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Everything posted by HartParr

  1. I don't have the RTV on mine and would like to know why somebody put it there. If it were mine I would remove and find out on my own why it was put there--reduce wear or better cooling. By heatsink I assume you mean the cooling fins? Well don't remove the RTV using a hammer, use common sense.
  2. It could even be a loose connection or connection need to be shined up.
  3. I don't have an engine monitor and am interested in adding one to the panel. Would that (intermitten spark) have shown up with cooler EGTs?
  4. I have always been hesitant about checking mags in the air, but no more-or I learned about flying from that. I went on a 300 mi flight the other day and about 60 mi from destination my engine started to run a little rough, lost about 100 rpms. Picked an airport and ran through everything I could think of. Engine smoothed out-wanted to make it to an airport with mechanic on field so turned on course again, rough again. By this time I eliminated water in fuel and started blaming it on bad fuel. Smooth again then rough, then smooth. Landed and inquired for the mech and started making arrangements for draining fuel. He said I should try a mag check-back in, run up, great check 100 rpm drop each side. Called home mech, he said should have tried mag check when running rough and urged a check of plugs first then mags. Turned out two of the bottom plugs had cracked insulators. Four new plugs later I was on my way on an uneventful trip home. I hope everybody reading this doesn't have to learn things the hard way like me. '66E
  5. His instructor should have told him though all runways look similar from the air not all are over 5000'.
  6. I am a farmer and I am very offended at that farmer subsidy remark. Just keep drinking the kool-aid. Let me educate you my lib friend to a couple of points. Remember the wheat boycott? When was the last time your liviing was boycotted? The ag sector begged for this not to happen because it would increase the slash and burning in South America, seen ag output from Brazil in the last 30 years? Our gov said it's OK we'll take care of you. How much of the ag budget goes to food stamps? Most. How much of the ag budget goes to the farmer? How much of the ag budget goes to pigford scandles? Beauacrats er I mean admin.The direct payment I got last year did not cover 1% of my cost to do business and this year's is less than half of that. Next year's will be $0. Thanks government of the people for taking care of us. Do I want subsidies? NO. But when the gov't gets his hand out of my pocket I will remove mine.
  7. 'Government is the problem not the solution' is a very profound quote and I wish everybody would ponder it on all levels.
  8. Why does military funding come from discretionary funds yet welfare is an entitlement? Seems kinda backwards in a world where people are sworn to kill all 'heathens' and America's 'poor' live in relative luxury. I have a degree in econimics from a major university and I paid for every cent of it, and it was the one of the worst investments I've made so far. The property taxes I've paid and my parents have paid over the years have been more than sufficient to pay for the public education for my children and me, and the dirt roads that I travel on 90% of the time. The talking point of government came first so that the people can prosper is straight out of Karl Marx's playbook. Everybody should be very careful of where they get thier current news from. There are those out there that want a socialist society and nothing has ever worked better at raising everybody's lot in life as capitalism. Republicans don't have a plan that you know of??? Where have you been? Where do you get your news from? NPR. The Dems have NEVER submitted a budget since they have gained control of this current mess. Does the Ryan budget ring a bell? This is the first pres in my life that has never submitted a budget.
  9. Crusty old Army Air Corp instructor," If you die in a fiery crash, they damn well better find your mangled body on the centerline." For some odd reason that quote has helped me keep centered better than anything else.
  10. Hot weather, cold engine-not quite as much prime is all I do.
  11. Doesn't a Luscomb club or association own their type cert. same with Navion and Stinson, ect?
  12. I have taken off at 8k with full family and fuel just fine in my E.
  13. Hey Dave you still have that gizmo? I pm'd you.
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