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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. Quote: Bennett I considered the SL30 to go under the GTN750, but with good used 430Ws being relatively inexpensive, the delta between the two was low enough to make the 430W attractive. Of course I was comparing a new SL30 to a used 430W. I've had many hours using the 430W in other aircraft; it is a capable box, and with the GPS (and rudimentary moving map) it provides far more utility than the SL30. Panel space may be a consideration, and this is why I went for the remote audio. From my standpoint, the dollar difference i would have to pay for the 650 as compared to the (used) 430W, just wasn't worth it. In fact, I will add an Icarus GPSS roll converter to the GTN 750 to work with with the KAP 150 autopilot. This is far less expensive than the 750/650 combination, and will allow the autopliot to fly procedure turns and holds. I think this is better "bang for the buck". Just one guy's opinion.
  2. GTN updates are over a grand a year, BTW.
  3. Test, I'm overseas right now but sure, I can measure them when I get home. I measured a couple but I forgot the value. I do remember a couple looked fresh and most were severely worn. The engine had 1300 SMOH and I would bet some of those plugs were that old. Interestingly, the logs only show one plug being changed, though clearly 3-4 of them are good enough for a spare. Huge difference in how it runs. Like an electric motor.
  4. there is also this: http://www.airweb.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library%5Crgstc.nsf/0/638E876D33F5A80F8625753F007AE969?OpenDocument from here and aircraft spruce: http://seatoneng.com/products.htm
  5. My J has two 5 amp "Buss F-01" fuses, available from www.mouser.com. they are not cheap, around 15$ each.
  6. that sounds great, espeically the 696 in an AirGizoms mount. We did an aera 500 this way with it above the audio panel front and center and it works great.
  7. now does anyone have rigging boards? My shop doesnt have them, although I am rigging the plane myself (under supervision)
  8. How many candlepower is this thing? Our XeVision 75W has 75,000 Candlepower, mroe than enough. The beam is a little narrow, but aimed properly, you can set leaves on fire.
  9. Quote: scottfromiowa '64 M20E that is exactly how I lean in cruise. Big pull then enrichen to first cylinder to peak then pull to 50 degree drop on EGT as indicated. I didn't think about that being the "Richest" cylinder, but as I am doing it backward (already LOP) and enrichening I suppose that is what I am finding the "richest" cylinder. I was running 80-100 LOP until recently. I have picked up some speed and flying at 10GPH indicated.
  10. Quote: flyguy241 I've had a couple of scarey events in airplanes. The first time, I was flying my old Cherokee 140 out of an airport in Nebraska. I took off on the short crosswind runway and just as the wheels clear, a cylinder cracked and fouled both spark plugs with oil. The climb performance on a Cherokee is not great to begin with, but on 3 cylinders it's much worse. I was too far down the runway to shut it down so I start looking for a place to set it down ahead of me. I never notice all of those radio towers in that direction before. Regardless, the little Cherokee was holding its own and I could make shallow turns without losing altitude, so I was able to nurse it back to the airport for an uneventful landing. Lucky it wasn't very hot that day and I was in a nice flat state like Nebraska. The next stop was the shop for a major overhaul.
  11. Maybe because Narco hanst had a competitive product in 20 years could be something to do with it.
  12. we also have an alcor single point egt that is straight up in the middle at takeoff. lean to that value for climb, until you drop below 25" MP while full throttle, then you can lean a little more even.
  13. I dont think it would be such a huge deal, and it does add a lot of utility to the aircraft. You will probably have to overhaul the turbocharger when you do the engine, but thats 1000 hours from now. A 201 muffler isnt too cheap either if you go back to the NA route.
  14. Mine peak at around 1610 at 75% power, about 1580 for 65% power. I really like the RSA-5 injection, our GAMI spread is too small to measure. We have mostly been messing about locally in it, but our GPH average is about 8.
  15. I think Porsche surrendered the TC to the FAA.
  16. Quote: FlyingAggie I think having both is a good combination. I just bought an Aera 560 and installed it in the airplane today and have just recently bought an iPad2 for running ForeFlight HD. The Aera is mainly for XM weather and the iPad for flight planning and elimination of paper charts. I feel more comfortable using the Aera for navigation,especially around special use airspace as opposed to the iPad. The 560 features 9 arcsec resolution. It will be expensive keeping the database updated, but comes with a year of "free updates." Maybe by then the pressure from Foreflight and WingX, will cause Garmin to moderate their "highway robbery" of GPS portable users for data. The iPad2 (with it's internal GPS) will be okay as backup. The compact size of the 560 fits nicely on the yoke and I like it up close and instantly accessible. It is small enough that it doesn't block my view of the instruments. However, I am disappointed with the yoke mount included with the Aera. The clamp that clamps to the yoke shaft is way too long and just barely tightens down of theMooney's yoke shaft. It was designed to be a universal mount and fit over the the massive yoke arm found on Bonanzas. It sticks down about 2-1/2" below the yoke shaft and today kept hitting my clip board and approach plates on my clipboard in my lap. It could rack havoc on the screen of an iPad. Anyone encountered this problem and figured out a better solution? I plan to use the iPad on a knee pad and looking for different strap on options for it.
  17. Quote: carusoam Becca, Consider adding sky radar to your I-Pad thoughts. http://www.mooneyspace.com/index.cfm?page=4&mainaction=posts&forumid=2&threadid=2009 It gives blue tooth, waas and weather to your I-Pad.... I am with Magnum on the proven value of the portable garmin. I am still using both. But the IPad always has up to date charts and approaches. I am also thinking that the lower cost I-Pad is an excellent solution. I have not used my 3G, an external Waas antenna is better, 64MB of memory is way more than neccessary...... If you have an I-phone or other smartphone with "Hot Spot" connectivity, than your wifi enabled Ipad should be able to communicate through it anyway.... I usually don't go anywhere with just an Ipad and no phone.... Best regards, -a-
  18. Quote: DaV8or I'd like to know too. I have an Stec 30, but I'm new to it. I've used it a fair amount and it seems pretty simple and straight forward. If the plane is out of trim, the little blue lights tell you to trim up or down and there is a audible tone in the headset to alert you when it needs doing. If there is a safety issue, I'd really like to know before I go in the clouds with it.
  19. its all in how you first display it. I have had prospective students who, after a half hour lesson on a discovery flight, I showed them what happens when you pull the throttle to idle. Nothing really. No power, the plane just glides, see it doesn't fall out of the sky. That takes a lot of the fear of flying out right there. Re: being conservative: Its all about risk management. People often dont have the ability to accurately judge risk, given as many people dont believe in running a tank dry, landing on anything shorter than a 3500 paved strip, or landing in a 15 knot crosswind.
  20. Suposedly the only thing to do when the porsche engine runs out is convert it to an Ovation engine, but it still has the lower gross weight, so you got yourself a less capable Ovation, for more money. Man I bet those owners of those PFM Mooneys were pissed when Porsche pulled out.
  21. WOT fuel flow on the RSA-5 fuel injection is not adjustable. 1385 EGT is like 250 ROP at that setting, so I thought it was just right. I havent tried a LOP speed run down low, full rich, 2700 RPM and WOT it indicates 183 MPH.
  22. Quote: Shadrach Scott, what is your take-off FF? Full rich should be around 18 - 19gph at 2700. I have experimented with LOP climbs, and have not found much utility in doing so for a few reasons. 1) At slower climb IAS (typically 120mph just like you), I have to be pretty lean to keep CHTs under 350 (which is were they run ROP target EGT method), the power drop is noticeable and I don't like the reduced climb rate. 2) If i get distracted or I am busy with ATC I could conceivably climb my way into the red box. 3) ROP Target EGT method is easy with little to no risk of over-temping your engine. 4) ROP Target EGT gets you to cruise alt as quickly as possible. If I was flying a turbo with an automatic waste gate, my opinion might very well change...
  23. in my opinion its nothing to buy a newer plane over, but any plane I bought would have the left sidewall pulled out and the tubes visually inspected. Along with the spar cap in the center section and especially in the wheel wells for corrosion. We also pulled a cylinder and looked at the cam and followers to be sure that was good too. We did all this, ours is a 1977 and it was fine. Make sure SB-M20-208 A and B were done in the logs, and verify the old insulation has been replaced and the windows dont leak. Fuel tank leaks can cost 8K or more, the same whether its done right or fails a week later. Bladders solve it but cost 8K. You also lose 30 lbs useful load. Make dang sure its filled to the brim and sits a while, check for staining and leaks. One piece belly is nice but it saves a couple hours labor 2x a year for 7K. Zero speed gain. Nice to get on one but I woudnt add it to mine.
  24. One thing we noticed is how much smoother it runs, especially at idle. then flight testing it we noticed we can go to 90 LOP smoothly, instead of just peak with the old (worn out) massive electrode plugs. So now we can run 20-50 LOP at 65% power and save 2 GPH. They are Autolite plugs, which are now called Tempest.
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