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Everything posted by Shadrach

  1. AFAIK, a 3rd party audit is included in our docs but that may be unique to our industry category (medical devices).
  2. CE is not really a self certification. You must work with a “designated representative” and the compliance costs are not trivial.
  3. I’m saw this at Costco over the weekend thought it would fit in the Mooney easily. A bit of a pig at 48lbs and limited speed but compact. https://www.costco.com/jetson-haze-electric-bike.product.4000025081.html I see quite a few folks on full size E-bikes out in my rural part of the county. It’s a dead give when you see someone effortlessly pulling hills at 25 mph on fat tires. I am intrigued.
  4. Rat snakes are typically as docile as a pet. I have moved several by gently picking them up and walking them to a more favorable location. The larger they are, the more docile they seem to be.
  5. That stain looks just like the staining on my belly downstream of the exhaust.
  6. There are lots of Cirrus flying with shock discs. It’s a data point of interest.
  7. I think @ilovecornfields misspoke. It's not who decides "what shit is stupid" but who decides what is shit (stupid or otherwise). I like the current system where individuals speak their minds and move on. I don't like it when mods step in, here or anywhere else. I have had posts deleted here for "reasons" that haven't even the thinnest resemblance to what I actually said. My protest was not even acknowledged. I get the feeling mods often feel like a Mother with an unruly brood...don't care who started it...don't care who's fault it was, just sit down and shut up. I want no parts of that type of moderation.
  8. I've never seen idiom used to describe an individual but I think I understand what you mean. I think technological determinism is too reductive to encapsulate the drop in birth rates over the last 4 decades. However, maybe not too reductive for the next significant drop not only in birth rates but in marriage in general that I expect we will see as AI based pornography becomes widely available...which is just on the horizon.
  9. India's Demos are much better than China's. Decades of male favored, one child policy combined with "Persuasive" family planning has taken its toll.
  10. I'm glad Paul is well. This is just what I had suspected. Likely because I too have felt driven to take long breaks from this forum. Usually months but sometimes for years. When you see that you've got in excess of 10,000 posts you contemplate the utility or futility of the activity...
  11. That's a nice sentiment but I think it fuels the notion that America can withstand any cultural, political or economic storm. Which I don't think is true. It requires some degree of cohesion and agreement on basic national values and that has been evaporating for quite sometime. Success has never been guaranteed for any country. Cynics on both sides have been prognosticating the demise of the Republic since its birth. There will come a time when they're right. I hope that I am long gone by then.
  12. That works well for the task at hand but creates a forearm/wrist barb for other jobs in the area. Always a trade off.
  13. Agree. It's a sad state of affairs that is especially palpable on local election day month.
  14. My Brave browser used as a default. I have remedied the issue.
  15. It's likely that I'm not smart enough to see the connection. That's a risky post. Comparing the Democrats of today with the Democrats of the 1800s may get this thread closed.
  16. Amen. The tactics and rhetoric indeed overlap. Policy is indeed another matter.
  17. Malthus gets a pass as his analysis was applicable to his place in time. He could not have foreseen the decadence of a modern society with so many recreational alternatives to procreation. Paul Ehrlich on the other hand is still at Stanford and remains impenitent to this day for being about as wrong as any person could be on population.
  18. Even without climate catastrophe, much of the developed world is heading for a population collapse in our life time. Those are not fuzzy numbers. China may be in for the worst, but reliable data out of Beijing is a rarity. The reversal of one child has done little to reverse the course.
  19. Those policy makers might seem less authoritarian if they did not have such insatiable appetites for prestigious and cavernous real estate (which by some estimates may be under water in 50 years) along with copious amounts of Jet A.
  20. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/topages/handeeclamp.php This is less pricey and lower profile. I loaned mine out never to be seen again...
  21. Those large cushioned loop clamps that hold the duct in position (under your engine) can be a real PITA to hold in place while trying to fish a fastener through in a tight space/awkward position. If you ever have to deal with them again, ask your friend for some safety wire and pliers. I often wire the ends together so that I can position the clamp as needed and then place the fastener. Once the fastener is threaded, I cut the wire away.
  22. This is the place: https://customductsaircraftsceetandscat.com/contact-custom-ducts/ I could not remember the name of the place that is well known so I clumsily searched "Precut SCAT tube" without really thinking about. As it turns out, that was a bad idea... The Microsoft Bing search algorithm is way less sophisticated than Google which yielded the much more palatable results above.
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