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Everything posted by mike28w

  1. Hello Daren, Thanks for your interest but I believe that I have it sold .....pending a pre-purchase inspection. Thanks ! mike PS: Thanks to everyone who has expressed an interest and been so complimentary ! It makes it a little easier to part with my " aluminum mistress" LOL
  2. Hi, Well. I've decided to get my annual done and give my plane to a broker to sell ( early Oct.). I don't have the time to fly or sell the plane. Depressing. She's been a great bird for over 10 years . Lot's of fun and always reliable. Traveled all over the western US ! It's a 63 M20C. 2650TTAF... 650 SMOH ( factory) ... 650 new McCauley prop ( I think its it was new)..... All hours are just off the top of my head. Ext. and int. are 8+. 201 windshield , 201 panel, dorsal tail mod, flap gap seals, alternator mod, Tannis engine heater, brake mod, overhauled exhaust system, both tanks stripped and resealed, landing gear donuts , JPI engine monitor, JPI fuel flow meter, 406 ELT,,, and much more. This is off the top of my head. I want $40,000 which will go up to $45,000 once the broker gets it... If someone on this site is interested , I would be willing to sell it but otherwise ...it's going to a broker. If you're actually interested and not just a looky loo , I can send photos and more data. Fly safe, mike ( mike28W at msn. com) PS: I live in north central Idaho.
  3. Hi TTaylor ! If you're interested in a Mooney M20C...you might want to email me at mike28w at msn dot com i live in Idaho mike
  4. Pretty bird !! Al Mooney would be proud of you ! mike
  5. But Oscar, there's only one review.....can he be trusted ??? mike
  6. I will never forget listening to Salt Lake center help a rather frantic Mooney near Jackson Hole. He reported that he had just flown through a large mountain wave ( clear day) and was now looking to land at the nearest airport that center could find for him , "any airport"........ I was heading west at the time , into that area......I spent the night in Casper, Wy... No regrets for me !
  7. Great idea !! Great price! I wish that you had shirts with a pocket ! mike
  8. Well, this surprises me..... I bought Those Remarkable Mooneys a number of years ago and haven't even gotten around to reading it . I'd better take better care of it !
  9. Changing out one Lycoming for another......shouldn't be a problem .
  10. I'm getting the impression that the OP simply doesn't want to speak to any other mechanics or specialists...... am I jumping to conclusions ? mike
  11. I'm not sure that any of us that haven't looked at your plane can have any particularly valid mechanical advice for you.....although I am a bit skeptical about your mechanic. As always , if you have questions, it doesn't hurt to get a second opinion. If your first mechanic is so insecure that he's offended by that idea....well that speaks volumes doesn't it ? Best wishes , mike PS: If it were me, I'd call Paul Beck at Weep No More that seals tanks ( his name has already been mentioned .) A phone call , can't hurt and might give some insight !
  12. I'm no expert but that seems like a pretty fair deal.... Unfortunately, my heat pump just went belly up yesterday and my wife seems to think that we need heat in Idaho. Will sit tight until I get an estimate. Thanks, mike
  13. It looks like there is no tray for the KX 155. Am I correct ? Any idea how much a tray would cost ? Thanks ! mike
  14. Either way, it looks good but is definitely way too clean !! Needs more junk ! Where's the chairs and frig ??
  15. Hmmmm....I assumed AOA was out of business. The last sample that I sent them ( about a year ago or so) , I never got a report or response. Sample was never returned to me , so I always wondered who got my little bottle of oil ??
  16. Thanks ! How did the "C" handle the MEAs ?? How high were the MEAs ? mike
  17. Just a question for you IFR folks.... How many are "C" owners ? How do you fly in and around the Rockies ? I have often considered an IR rating but am intimidated by the minimum enroute altitudes ( MEA) in my neighborhood. A little bit of unexpected ice ( that I wouldn't be able to climb through) and fairly high enroute altitude literally would put me between a rock and a hard place . It seems that most of the avid IFR flyers are either using turbo'd engines or are based in the lowlands or both.... Thanks for any advice ! mike ( Idaho) surrounded by mountains on 3 sides....
  18. I've heard rumors that some folks have installed the non-aviation Par46 Whelens and have had good luck with them....they even leave them on all the time and go many years without replacing them.....
  19. Renting a hangar lets me sleep better..... Thunderstorms and windstorms don't wake me up and make me wonder if I tried the plane down well ( and did the guy parked next to me do the same ) ?? I don't worry much about vandalism , either. mike
  20. $540 for the STC for my C.... but nowhere to buy fuel in Wa.,Id,.MT,WY,Nev,ND,SD,Neb,Colo,AZ, NM,OK,KS, ....these are just the states that are west of the Mississippi that you can't buy the fuel. I think I'll wait a little to buy the STC that they are so proud of.....ymmv. EDIT: In more closely looking at their website......There is only ONE location , west of the Mississppi, where you can purchase this fuel ( 3 other "private" locations). $540.....not likely for me.....
  21. Hi Roy, Thanks, I will....this Spring. My wife will be resigning from her job in the next couple of months ( which is a good thing). If she see's me trying to sell the bird at this time, I worry that she will feel guilty and decide not to resign. Thanks, mike PS: I would love to sell it to someone who was enthusiastic. It would please me to keep in touch about our bird.
  22. My thanks to everybody for their time ! I'm going to save these suggestions for Spring. Thanks again, mike
  23. Hello !

       How timely !   Folks on this website just recommended you as a person to contact about selling my Mooney.

      Can you tell me how the process goes ?

     Thanks Mike Berg

    1. mike28w


      mike28w@msn.com   fwiw....mike

  24. This is a depressing note to write...... I'm pretty much resigned to selling my M20C next Spring....Just not using it because of job and lifestyle changes. I dread the hassle of selling it myself . I live in Idaho. Does anyone have any recommendations for an aircraft broker that is reliable, effective and relatively nearby ?? Any other suggestions ? Opinions or suggestions appreciated. Thanks, mike
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