be 3 or 5, but I gained so much control that I don't regret it. As soon as I go flying again I will do some stalls and report back. Oscar
  15. Chris, really interesting video and well done! I was wondering, and I will try it out, how vortex generators actually impact on the stall speed of my M20C. I do know for sure that the controls are more responsive compared to a stock M20C without the VGs. Once again, thank you and great videos... I love them. Oscar
  16. I did the caravan training several years ago and I flew the caravan into Oshkosh. I was nearly washed out because I did not get it how to fly the procedures. They took me under their wings and with a LOT of patience they helped me get to where I needed to be. So overall the training was excellent and I felt safe. At the end I did fly the caravan. It was an amazing experience. Of course it was stressful, especially for somebody who had never done this before. I had all protocols in my mind, including what I needed to do if things did not go as I was expecting them to go. But everything went very well. A the end I was given my call sign BREAKER... (long story why that name...). Some years later the incident happened... and you could argue that it could have been dealt with in a different way. But it was not, and the organization had to deal with the fallout. But at this point lets move on. Whoever likes to fly the caravan (and most likely I will once I am back in the states) let them do it... My two cents... Oscar
  17. I installed the jPI 900 several years ago and I love it. Easy to read and interpret. The only problem is that a mechanic tried to clean the screen and he smeared it. I called JPI and they are ready to exchange it but it would take some time. So I am going to wait until I am back in the states. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro Lo
  18. The country is not very GA friendly. I paid US$ 834 for handling, landing fees and parking for three days!!! So I am not surprised. Oscar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  19. And here goes the last installment of my flight Costa Rica to El Salvador. The scenery was simply amazing… I hope you enjoy it. Oscar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  20. Welcome on board and your story is really inspiring!!
  21. Add to that, field elevation 3,048 feet, temperature 27 celsius and a 25 kts tailwind (plus downdraft from the hills)... impossible to climb 5,000 in 9 miles in a M20C with full tanks. So my mistake, I should have never accepted the SID. But I did... so ATC complained rightfully to me, but luckily I was VFR so they basically said ok... go ahead. I had done that flight before and they had given me a different SID, so I did not prepare myself for another SID. Lesson learned: do you homework, you are the PIC and if it does not work, then just say: unable.
  22. As I mentioned in one of my posts, I did not play well with the Costa Rican ATC. They gave me a clearance with a SID that I should not have accepted... but I thought that I would be able to do it. In any event this video shows me departing San Jose, Costa Rica. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the flight (despite my bad start with ATC).
  23. Here goes another video of my flight to Costa Rica. Take off and then an interesting SID. Enjoy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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