I just bought a M20F from AAA and here are my findings from primarily dealing with Dave M.
1.) I called expressed interest in the plane and got some various good/bad points on it. Full log books sent no problem. Was clear that until deposit was paid the airplane was for sale.
2.) I had a friend visiting San Antonio who stopped in and saw the airplane and they detailed things like Com #2 worked but was squeaky and some other issues
3.) Called and offered basic deal of purchase price + Don Maxwell annual as tentative offer which Dave advised worked in theory.
4.) Went down, saw the airplane, flew the airplane, had an appraiser (Paul Whetstone highly recommend) come out and look at the airplane. All good and issues were openly discussed and clarified.
5.) Worked out a deal which had a minimal shift down on the price as I felt the purchase price was in line with what aircraft was worth to me (does any other price really matter??). Included in the deal was an annual with Don Maxwell with them paying all squawks and a 20hr prop pulled off a plane they took in trade that was priced at a steal into the deal. Shook hands/wrote a check.
Without getting into a lot of details the annual worked up a fair amount worth of issues some known some unknown at the hand shake (wrong bolts in elevator, Ford truck parts used in unique ways, plumbing fixtures in vacuum system, all new pucks, brakes, tires, rerigged, new rheostats, bunch of other stuff), they paid for it no questions. The prop required STC and due to back plate issues a new spinner which was shipped from Hartzell the day I arrived to pick the plane up. I felt pretty bad (though liked the deal I got) for Jimmy and Dave on the prop deal because they lost on that no question in my mind but carried through on their word with no problems.
Whole deal took about 6 weeks.
I have about 30hrs in the plane now and everything works great aside from some rigging issues due to bent flaps which couldn't easily be fixed but are not a huge deal. I have been up to 17500 on a ISA +++ day at 26/26 with room left in the turbo, radios work great (comm #2 antenna replaced), auto pilot works great, no oil burn, no fuel leak, no problems.
I can't comment on other people's deals only my own. While my deal turned out a lot better in theory than I thought it would that is more through circumstances (stuff being broken) and AAA keeping true on their word and paying for it. If everything would have been perfect and it had been a flawless annual would have been just as happy. I felt Don and his team did well by me as did Jimmy & Dave (and Paul Whetstone pointed out some concerns which turned out not to be concerns but he gave some good sage advice for a reasonable appraisal fee). I would definitely recommend all of them to anyone.
The only word of advice I would offer is Dave, Jimmy, and Don are all Texan's and they are a different breed which you need to adapt to. They definitely don't like to deal too much on price (see other posts and I picked this feeling up doing the deal), but if you are fair to them they in turn are fair to you. I would think if you try to stick it to them they are going to stick it back a bit and they probably are smarter on Mooney's than you are. This isn't to imply that any of the people who felt wronged on this thread did this; I am just giving my small opinion (this paragraph) and the facts (all the preceding paragraphs) out of my deal.