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Everything posted by nels

  1. Air Tolin.
  2. I just had my E model annualed at LUK in the Cincinnati area. I was just told the basic annual cost from last year has gone up from $1000 to $2000. This is the basic plus anything else that was out of the basic annual such as tires or brakes etc. Oil change was included. This probably isn't totally unrealistic except that it doubled in a year. So, I'm looking for someone in the area that will do my next annuals and might allow me to assist wth inspection cover removal, re install and other items that would help with the cost. I'd like to be able to continue flying. next question: what percentage increase might I expect going from a manual gear E model to a J?
  3. No, I don't have my instrument rating but I have something I consider even better....time. I'm retired and plan on taking no chances. I'm not going to fly at night and I can wait out the weather if need be or return home and try again later. I agree with you on exploring first and I plan on doing just that. A trip to St. Louis and back and then maybe to KC and back. These trips by myself or maybe with a friend or pilot friend.
  4. I gotta say, I like this group. Lots of good info. As far as the airport in Denver, I'm not sure; probably Centennial but for sure a smaller airport than Denver International.
  5. I have yet to fly my E model on any long distance flight. However, I'm based in Cincinnati and have a son and daughter in Denver. My wife and I drive it a lot and I always seem to notice plenty of wind in Kansas. Does anyone fly a similar route? Kansas City is the half way point so a fill up would be a good thing to do within a 100 miles west of KC. Is it typically best in the AM or afternoon? Maybe I'm over thinking the potential wind problem but it would be nice to hear from someone who flies the area and has some insight. I'm a lower time pilot and being cautious. Probably won't attempt the first trip until spring. i should clarify, I'm worried about cross winds and gusts when landing. I'm aware of headwinds in route to and tail winds on the way home.
  6. nels


    I bet you wish your tanks had been empty.
  7. How's the insurance on a Cirrus? Are they a total loss if the chute is deployed and the plane impacts the ground?
  8. Everyone seem to think it is best to position your prop so as to avoid a prop strike during a gear up landing. I've thought about this a lot and it seems to me the only hope you have of not having a prop strike by positioning the prop is with a two blade prop. I don't think there is any sweet spot with a three blade? I also think a crankshaft has a better chance of survival if the prop is spinning when any of the blades hit the ground. The impact on a two blade is once very 180 degrees and a three blade is once every 120 degrees. The nose is coming down at a given rate no matter which blade you are running so a two blade is inherently going to be more damaging than if it were a three blade. I would think if the impact was entirely against one blade, if the engine was stopped and blade down, a bent crankshaft would be more likely. Likewise, if the prop is spinning, torsional damage is less likely with a three blade over a two blade as impact load per blade is less than a two blade. Does this make sense?
  9. I think you did the right thing. If you said no it would possibly imply you had a reason other than your legal rights.they would assume you had stuff on the plane that you should not have had. They appeared cautious to me.
  10. I finally mounted mine to the passenger yoke. I have the full size iPad but it seems to wok well in this location.
  11. I guess I'm more interested in the C and E versus the F, G and J. These should have comparable engine weights.
  12. I've never flown a longer mid body Mooney. I have a short body and someone mentioned the longer mid bodies are more difficult to land. Is that true? I would have thought the short plane would be a little more figity and require more concentration while landing. I am wondering more about the comparison of C and E's to F, G, and J's since they have similar engine weights. Any input?
  13. I agree with the firewall and nose gear, Ryan. Just not much of anything to keep the outside from coming inside. Has anybody checked the db count around the cabin to see where the bulk of the noise is initiated? I've thought about pushing some urethane strips or maybe non hardening putty between the skin and steel cage in various spots to stop the transfer of vibration to the shin. I also think, as Ryan mentioned, the floor around the front gear may be a large contributor. The exhaust noise is right there. Too bad that pipe can't be stretched to the rear of the cabin area, haha.
  14. Is there a noticeable difference in interior noise level from an E model to a J at cruise? Anybody ever do a decibel level comparison?
  15. Merry Christmas from warm Cincinnati, Ohio
  16. Yes, that was the one. You know much about it.
  17. I agree with everything you said. This plane was close enough that I could have handled a lot myself. Since first posting a started doing research and decided taking the wing off was not a good option and none of the professional bidders would have done that. They would have patched it a flew it home. I would like to have had the plane but getting it to my location was the challenge. As I said, it would be nice to find a 201 in a hangar somewhere and deal in a timely manner with the owner and anyone else necessary to get the plane either ready for transport or ferriable. So, do you know of any good candidates? If so PM me please.
  18. You know, that is a great question, I wish I could get those answers so I would know how to bid on those insurance sites. This plane had high engine hours and vanilla grade radios. I really thought I had a good chance at buying it, but, that didn't happen. Probably a good thing. sure wish I could find a good 201 project sitting in a hangar somewhere.
  19. Well, I guess I don't have to worry about it as I was outbid on the auction site. But, maybe another time. Still great information gathered and digested.
  20. So, if the rent was $2500 a month would everybody still insist on a hangar? Personally I think most of them are way over priced actually to the point of insulting! I have to admit $10k a year can buy a hell of a lot of toys, even a descent radio every year or an engine overhaul every two years or a paint job every year. The list goes on. Tie down with a nice canopy cover is not a bad option. A hangar at $150/month would get me interested.
  21. Appreciate all the input. I haven't bought the plane yet as it is up for bid on a salvage site. I'm in Cincinnati and the plane is about a 100 miles from me. I guess that is why I'm interested in it. sure hate to take it apart just to move it that distance but I don't think a ferry permit would be granted.
  22. Now that is thinking!
  23. How much time for an inexperienced crew of one?
  24. Is the Mooney M20 series wing bolted to the fuselage or riveted? I looked at a J model that has wing damage to several skins and I doubt it can be ferried home to a preferred repair shop. I don't want to remove the empennage to transport but removing the wing for transport and replacing it with used may be less expensive than replacing the skin anyway. I talked to a shop and they think the wing is hard riveted on rather than bolted but I'm not convinced. Has anybody out there actually removed a wing?
  25. nels

    Slow J

    In a conventional engine, retarded timing does raise the engine temp.
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