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About Lionudakis

  • Birthday 10/12/1977

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    Flying, Family, Airplanes, Aviation, Mooney's, Flying, Hotrods, Car Audio, Flying
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  • Model
    M20C 62
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  1. Is this a vertical U shaped reinforcement riveted on the aft bulkhead where the aft pitch servo bracket mounts ?
  2. I installed one in a J, that likely had the same issue you have. It took a minor modification, and was exactly that, a minor modification. PM me and I can explain in more details
  3. Did you find a place yet?
  4. I was hopeful but.. My twin brother in SanMartin CA was one of the first to get the STC on opening day there. 1 flight after mulitple failed start attemps, and one engine sputter and quit on taxi, and a ruined fuel tester. He drained it all, went and got some good ol 100LL and hasn't has a problem since, just like before.
  5. Trio or Dynon? Trio just got going on the Mooney IIRC. A recently approved ProPilot is in transit for my wife and sons Cessna 150
  6. Curious if those shops are all Garmin dealers? I haven't met one yet that doesn't trash talk every other brand. I've installed an Aerocruze in a M20J coupled to an Aspen, and it's rock solid.
  7. Those little suckers are a pain if you drop. one. I've fished many out. If you pull the oil pickup screen (after draining oil) I've poured varsol in the sump and floated or washed the little booger out the rear. I dropped one once, and recovered 3.
  8. I'm an A&P/IA. I've done upward of 30 field approvals over the years. the relationships with the Houston FSDO are non-existant anymore. The last field approval I ever got was about 5 years ago, the PMI working it called me, and advised me to wrap it up asap because once he retired, I wouldn't be getting one. He was right. All the common sense and customer service folks retired. The last communication with them they required a form to be filled out. It was an application for an STC for a belt driven alternator installation. There was no way around it. This told me, they have zero interest in working for the public anymore
  9. Wow, that’s great !! It’s such a simple system and install it seams a no brainer. What FSDO did you get that though ? I’ve given up working with the Houston FSDO. I sent my field approval package to a DER/DAR. Still waiting on the drafted AFMS for my C for approval which had to go to the ACO office to approve it.
  10. Absolutely once it’s figured out. I believe the oversight is only with the J. I’ve worked on many different mooneys of all variations, and I don’t see the difference in any of the aileron systems pertaining to pushrod length from where the servo mounts, And honestly, the push rod is nothing more than an aluminum tube threaded internally. If that is my only hang up I would be done. I’ll update this week. For that it’s worth, I’ve had hangups as an A&P/IA with the other big companies, and nobody has been as open in communicating like BK has on this.
  11. I have an issue I'm working closely with Duncan/BK/ and the engineering group on a midbody oversite. I'll say depite the setback, the communications are beyond what I've experienced from others Another competitor had a local neighbors plane tied up for quite some time with a system partially installed under the assumption it fit, and it didnt, with zero communications, he was furious. I give BK credit for trying to stay in the game and make it right despite their hurdles they have to overcome.
  12. Thanks ! is it spring loaded out to deploy, or do you deploy and retract it with a push/pull?
  13. This ! I gave up with my local FSDO on getting an approval. They're requesting stuff not even applicable to the install. How I read the definition of minor, a standby alternator falls under it. I think it comes down to the guy signing it off. I've found nothing documented that would keep one from calling it a minor.
  14. This is what I've been directed to by both a DER, and ASI from FSDO. I cant find squat on the faa site anymore. This is what I was directed too https://www.csobeech.com/files/FAA-Major_Repair_Alteration_Job-Aid.pdf pg 13
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