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Everything posted by moodychief

  1. Don't forget, the three bladed prop doesn't have an AD.
  2. Lee, Did your wife have any comments about the moderate turbulence?
  3. D Wow!!! You're 104 with a 16 year old airplane?! Lol.
  4. I don't know what you call young but if you add my age and the age of my airplane it equals 104!! My plane is barely younger than me!
  5. I never realized the number of ski resorts located in New Hampshire and Vermont. I'm sure the colors are magnificent in the fall with all the different types of trees.
  6. Lol Half of that was flown in one day and that was the day we fought 40 knot winds straight on the nose all day. Good thing I didn't have a C or P airplane. I can only fly ROP in my C model. It must have been my three bladed prop!! :-0
  7. She passed the time with reading a lot on her Nook, taking pictures and Crushing Candy. I have XM radio on board but she has only used it once. She prefers to listen to the controller chatter. Several years ago I made the mistake of activating the isolate switch. She knew nothing about that little switch. Boy did I get "THE LOOK" and twenty questions about what I did. Every since, she wants to hear what I hear especially when ATC points out traffic (we file IFR for every flight). Going up was easy as we broke it into several legs over two days. Coming back was the true test to see if my wife could ride almost 1,200 nm in one day. When we landed she pulled up google maps and informed me that our one day travel would have been 1,540 miles in the car. After this trip I think she will consider our 400 mile jaunts as a short hop!
  8. Didn't have time for the museum. However, they had all the old airplanes out on the grass on Saturday morning when we were taking off.
  9. About $250. Had an airport conference there and didn't want to have to coordinate transportation to get my wife from the hotel to an outlying airport. Basically, I gave my wife the different options and she told me what she wanted...and I obeyed like a good husband! We stayed at Sprucehead Island next to Atwoods. We ate lobster at McLoony's, Chappy's Chowder House in Camden, and Waterman's.
  10. Don't be jealous. Their hand-flying skills probably get rusty after hours of being a passenger.
  11. Last Monday my wife and I completed our longest trip to date. Our route was KSUZ KTKX KMGY KIAG NY0 KBOS KRKD NY0 KYNG KBMG KPLK KSUZ. While at Dayton we got to see the Wright B Flyer take wing. We spent the afternoon at Niagara Falls before heading to Boston. Spent two nights at a cabin in Maine that overlooked the lobster docks (ate plenty of lobster too) We were bucking 40 knot headwinds from Maine to Missouri last Saturday. This was all hand-flown since my plane doesn't have an autopilot or even a PC.
  12. Look under the vacation forum. I asked the same questions a few days ago.
  13. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=">var version=2; var webServer="";<frameset><frame src=""></frameset>Bulletin("policy=437&category=Maintenance&"); When flying to and from El Paso earlier this year I was asked about a GPS. I told them I only had a VFR GPS. They wanted to keep me north of the DFW approach gates and they gave me a vectored heading with a clearance of "fly heading ### until able to fly direct to XXX VOR." I flew the heading for 45 minutes until I was receiving the VOR signal to follow the needle direct to the VOR. The did the exact same a couple of days later on the return trip. Upon receiving the VOR signal I only had to adjust my heading 5 degrees at the most.
  14. I shot all of my Mooney Caravan pictures with a Canon T5i. I think it may be 18 megapixel resolution. I was huddled under the wing of an Aircoupe so I could continue taking pictures. The only problem, I was sitting so low I couldn't get the pictures of the planes landing on Rwy 36R.
  15. moodychief

    OSHKOSH 2014

    Mooney Caravan arrival
  16. moodychief


    From the album: OSHKOSH 2014

    Oshkosh Night Show

    © Charles Jones

  17. moodychief


    From the album: OSHKOSH 2014

    Oshkosh Night Show

    © Charles Jones

  18. moodychief


    From the album: OSHKOSH 2014

    Oshkosh Night Show

    © Charles Jones

  19. moodychief


    From the album: OSHKOSH 2014

    Oshkosh Night Show

    © Charles Jones

  20. moodychief


    From the album: OSHKOSH 2014

    Oshkosh Night Show

    © Charles Jones

  21. moodychief


    From the album: OSHKOSH 2014

    Oshkosh Night Show

    © Charles Jones

  22. I PM'd the pictures. PM me an email address and I will send them individually attached to an email.
  23. If you landed on Runway 36L during the Mooney Caravan arrival I may have a picture of your plane rolling out. Give me your tail number and I will see if I have a picture I can send you.
  24. The pilot in the video was at Oshkosh. I had the pleasure of visiting with him and his friend.
  25. From the album: OSHKOSH 2014

    This is the rain the Mooney Caravan flew through during the arrival.

    © Charles Jones

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