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Everything posted by HartParr

  1. That statement is pathetic...go vote for a politician that 'promises' to end it. I bet none of the fascist/libs were in Iraq or Afganistan.
  2. I place Italian planes and cars in the same category as the spaghetti westerns of the '60s-too foreign. Boeing Monomail Beech Staggerwing B1 Lancer B2 Spirit
  3. I think he might have been comparing my E to some plane with no flaps or maybe he was making the point that needing to slip on final is poor judgement and not a very stable approach.
  4. Read somewhere long ago that short bodies, full flaps, and slips don't play together very well. First time I did it when I was getting checked out my instructor said slips don't work very well in Mooneys so I just don't use them like when I fly little tail-draggers.
  5. Something else to try-practice on something first- is try to shrink the leather after it is in place. Soak leather with water and stretch before cutting and then stitch on while still wet. When it dries work in saddle soap or some other leather conditioner. The old cowboys say blood is the best leather shrink (think OJ trial) but that is kinda gross.
  6. I had a cracked plug-it only shorted and caused an obvious miss at altitude, mechanic said the thinner air would let the short go to elsewhere. Also from this incident I learned that age of plugs is as important as total hours.
  7. We'd be better served looking at total spending vs GDP in every case. Reagan was saddled with dem controlled congress and Clinton was dragged kicking and screaming into Newt's Contract with America and now tries to take credit-pathetic. A very telling graph to look at is unemployment for the last 15 years or so. Governments can control trends with policy and our current unemployment devastation was started with Bush's last midterm. The new congress's first legislation was raising minimum wage. The dems did that for one reason-to hurt 'Bush's' low unemployment numbers.
  8. agree 100%-this country needs real conservatism not Dems or Repubs spending on everything they can think of.
  9. NO! Bush had a deficit of 2t in eight years and O ran it up to 5.3t in four years. NO this country was not founded on 'liberal' ideals. The basic difference is that liberals believe more government is the answer and conservatives believe more government is a problem. Strong centralized governments wether they are monarchs, dictatorships, or socialist/communist are the very definition of liberalism.
  10. Amigone- I said the left idolizes dictators and that made you mad---do you know any conservatives that idolizes them? No, that is a liberal tenant, if you are liberal and do not think the left is putting these people on a pedestal then you really need to reevaluate your ideals. This country is in a lot of trouble because many young people watch Jon Stewart, Colbert, and NPR and think that they are 'informed'. You claimed I was pathetic because I didn't know you--did I say YOU idolize anybody? No I said the left does and if you consider yourself a liberal then not only is that your problem but it is mine also, I would really like to protect that greatest bastion of freedom in the world. Instead of being offended of what Rush or I am saying about your level of ignorance you should take off the blinders and try to understand what we are trying to tell you. Did you read the above post? Did you realize how uninformed you sound when you make a statement like "I might have been under the influence'?
  11. Sorry-too much sarcasm goes right over my head.
  12. Throw bombs? Accusing him of the same? What in the world are you talking about? I called him a murderer. By default?? what are you babbling about? You seem to hate things that are real and cast them as evil, hence the low information voter, hence the problems of this country, I agree we should all read but some have graduated to books involving more than socialist drivel.
  13. I think the parts that sounded like he idolized him was him being facetious.
  14. The truth I was referring to was Hugo was a murderous thug and the left idolized him. No ignorance whatsoever in that statement. Didn't refer to the left as Dems or Repubs. Class and debating is what I thrive on but only to the extent of reality, truths and with the educated. When I stated the left idolized dictators like Hugo I was referring to Katie Curic stating on national TV that her dream interview would be with Hugo, Fidel, or Kim Jong Ill-and that to me is sick.
  15. because.........Let me guess-the truth hurts?
  16. It is amazing how the uniformed left of this country idealizes murderers and thugs like chavez and kim jong make me ill. The free market/capitalism system has made our country the most successful nation in the history of the world and increased the living standards of more people than their dictators. We own and fly airplanes because of this success.
  17. Wheat farmer from Kansas, I did read your (tree farming) article in Progressive Farmer and found it interesting.
  18. No, what I meant was I that I am horrified by instructors that don't teach students pilots very well. They were taught by some kid just needing hours for his next rating. I learned to fly from an old gentleman in the early '80s and learned spins, dead stick landings, and unusual attitudes that would turn most pilots green. He believed recovery from unusual attitudes during the day was cheating, nothing like being at stall, upside-down at night and under the hood to see if you knew how to read what the panel was telling you.
  19. Thank you guys with the gentle nudges that I need. I have heard some absolute horror stories from pilots about their instructors and believe that maybe those that insist everybody need their IR just had some lacking primary instruction.
  20. My father flew for almost 50 years, taking his family all over this country, Canada and Mexico and was never IR. His secret for not killing us---he wasn't stupid. Some of these posts are a little offensive. I know the numbers for my Mooney and understand many things about inst. flying but I have never 'needed' to fly in weather that I don't like and am not convinced that I need one. Sometimes I think I should get the rating and then other times I feel like I don't have the time or want it bad enough. Should have had the choice in your poll 'no, but thinking about it'.
  21. Beautiful covergirl, just wonder why the owner was not interviewed more about said myths.
  22. Congrats! Secret handshake invlolves a V for victory and a slashing S for speed.
  23. I remember trying things like that in my youth.
  24. If coming from the east fly to the Cimmaron VOR then up the valley to Eagle Nest and turn south for a 11 mile final into AXX. The first time I flew there I forgot about DP and pulled on yoke to flare and nothing happened, be ready to add power to flare. Used to not be able to get fuel at AXX would have to buzz over to Taos to fill up. Just fly the valley (hiway 64). Cross winds at AXX are there almost every afternoon. Been flying to Angel fire since the '70s. Parents have place about a mile northwest of the runway.
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