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Everything posted by N601RX

  1. I'm at an instrumentation and test conference in Austin this week and was a little surprised to find this on display there. Its a F-104A that has had its wings and elevator removed and been fitted with wheels. The goal is to break the World Land Speed record of 763 miles per hr. Their goal is to go over 800mph. So for it has been up to almost 500. They are hoping to break the official record late this year or early next year. The owner/driver was nice enough to let me sit in it and take my picture. The cockpit is mostly original and it is still driven by the stick and the brakes are on still on the rudder pedal. More info here. http://landspeed.com/ In its previous life this plane served as a chase plane for NASA and then as a chase plane for the SR71. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  2. Another option is to get an e-mail from Mooney saying that is was sold as an optional part and show it to him. I have the original sales infor for my F and it says an optional EGT gauge may be added. Download this and scroll to the very last line of the last page. http://compu-knights.com/fileshare/mooney/Executive%2021%20Brochure.pdf
  3. My F just has a open bar there, so I can't help with that but noticed there isn't any sealent between the window and skin in the area just to the right of the bottom window clamp. It looks like the person who put them didn't use enough. You might want to check around the rest of the windows also.
  4. I noticed Chief has some nice discounts through the end of today. http://www.chiefaircraft.com/
  5. Another trick for drilling in plexiglass is to take the bit and drill into concrete for about a 1/4" before using it on plexiglass.
  6. I'm sure both the people in this thread thought it would never happen to them either, but it did. The bottom line is that this happens 3 or 4 times a year to people who never thought they would flip the gear switch instead of the flap switch. Also consider the other pilot a few months ago who had the thread about the 709 ride and was basically uninsurable afterwards. That's enough to keep me from doing them. http://mooneyspace.com/topic/8548-expensive-brain-fart/
  7. Another thing to condsider on the older models is that the structure behind the rubber mounts is at about a 25 deg angle when in level flight. If you cut a flat piece of auminum and mount with the rubber spacers, you will not be able to adjust your AI for level flight without sending it off and having the internal panel angle changed. Alternately you can space the top of the panel out enough to compensate for this, but you will have to use a triangular shaped filler strip beside the radio stack to fill up the gap.
  8. On my F the Egt is listed as optional equipment. Also some of the older EI engine monitors list cht and egt as primary, so check your model. IF just the nav bulbs were replaced with led bulbs and the original fixtures are still in place, just stick the original style bulbs back in so he will sign it off. If the entire fixture was swapped out, as long as they used a TSOd fixture many mechanics consider that a minor mod.
  9. http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2013/08/helena-regional-airport-khln-montana.html
  10. Based on the new EI unit that was just released, I don't think JPI is going to be selling very much of anything unless EI has problems or JPI makes some big changes to their price structure..
  11. I had 60 hrs total time all in a 150 when I purchased my F model. 65K of coverage cost my $2375. The next year it came down to $1400.
  12. There is a hardened steel shim that goes beside the rocker arm. These are available in several different thicknesses and you have to choose the correct one when installing a cylinder. I don't remember the number, but there is a service bulletin that describes the process. There is also a tool that can be used to resurface the aluminum boss that this shim rides against. Once the correct shim is in place, you will have to recheck the pushrod length to make sure it is still correct.
  13. There is currently a couple on ebay for sale. One has already sold. Watch them and you will get an idea how much they are worth and how much interest people have in buying them.
  14. Does this unit have 1 display or 2?
  15. I saw the Corsair near Honolulu in person a few years ago.
  16. Has anyone been here before? I had some friends go a few years ago. They were able to taxi up to the front door of their cabin and tiedown. http://www.highvalleyresort.com/airport.asp
  17. http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/24/19638784-eerie-plane-wrecks-contain-forgotten-stories-of-survival?lite
  18. These type of post seem to come up every few months, so here is a Lycoming document that shows the hrs they are willing to reimburse shops for who perform labor work. Perhaps you can show this to the shop who billed 8 hrs to change a mag. ssp-875.pdf
  19. The only problem I see with the oil analysis is that it may not be very meaningful. It needs to be flown for several hrs and then checked.
  20. I've done several single mags before and it took a little over an hr to replace and set timing. Can't imagine a dual taking any long. It would be quicker than changing 2 singles.
  21. Mostly external steel engine parts and brackets. Rocker covers, intake pipes, fuel spider bracket, alternator mount and supports, ect. They also done the crankshaft snout and flange.
  22. I had some parts plated last year by a FAA repair station. They returned them to me with a 8130, so that was the approved data. All their processes were approved by the FAA. I've also saw repair stations that advertise powder coating. There are also also certified aircraft manufactures that are currently powdercoating steel parts.
  23. The simplest would probably be a large storage cap fed by a isolation diode in series with a resistor. To keep the cap size down you could replace bulbs with LEDs.
  24. The app name is Engine Rpm. It was $8.99, but works very well so I didn't mind.
  25. I think Jim mentioned the windows mobile version of the rpm app a few days ago. I installed the iPad version of it and it works great. It matched the JPI number to within +-2 rpm
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