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Everything posted by dcrogers11

  1. After checking all the Mooney Mod sources on the net for a 201 windshield for my 64C, I'm now considering the 1 piece install instead. Does anyone have snapshots of how it looks and your experience with the install and any noticable sound level decreases, etc.
  2. Just ordered and received External GPS plug-in for my wifi Ipad from a company called Bad Elf. Will try it out with WingX tomorrow on short flight to South Texas. Have tried it on the ground and all seems to be working.
  3. I'm a new Mooney owner and new to the forum. I have a 64 C with the original ARC autopilot. When it is engaged in either the HDG or Omni setting, it wants to make a slow turn to the right. No changes to the dial in either setting changes this. You can pull out the knob and level the wings but that seems to be the only thing that works. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Don
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