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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. nope wheree is it?
  2. Quote: 74657 I don't even know what to say... I can't believe this guy didn't end up in jail for that incident.
  3. Especially no Bonanza can offer the same NM.gal as a 231. Especially a J. A Bonanza is faster though and offers more headroom.
  4. Quote: sleepingsquirrel Why is the insurance company ,which I presume paid the initial claim, that sold this aircraft to recover some of thier pay out not responsable for the disposition of this in a proper manner?
  5. Perhaps overfill it with 2F to keep the camshaft submerged? Cam and cylinder corrosion are going to be the biggest problem.
  6. OK well, here is a start, click on the "employee directory" link here: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/field_offices/fsdo/lou/contact/ also, the Southern region field office: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/arc/ro_center/index.cfm?file_name=contact_us_southern I;m going to send a nice email to every person on this list. If a few other do as well, perhaps they will take action. This isn't about money, it's about someone's life.
  7. dont just throw money at it, replacing parts one at a time until the culprit is found. Use a shop that has the proper repair and service manuals, and the tester box. it generates inputs such as pitch and roll to diagnose.
  8. thats because of blow-by from rings. Why are you changing the oil at 25 hours? Do you have a full flow filter?
  9. Here is the deal. Is this damage history? Or damage that is there and never will go away? An aircraft is considered airworthy when it conforms to the type certifcate. Do you think Mooney engineering is going to quantify the damage to the aircraft and declare it airworthy? NO way! It has been completely submerged in water. The fuselage structure is 4130 Chromoly steel tubing which has a propensity to rust. Can you inspect the inside of all the tubes? Can you ultrasonic check the wall diameter of every tube and say it has not corroded more than 10%? (The general AC43-13 limit for tubing corrosion) It has a laminated aluminum spar. And fully enclosed control surfaces which cannot be inspected inside. OK not today but what about in 5 years from now? Airworthiness is based on known processes, events, and industry practices. You cannot quantify a flood. Or severe heat damage. Or overload. I saw a really nice 231 as a salvage that was involved in a mountain wave accident that was +/- 10 Gs and the aircraft fuselage and wing were permanently bent. Mooney engineering said the entire aircraft exceeded the ultimate load limit and was then and forever condemned. Does that mean someone has the right to straighten the wings and sell it to someone else? Lie about it? Or just not tell the whole truth? Buyer beware? We are not talking about a half ton chevy pickup here this is an aircraft. What about the avionics? The Aspen? SL30? Is the Aspen airworthy? Does Peter warrant them to be waterrpoof now? It is certified as a primary IFR instrument. Someone can takeoff IFR at night, and go with this 12,000$ unit installed. How long will it last? The correct answer is "it depends" but do you think it will meet its 12,000 MTBF after being sank in water? Is making an "honest buck" worth killing someone over? If you want to see integrity, stop by a certain Mooney dealer in San Antonio. While you are at it, ask him about this plane. if you want to know what he is forthcoming about, check the following email exchange between him and I. decide yourself. Dear aap3670, http://consumerist.com/2007/11/devoted-customer-upset-jimmy-dean-downsized-sausage-16oz-to-12oz-but-charges-same-price.html is this the same plane? your ad doesnt mention floods. ----------- Dear cessna421c, dont get the connection with jimmys sausage. if u were buying u would be told all. there r few planes that are damage history free. i checked a dozen listed and 70% had history. none disclosed. was cleaned up right and documented if it is no good for u then keep shopping jerry --------- Dear aap3670, sorry, wrong link. is this the same plane? http://www.avclaims.com/N9218M%20Photos.htm -------------- Dear cessna421c, ha ha no problem. looked bad then didnt it? took months to go thru it even to extent of treating the Inside of the tubing structure. didnt hurt the avionics as they all light up and work great. new technology is great eh? jerry - aap3670 (separate email exchange, directly emailed instead of through eBay) -----Original Message----- From: BDR7 To: pressleyjerry Sent: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 11:48 am Subject: n9218M Jerry: How long have you owned this plane? Why so many upgrades? Any damage history? Warranty? Anything else to say about the plane? thanks bdr7 ------------- From: pressleyjerry@aol.com Subject: Re: n9218M Date: June 7, 2011 1:20:44 PM CDT To: former owner did upgrades,,,prop strike but new engine since then. elevator changed for???? where r u located? u need to look at it. is a great plane.
  10. I kinda like the idea of an air-oil separator but I hear from a couple established people, that it reroutes all the acids and water vapor back into your engine too. One more thing, Our engine is the IO-360A3B6D. Our latest thing is to add oil only when it gets to 5 quarts, and fill to 6, unless a really long flight. We only need to add 1 quart every 8-10 hours this way, and the belly stays clean. Where do most of you add oil?
  11. All radios submerged and not damaged? Peter, are the Aspens waterproof now? How do you open up tubing?
  12. I would send the fuel servo in. Also, check the magneto, especially the cam breaker screw and impulse coupler. This can kill you. http://mechanicsupport.blogspot.com/2008/08/bendix-d3000-magneto-redundancy.html
  13. On our plane when we bought it there would be oil on the nose doors. Turns out it was a couple leaking pushrod drainback tubes. Easy fix.
  14. it is useful as a backup but doesnt directly read pitch or bank.
  15. The "sell a completely submerged aircraft" and lie about it business? What a shame. All to make a buck. Its only someone's life. But hey, we are talking about money here!
  16. Quote: richardheitzman I sent him an email asking for info on the aircraft. Via ebay. If he does not disclose then I am turning him in to Ebay for fraud.
  17. The Century IIB A/P works from the vacuum ADI and the vacuum DG. The TC does nothing unless you count saving your butt in IMC.
  18. OK, how about this: former owner did upgrades,,,prop strike but new engine since then. elevator changed for???? where r u located? u need to look at it. is a great plane. -----Original Message----- From: BDR737 <bdr737@gmail.com> To: pressleyjerry <pressleyjerry@aol.com> Sent: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 11:48 am Subject: n9218M Jerry: How long have you owned this plane? Why so many upgrades? Any damage history? Warranty? Anything else to say about the plane? thanks answer: ormer owner did upgrades,,,prop strike but new engine since then. elevator changed for???? where r u located? u need to look at it. is a great plane.
  19. Hey all. I am gathering opinions on what to do. We have a standard 6 pack panel in our 1977 201, and the turn coordinator bearings are shot. The vacuum AI is a little suspect too, perhaps less so since I turned the vacuum up. AC 91-75 from your friendly FAA says they now recommend replacing the turn coordinator with a second attitude indicator and a slip/skid ball. They are expensive, however. So what would you do, overhaul or replace the turn coordinator, Replace it with a used AI? Or something else?
  20. Mooney basically "foreclosed" upon themselves and in the process, shed all their debt. Now they are called "Mooney Aviation Company". So they are in a lot better shape than before. Also, when I toured the factory in 2001, was shocked at the fact they didnt outsource anything. They built their own wiring harnesses, side panels, headliners, engine mounts, everything. There was a lot of labor in those planes, when they said "hand-built ferrari of the sky" thats no kidding. But expensive to build.
  21. Nope. I fly over oceans for a living in jets, but for the Mooney, I would just ditch it and buy a newer one.
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