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Everything posted by N601RX

  1. Occasionally you will see a nice F or J model for sale with an aftermarket Turbo Normalizer. Look for M20 Turbo or RayJay Turbo.
  2. When Tapatalk support was 1st added the big advantage was that it would allow you to post pictures from an Apple device. With the newer IOS versions Tapatalk isn't necessary to post pictures, you can do it directly from the web browser.
  3. Lowered price to $2300.
  4. Will lowering the nose and gaining airspeed restart the engine, or is it necessary to use the starter?
  5. There is an old AC, I don't remember the number that suggest it is acceptable to substitute some parts that meet the same TSO. Its AC20-41A
  6. Pliobond can be ordered from mcmaster Carr. There have been some cases where the seal bore and bearing bore are not machined concentric to each other.
  7. We have 1 based in the hanger across from me. It's very seasonal and only a part time job for him. There is also another person in this area who has his set up to drop granular fertilizer. He has some large contracts to drop the fertilizer on planted pine trees and stays busy most of the year. He travels over the southeast doing that.
  8. I believe someone posted about a month ago that he had either moved, about to move, or was going to move. I think they said Dalton.
  9. From what I've heard other people say the retrofit kit is expensive. It may be worth looking around for some used parts. I think I remember seeing the service bulletin on the Mooney website that describes what parts has to be changes and the PN for them.
  10. Dan, One other thing you might want to look at is the large cap that goes with the interav setup. If this is bad it could be allowing some of the peaks of the rectified sine waves from the alternator to present a brief peak that goes above the threshold of the ov relay. I have no idea if the ov relay even be able to respond to a peak pulse or not. My interav alternator was installed in 93 and is still working fine and I'll keep it as long as it working or makes sense to repair it. I had to replace the regulator and ov relay about 2 years ago. I went with the pp regulator and it's worked well the interav alternator. Mike
  11. You can test the regulator on the bench similar to the way you tested the ov relay. Monitor the regulator output while slowly increasing the sense voltage to the regulator. Whether the problem is the ov relay or regulator the plane power regulator is the cheapest fix. It has both functions combined into it and is cheaper than either of the other interav components. Then the pp alternator can be added at a later date if the interav alternator ever fails.
  12. These are a stretch bolt. There is a wide torque window, but a very narrow stretch length you have to hit. Lycoming also manufactured some rods that are machined for a .005 oversized bolt.
  13. Update- a few people have asked me about what would be necessary to install this on a 6 cylinder. I talked to JPI about it and all that would be necessary is to buy 2 additional egt and cht probes and wire them in. The unit will recognize them automatically.
  14. This is the best I've found. They are used by several both on Mooneyspace and Beechtalk. http://www.airpowerinsurance.com
  15. And Foreflight already has altitude info. If it wasn't for Foreflight and Wingx forcing Garmins hand we would still be paying $1500 for 495's. Garmin would have never released an ipad app unless forced to.
  16. It seems like there has been a lot of near misses in the last few weeks. I've saw 3 or 4 in the news lately. http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/19/travel/newark-airport-planes-too-close/ http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/16/travel/hawaii-near-collision-ntsb/index.html http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/09/travel/unmanned-drone-danger/index.html http://www.cnn.com/video/standard.html?/video/us/2014/05/23/early-start-near-miss-plane-houston-airport.cnn&iref=allsearch&video_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2Fsearch%2F%3Fquery%3DHouston%2Bnear%2Bmiss%26x%3D-947%26y%3D-31%26primaryType%3Dmixed
  17. I was also be sure that the hing shim AD from a couple of years ago had been completed. Might even be a good idea it to look at it again.
  18. Sometimes these are wired up in a "crowbar configuration". When the voltage goes too high the relay closes and shorts the field voltage to Ground. This overloads the field breaker and trips it immediately.
  19. You can remove it and connect the sense leads up to a variable power supply. Connect an ohm meter across the contact side of it. Slowly bring the voltage up until the ohm meter shows the contact have switched. It should happen around 16 volts.
  20. https://www.advancedtacticsinc.com/at-transformer-first-flight-video/
  21. I have an interav conversion also. I had problems with he regulator last year and replaced the regulator and overvoltage relay with a plane power regulator. Since you already have the interav alternator the plane power regulator is an approved replacement. The plane power regulator has never moved off 14.1 volts, even with lots of stuff turned on. I don't have the internav drawings with me at work, but if I remember correctly there was 3 CB for it. One that provided the Sense voltage to the overvoltage relay coil, One that provided the Field voltage to the regulator/alternator, and it was also connected to the overvoltage relay contacts. The 3rd breaker was then the output for the alternator. I may still have the ov relay if you need it, it was ok my regulator was bad. It sounds like your ov relay thinks the voltage is too high and shuts the field voltage off. When you pull the sense voltage breaker to the ov relay coil it then turns the field voltage back on.
  22. SOLD JPI 830 4 Cylinder Engine monitor for sale. I installed this in December 2012 and it has about 80 hrs of use on it. All sensors and wiring harness are included. It works great, the only reason I’m selling it is that I installed a primary unit. I will include the original paperwork and manuals. These are currently selling for $3,329 at Sarasota Avionics and $3,646 at Aircraft Spruce. I will take $2,300 for it. I’ll post some more pictures when I get home tonight. If anyone is interested send me a PM. Update- a few people have asked me about what would be necessary to install this on a 6 cylinder. I talked to JPI about it and all that would be necessary is to buy 2 additional egt and cht probes and wire them in. The unit will recognize them automatically. Thanks, Mike The following sensors and harnesses are new and still in factory bags. 1-Fuel Flow Transducer 1- Outside Air temp sensor 4 –EGT sensors 3- Bayonet style CHT’s sensors 1-RPM sensor 2- Wiring harnesses (P1 and P2, These are the thermocouple and power harness ) 1-Instrument mounting kit The following sensors have been used for about 80 hrs and are still practically new. 1-Ring style CHT sensor (This goes behind the factory CHT Probe) 1-Manifold Pressure Sensor and ” T” fitting 1-Oil Pressure Sensor and fittings 1-Oil Temperature Sensor. 2-Wiring harness (P3,P4 These were carefully removed and completely intact.)
  23. Try running it in the compatibility mode. http://www.online-tech-tips.com/windows-8/run-a-program-in-compatibility-mode-in-windows-8/
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