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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Really nice!! Your M20J looks cool and congrats to a very nice video… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. Look, let me chip in. I watch and like his videos. His video are well produced and edited. A bit on the long side for my taste, but really nicely done. Although all the links at the end did call my attention, I did not perceive them as spam. Editing videos takes a LOT OF WORK and it costs money (your time and additionally the soft and hardware if you want to do it right). Just coming up with a story line is hard. Then get the footage and start editing tons of gigabits is really a BIG JOB. When I put together a 3 to 6 minute video it takes me easily about 3 to 4 hours if not more to do it. So give him a break. For the rest of the gang, please continue producing and posting your videos. They are fun to watch and you always learn something.
  3. I tried it yesterday. It scared the heck out of the tower... I did not like it. Because you have to be careful with the turn radius I prefer to walk and make sure that I don't break anything.
  4. I agree, but it feels nice. The most interesting thing is that the plane runs smoother, quieter and it is lighter. Also, because it is lighter it is amazing how easy it is to start the engine.
  5. I had the field approval for my M20C for a MT. Not a big issue to get the approval. The MT prop is really a great addition. Specially for a M20C. First you lose a lot of weight. Second you get rid of the red arch and finally it runs smoother and quieter. So I am a big fan.
  6. I think that the M20C is not the best plane to take to unprepared fields. Its prop clearance is small and therefore I always try to ensure that the fields I use are smooth and don't have any holes. Having said that I do fly rather often into grass fields. I just make sure that I know where I am going, how the fields are and any suggestions local pilots may have for me. Taking off from grass fields has also its issues. You have to make sure that you use soft-field techniques and don't get stuck in a hole... and that the little bumps on the take off roll that may actually get you airborne are managed well.
  7. Claudio, welcome on board! I am sure that our virtual mooney Friends will be able to advise you on this or other planes. I was suggesting as an alternative an M20E…. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. Thank you for the guide! Amazing background material. Nice job. Proceeded to donate.... I would encourage to do the same to keep the side going...
  9. Sorry if I was not clear. I believe the battery lasts enough for the task.
  10. I would say yes. I did not do 1000' but I did around 600' no issues. It is a really robust system.
  11. I would say it is very unlikely. They are paired and it only works if they are connected.
  12. I also exercise mine. I put them in take off position and check for movement.
  13. There are two options. One with a safety device and another one without. I went cheap and therefore I have to be very careful....
  14. The other day on their way back to Argentina, Alex and his wife Martine stopped in El Salvador after flying around the world. They are great friends, but also had some great stories to share. If you are interested in their flight below is the link to their trip. https://www.360-journal.com/ In the meantime just a video of our flight back from having breakfast. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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  15. Some asked me about how I liked my AC Airtechnology tug. Well, I though the best thing would be to put together a video and share it here. Oscar
  16. Thank you, just emailed you. Oscar
  17. Marc I see is as something nice to have. But I would not count on it. I see my iphone or my ipad as a more capable and userfriendly system.
  18. Yes it is incredible how fast and effective the system is. However, you are absolutely right. Now we can hear the baggage door...
  19. I have the same and it is really nice.
  20. I had the inflatable doorseal installed many years ago. I love it! now I added the electrical pump and it works superbly well. The only problem I have is the baggage door.... the seal is not great. Oscar
  21. Long story... He belonged to my son Fausto. He flew with me once with his "friend". Once we landed he told me that his friend would always fly with me to keep me company... so here I am...
  22. This is how I have mine installed. I am just having difficulties calibrating it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  23. I use them. They work well. I like them. They are comfortable. Now are they as good as the A20? May be not… but they are so much more comfortable. Oscar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  24. There are always some discussions out there about landing our Mooneys on a grass strip. Last weekend I flew to a grass strip close to the beach in El Salvador and landed there. The place is called Puerto Barilla. I though it would be nice to share the experience with you. The hardest thing was actually to find the strip... Enjoy. Oscar
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