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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. They outght to pay for evacuation costs. You are basically working to protect the insurance company's asset for free.
  2. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/inpages/sigmatek5000a.php it is 1800$ and has the built in slip ball to make it legal per FAA AC 91.75. If you have an old AI, You could put this one in the center of the 6 pack and relegate the old one ot the lower left spot where the TC is.
  3. There have been several accidents related to the single mag. Most common is the mounting nut getting loose and the mag falling out of the accessory case. But also there can be crossfiring inside the mag causing both sides to fail. Impulse couple springs that break causing both sides of the mag to retard timing and lose power. Cam retaining screw being retightened without the proper new nut installed causing complete mag failure within a few minutes. Capacitor failure. The "single point failure" of this mag is not limited to the drive shaft, in fact the distributor gears are plastic. here is some more info. Statistically speaking I would guess it has a small deviation from the mean GA fleet accident rate as a whole but I can't find any accident reports due to a failure of a single mag in a conventional setup. Anyways, the D4LN-2021 mag what we have and for 4K it costs to convert it, it's staying there. But this is the one thing on our airplane I don't completely trust and I hope the last shop that did the 500-hour was a good one. If I could preflight only one thing, it would be the mag hold down nut.
  4. I emailed the photographer. He only has one picture of my 201 but he also owns a ground up restored Beech T-34B.
  5. replace the TC with an ai. There is an faa ac for that.
  6. that and some kind of terrain mapping GPS.. Quote: Parker_Woodruff Hey Randy, Glad you're going for your instrument rating. I think it's a necessity where you are located.
  7. 26.5" / 2500 RPM is more like 85% power while ROP and unless he has an intercooler, the charge temps lower it further maybe to 75% power. If LOP then certainly the engine is not putting out more than 75% power; and Lycoming authorizes peak at 75% and below. I think his 13-14 GPH FF he is running quite ROP. LOP is cooler. As long as your injectors are balanced and you monitor every CHT. Thats the important thing. A JPI will serve you well. Quote: M20F I am running 23/23 which is about 64% power you are running 26.5/25 which is almost 90% power, I would be interested in seeing specific conditions (density altitude, CAS, etc.) that are getting you 160-165kts at.
  8. I think if it compressor stalls thats basically reverse flow and the MP should decrease extremely rapidly. If it is just an exhaust volume A/R deal it would fall off gradually. I second Norman's opinion, I am a little leery running a M20J without a multi-point EGT and CHT with FF. A Turbonormalized IO-360 Lycoming is pushing the limits even further. More ways to ruin a set of 2,000$ each cylinders.
  9. thats a great idea I'm going to do that soon. a T/C mistakes yaw for bank. KI-2525A are still hellishly expensive used. People here want 3K for a used system. Quote: Vref I am seriously thinking of dumping my Turn coordinator and install a backup electrical ATT indicator. I am VFR only but when I am instrumented rated I wouldn't fly without a back up ATT in IMC....just from technical redundancy perspective that is.... A lot of people in the US are dumping there KI525A's for glass so you can do very good deals ($ versus euro). I bought a second hand KI525A with a very hi serial number 90000+ P/N 3046-07 all the later KI525A have all the bootstrap mod which is required to run your HDG on a Storm-scope or RMI indicator if you have one and the -07 runs on both 30/400Hz ..... Luc
  10. Sounds like reverse boostrapping, IE the lower RPM (less exhaust volume) decreased turbine speed to the point it could not maintain set MP. Sounds like going leaner decreases the exhaust volume in the same manner. I'm no turbo man but in a M20J 2500, even 26 or 2700 is a perfectly acceptable cruise RPM at high altitude. Figure out if you are at peak or LOP because on an IO-360 lycoming "lean to rough" mught be as much as 100 LOP, or right to peak. That fuel flow seems awful high. GAMI test will let you know how balanced your injectors are. Ross will be on here shortly.
  11. The last 3 or 4 M20s (C-J) we have seen could use a set of ailerons and elevators. They must be skinned in see-thruluminum.
  12. I feel the same way about Mooney. If they can't fab up 2 elevators and 2 ailerons for 18 grand then why don't set a match to the whole place and be done with it. They basically foreclosed on themselves and shed all their debt. There really is no reason for parts and factory support. Quote: 201-FLYER
  13. iPad fits inside the yoke vertically but you cannot put it there because ful forward elevator the top of the ipad hits the panel. looks like mounting it above the yoke is right in your face, and there is no way I would do that. Id sure to see that mount you have.
  14. I believe that fairing is a UREM urethane piece, just like the plastic bumpers on your car. Fiberglass, epoxy, super glue, etc are all going to fail because they cannot bond properly and are not flexible enough. you need a urethane repair kit for a plastic car bumper. Here is a sample of repair kits, there are others on the web. I would also drill the pop rivets and repair it off the plane. You can repaint the fairing to match with a touch up kit from Awlgrip. Its a LPU paint just like Imron. Done right the repair is invisible, strong as new, and relatively cheap to do.
  15. we use this it is accurate to .01 volts. http://www.amazon.com/Equus-3721-Battery-Charging-Monitor/dp/B000EVWDU0
  16. My guess is if they have the part lying around they will sell it to you. My three voicemails and a call to Dugosh didnt even get a return phone call. This is for 18K worth of ailerons and elevators. Thanks alot Mooney, I feel like I bought an orphan airplane. Quote: Parker_Woodruff I was able to get a new flight control counterweight from Mooney in about 30 days for my Encore conversion.
  17. I just updated the Ontario section and have current canadian plates.
  18. Does it have the "b" hub? Does it need new blades? Anywhere from 3K to more than a new prop.
  19. I am a Mike Busch (savvy) fan and if it doesnt show signs of needing overhaul (corrosion, leaks, operational malfunctions, etc) then do not overhaul it based on time. Overhaul on condition. You can also do a reseal for about 20% of the cost of an overhaul and you get 80% of the overhaul work. Quote: MATTS875 Can someone tell me what it costs to have the prop overhauled and when should it be done? I heard 10 years or 2000 hrs..is this correct? it is a 2 blade prop on a 66 mooney E.It only has around 600 hrs currently on it now.Thanks
  20. The C had different seat rails, and the skin on the fuselage and tail was one guage thinner. Its probably the same reason the later J's had a gross weight increase to 2900 LB, marketing and selling airplanes. Its likely a paperwork change and a simple inspection like the J increase.
  21. Skins for these are hydroformed in a die. There are no ribs. you would have to build a die to make one. Point is, there are going to be some parts availability problems. Look at all the guys waiting on 40:1 gearsets for the landing gear.
  22. Try manufaturing a J or newer elevator. or reskinning one.
  23. We cut up a bubble wrap front window shade for a car and it works great for lunch stops.
  24. They basically "are" closed. exrtremely limited parts availability.
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