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Oscar Avalle

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Oscar Avalle last won the day on May 11 2022

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About Oscar Avalle

  • Birthday 04/20/1960

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  1. Yes, the most important thing is to fly the airplane and focus on the essentials. This happened to me not long ago taking off from a grass strip. I decided to fly to a larger airport with the door open. It was not very pleasant but doable. Here are two videos with the take off and the landing. landing As you can see not to complicated, as long as you focus on flying.
  2. I do fly a drone too and I got certified under part 107. I am very careful when flying out of my field with my drone. But I am allowed to do it if I coordinate with tower. It helps a lot being a pilot. oscar
  3. It works really well. The noise difference is amazing.
  4. That is the best option. Easy to set up and easy to edit.
  5. Nice panel! Worry about the audio later... It is ok. The camera position is great, inside and outside. The most important part is the story line. What is it that you want to tell the audience. Then write it down as an outline. Once you are done with that look at the video footage you have available and mix it. Show outside views, alternating them with inside views. Each segment has to be short (no longer than 20 seconds maximum). About the map... It always helps showing people where you are going. I just use google maps... and draw arrows on it. I also like the https://www.youtube.com/@MissionaryBushPilot/videos But there are others like aviation101 who are interesting. Have fun! Oscar
  6. Thank you! I got them from aircraft spruce. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. I flew again to the pacific coast of el salvador. On my way there I overflew a volcano. What did i find in the crater? A lake!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. Same thing with aircraft spruce. At the end of the process you have the option to request tax exemption
  9. I did refence it and that was one of the problems. Instead of looking outside and checking the waves or the trees, i tried to interpret the windspeed snd direction indicator. At 1500 feet it was favoring the runway I used which was the wrong one. But again my mistake. You have to be careful with those indications when you just are out of a turn. It takes a while to stabilize.
  10. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. One lesson learned out of all that... train for go arounds... Don't assume that you will know what you have to do. Once I noticed that I was bouncing I thought I have to initiate a go around. Full power, mixture rich and prop forward. PItch to 76... but then you see the trees!!! and they come towards you!!! fast... I actually diviated a bid... You have to stay cool... not easy.
  12. Good question... (not about the video... I believe I have a lot to learn... but I have fun reviewing and trying to put something together that is entertaining). When do I lower the gear? It depends, I don't have a specific moment when I do it. When I am VFR I lower the gear when I am about to enter the pattern and once I slow down below 120 mph. When I am on an IFR approach I do it once I cross the FAF. But for sure before I turn base my gear is down. Having said that, I remember that I was told to do a GUMPs on downwind abean the numbers, but I prefer to do it earlier... If something is wrong, I prefer to know it asap. BTW... my M20C has now a IO-360... 200 HP injected engine... but it is still a M20C
  13. Absolutely. I messed up great. There were many things that could and should have guided me... but I got tunnel vision and thought that I was right... Well I wasn't....
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