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Everything posted by nels

  1. Sold to a local guy. Pre buy with NO problems just a very impressed Mooney mechanic who did the inspection.
  2. Thought it was sold but buyer found out new radios are expensive. Soooo…still available.
  3. N201ZQ. Very low time plane. TT airframe and engine is less than 1300 hours. Very nice original paint and upholstery. NEVER damaged, never painted, always hangared. You won’t find a nicer virgin 201. Basic radios (see photos) two navcoms,ADF, transponder,Century IIB autopilot, fuel/engine monitor etc. No ADSB. I haven’t flown it in two years but have run it periodically. Hangared at Clermont County/Sporty’s in south west Ohio. Plane is in annual until this fall. I’m 72, insurance has gone way up, I’m not using it and I need to move on. If you call please leave a message and I’ll return the call…too many scam callers. 51threetwozero7 2381
  4. Does anyone have avionics install experience with Kentucky Airmotive? In talking with them over the phone they appear very friendly and willing. However, I’m having trouble getting a written quote.
  5. This plane has a fresh overhaul and looks as if it was very thorough. I’m just surprised it never has an oil filter. I imagine my cousin will be looking for the adapters to put one in..
  6. My cousin bought a 67 Mooney E model a little while back and it’s time to change oil. He couldn’t find the oil filter so I stopped by and we took all the cowling off and there just isn’t an oil filter to be found. Was it an option or is it hidden somewhere?
  7. No, it’s the flat, chopped off look. Ithogjt that might be the hang up as a lot of Js aren’t flat at the end. The tail beacon is what I would prefer but the wing version will certainly do the job..
  8. Has anyone installed either of these units on a J model and if you have, what problem or roadblocks did you encounter? Neither are listed as usable on the (uavionix) site.
  9. Dave. $8500 sounds real reasonable for a 375 install. Did you have a autopilot to integrate with and a heading indicator? I’d be interested in your shops contact info if you would share it. PM me if you would.
  10. David. Are you talking about the 375, 175 or Appareo?
  11. Rmag, You are probably too far. I’d get there quick in the plane but a long hike home and back. Radius of about 200 miles from Cincinnati would work. A shop near by wants to talk me into a Garmin 275 in conjunction with another separate Adsb in/out. I think an Appareo. He says I can save money and have the equivalent of the 375. Anyone familiar enough with all three to comment. He is supposed to be sending a quote.
  12. I’d like to install a German GNX375 in my 201 and looking for a shop that is competent, reliable and can do the job for $10k. Need it integrated to the autopilot and and existing heading indicator. Looking for a shop within reasonable flying distance from Cincinnati. Panel is pretty clean with few upgrades or mods in its life so not a rat nest of wiring behind the panel. Any suggestions?
  13. Just got my quote yesterday....up 50%.
  14. Honestly, this looks to be a really nice plane at a very fair price. The roller cam engine and B hub really make it worth thinking about if you are in the market.
  15. Next to sight, hearing is one sense I’d like to retain at any cost, even if I have to give up flying. I’ve lost too much hearing already. I just ordered a bottle so I’ll try it for awhile and see what happens. Thanks for the tip!
  16. Thanks for all the excellent input. I now feel reassured that my present method is pretty good and I feel more comfortable as to why. At this time I’m wearing a noise cancelling headset with soft foam earplugs in my ear. I have to turn the volume up to hear well but it seems to work. I guess the low frequency is cancelled but the high frequency isn’t and is high enough to discern voice pretty well. If that makes any sense.
  17. I’ve done a lot of experimentation with noise cancelling and the best I’ve come up with is sponge type ear plugs with a good noise cancelling headset. This seems to be a good balance which cancels a lot of low frequency and allows enough high frequency through that I can hear the human voice pretty good. At this point I’m fine but wondering if wearing a hearing aid might somehow work better. There probably aren’t too many guys worried about it but I’m sure there are some and maybe a few that are well advanced in the hearing loss department that may be able to answer the question.
  18. I’m sure they will reflush the oil cooler as it could be contaminated with some aluminum?
  19. That can would be worth a fortune today.
  20. Looks like he is pilot in command or is it a mirror image?
  21. Merry Christmas for sure. Great video, makes me want to fly out of this winter and back into some summer. Good job.
  22. I know but I’m not in any hurry. The shop can’t get to it for a month or more. My original question was can I fly without an adsb out unit as I’m based within the 30 mile vail of cvg. I think it has gotten a little side tracked although it’s been kinda fun and interesting reading.
  23. Bob. I realize the 2020 money isn’t tax free. It will be taxed as regular income. Using this years $ means I sell stock to acquire the funds. That sold stock will be taxed at a lower rate but I don’t believe this is a good time to sell the stock I own. As for the Roth IRA, I recently talked to my accountant about changing over. He was not real fond of the idea. I didn’t get all he was saying but it sounded as if my wife and I would need an earned income of X amount in order to buy into a Roth. My wife has her own business but it doesn’t make much money..haha. I’ll read your comment a few more times and then mention it to him again. A Roth sure would be simple...no tax no deadlines and probably some benefits in estate after death. Another thing,....everyone seems to think I’ll be grounded after 1/1/2020. I’m not so sure of that. I do know that if I would simply move my plane out of the 30 mile vail I could fly anytime I wanted to. I just would need to stay out of controlled airspace and under 10k feet. I was hoping someone here might have definite information but as was mentioned earlier, we will probably figure it all out soon after the 1/1 deadline.
  24. Yes, I’ve been retired for about thirteen years now. I’ve been back into flying for about five years or so. Yes, the mandate is no surprise and I actually strongly considered fulfilling the mandate three or four years ago. However, wisdom prevailed as I assumed the choices would be better and with competition, pricing would be much better.....I was right. Now I can justify way more than a tail beacon going from what I would have spent three years ago. Unfortunately I turn 70 1/2 early in the 2020 tax year. At this time I think it is a no brained to wait until 2020 to purchase equipment from a pretax IRA rather than buy in 2019 out my savings. I sorta look at it as a 30% discount on the radios. Thinking like this allowed me to retire early, buy a plane that I really can’t justify and I keep peace in the household.
  25. I just read through some of the FAA’s stuff again and I think the problem will arise with what they call “constrained airports”. That is an airport running at 85%percent capacity. They also mention scheduled flights for pay getting advanced permission for flights in adsb required airspace. It doesn’t sound like they will be taking the typical private pilot, operating without adsb out, to task. Here’s some of what I’ve been reading: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/04/01/2019-06184/statement-of-policy-for-authorizations-to-operators-of-aircraft-that-are-not-equipped-with-automatic
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