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Everything posted by dcrogers11

  1. Does anyone have contact for someone that can come to 66TE near Granbury, TX that is just SW of Ft. Worth and do a prebuy in my hangar. I'm selling my Mooney and the buyer is looking for someone nearby. He might also call Don Maxwell. Thanks, Don
  2. There are two runways in Pecan Plantation. 0TX1 is in the original airpark and is 1/19 and 66TE is the newer airpark started 8 years ago and is 17/35. Both are paved and 3000'+.
  3. We live in Pecan Plantation and love living here. The Mooney in the picture is a friend of mines. There are two runways here and probably 250+ airplanes along with an active EAA chapter. There are 4 Mooneys within a block of me also.
  4. Just curious, but what oil are you using, how many qts, and hours on the oil?
  5. I'm late to the game, but will there be another run of block made in the future? Thanks, Don
  6. Here's my visor project for a couple of years ago.
  7. I'm looking at online/downloadable IFR courses available to use for study for the written and wondering what those that have used this type tool have had success with. I've got a 6-7 year old Sporty's version that I never felt was detailed enough. It must be have online and downloadable content as I would like to study offline at times. Is King the best or are there others? Thanks, Don
  8. Thanks to all for the info.
  9. I am looking at replacing my vacuum pump on my O-360 on my 1964 C. Three of the four nuts are going to be easy, but one of the lower ones is hidden by the oil filter adapter on the back of the engine. Has anyone pulled their vac pump and is there a trick I'm missing? Thanks, Don
  10. Don Maxwell is the best you'll find in this part of the world. Donmaxwell.com is their website and is located in Longview. BTW, welcome to MS. There are several members here on the forum in the DFW area. Don
  11. Lots of options in this kit from amazon- https://www.amazon.com/Retainer-Plastic-Fasteners-Tailgate-Fastener/dp/B07GRJ8QSY/ref=sr_1_15?gclid=Cj0KCQjwrpLoBRD_ARIsAJd0BIVzy-FQ-IfABzjXi5XcQioeGRY89K5Ue-qfOq4kbQOazK_jcGO4gJIaAguREALw_wcB&hvadid=295470991826&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1026438&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t2&hvqmt=e&hvrand=12770002325052590671&hvtargid=kwd-311714384155&hydadcr=5734_9183525&keywords=car+upholstery+clips&qid=1560614357&s=gateway&sr=8-15 This from Summit_ https://www.summitracing.com/parts/hag-dopcf?seid=srese1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrpLoBRD_ARIsAJd0BIU0yDunJLJM5OPHWcwycg-7AE4pxtpzOgWmHTuXmY4p9PuzslyBCMsaAjBVEALw_wcB
  12. Who is up for the BBQ run at Hard 8 in KSEP? Weather doesn't look too bad. Don 817.559.3950
  13. Weather forecast this weekend isn't looking bad in this area. How many would like to meet for BBQ at Hard 8 in Stephenville? Don
  14. Google maps says its a 2800' walk. We might all need that after eating there.
  15. How about June 15th which is the Saturday before Fathers Day?
  16. Hard 8 in Stephenville is a good place. They may also have a golf cart that runs if you call them.
  17. No dates in mind, just throwing it out there. Say, sometime in June on a Saturday?
  18. It's been a while, but at one time the Texas Mooney guys met in the Austin area for some $50 ribs and BBQ. I was thinking it was Taylor ,Tx last time as they had a courtesy car or two and there was a MS member there as well for transportation. Lockhart also comes to mind as they have a couple of cars as well. Any interest in the up coming weeks? Don
  19. I've completed the installation and opted for the external option as I wasn't wanting to tear into the lower cowling. After the storms pass, I should be able to try it out and see if there is any noticeable improvement on cooling and speed. I've not had a cooling issue, but certainly should help on the extremely hot Texas days coming up. Don
  20. So with the flush screws, the enclosure is removable?
  21. Hey Don, Just saw this. I'll try to be there. Was just thinking that we need to get some Saturday lunch trips going again. May 18th my B-day so I've got a free day. Don
  22. If you're re-doing your headliner, you might consider getting some paint for plastic and repaint your trim. When installing mine, and not painting the trim, it stuck our like a sore thumb. There are some shops in our area that can screen print small stuff like that and looks like factory. Also, don't screw in the back left screw in too far as it will lock up yuur air vent mechanism. Don't ask me how I know. Don
  23. I had purchased my Lasar cowl enclosure some years ago and never got around to it and now have some time on my hands to do the install. For the life of me though, I can't find the instructions that came with it. I can call Lasar on Monday, but wondering if anyone had done a short video or picture sequence of their installation and if there were any lessons learned from your experience. Thanks, Don
  24. Okay, so I've been putting off repairing the infamous "stuck roof vent" problem that's plagued my C model since the upholstery was redone. It's been stuck in the open position for at least 4 years and I've just been putting it off. Well, I finally decided to take the project so I set aside a full day of wrangling headliners and trim parts and finding the necessary hardware to repair whatever I found to be froze up. I rounded up all the tools I thought I might need, put some music on the stereo, and had a yeti mug full of ice water and started at what was to be a while of sweating in my cockpit. I started by beginning to remove the trim that surrounds the front overhead vents and cockpit lights along with the vent control knob. I removed the 4 small screws that hold it in place and inserted the small allen wrench to remove the vent knob. I decided to just try to move the knob a bit to get to an easy position to loosen the allen nut when, much to my amazement, it rotated freely and the roof vent closed completely. I repeated opening and closing it several times with a stupid grin on my face. As it turned out the back left screw was about 1/8" too long and was engaging the gears of the vent mechanism and had locked it in place. Total hardware needed to repair vent-shorter screw. Time of repair-15 minutes. Sometimes I'd rather be lucky than good. Don
  25. As summer approaches, I'm looking for best option for keeping my back and rear cool and protecting my leather seats at the same time. What have y'all had luck with? Thanks, Don
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