We just did a partnership and one partner has 8k hours, etc. One has 300 hours and a PPL only, one has 105 hours and PPL only. Ours actually will be just fine.
Things to consider.
1. income. Do they make 50K or 100K per year? Do they have the financial wherewithall to absorb an unexpected engine oberhaul or an accident? Are they "gadget crazy" and want a 430/530/G500? Or does dual 170Bs and a KLN-89B suit them fine?
2. Do they plan on having kids in 2 years and "taking a break" from flying? Are they likely to continue getting a medical for the next few years? You dont want to partner with someone for "a short time"
3. Attitude and ability. Our lowest time partner has 100 hours but had good instruction, applied things learned, and has strong natural ability. Also had zero complex time and the fastest they had flown was 105 knots in a 172. I flew with a couple times before we formed the partnership. The 10 hour checkout requiremnt was probably overkill, but insurance is insurance. The other partner has more experience but less recent currency (hours). Again, normal learning curve though. I would fly with them in their most current aircraft and observe. Are they professional? Do they know how to plan a flight, not run out of fuel, talk to ATC, know the FARs, know how to operate an aircraft and engine with efficiency and competency? Believe in OWT's? Remember, its a 20 or 30K engine out front and runnning "a gallon richer than book" , lean to rough and forward a "half inch", or climbing at 25 square is going to affect the life and cost of operation for you as well. Coming in 20 miles over book and landing with half flaps and burning the tires out is another.