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Everything posted by FAST FLIGHT OPTIONS LLC

  1. Quote: LANCECASPER In the 231 and 2 Bravos that I had I used XC plus Camguard.
  2. ...More useful load. Every Mooney owners desire and wish
  3. Well after purchasing my plane last December I just received the dreaded tax notice as well... I offered the guy a ride in exchange for a lenient payment plan!
  4. I guess the real issue here is "personal minimums" I don’t like to see the needles go to less then one quarter of a tank on either side. That's just me and what I feel comfortable with when I'm flying me and my family and friends around. FUEL+ ALTITUDE = OPTIONS so I always like to have plenty of both whenever possible. I realize this might not be the right answer for everyone but it's what works for me.
  5. I try not to take the one size fits all approach. If I'm approaching the landing environment from the downwind side of the runway it's a 45 degree entry. If from the other side it's a mid field crosswind entry to downwind which I believe minimizes your time in the pattern and the amount of radio calls you have to make. If I'm pretty much set up for a straight in approach based on my position then that would seem to be the logical choice as well.
  6. Quote: Jimhamilton About a mont ago I posted for my first time with my thoughts on my new Mooney. I have not posted since because I am now using an IPad and my pea brain could not get the posting to work. ( For those of you interested, I am using Safari with the java script turned off ) I bought my M20K about two months ago for the purpose of helping me commute between KCOS and KSLC. I am a pilot for Delta in Salt Lake and I am attending my second year of bible school at Charis Bible School in Colorado Springs (part of Andrew Wommack Ministries). Most of the time I pass ride or jump seat to and from work and school, but when the schedule does not permit I fly the Mooney or drive when the weather is bad. I have about 25 hrs in it and am starting to get used to it. I have flown both VFR and IFR and I am usually between 14,000 and 17,000 feet. It seems to be a sweet altitude for this plane. The other day I was descending into KCOS with a ground speed of 250kts. Now that is why I bought it; Altitude and Speed and let's not forget fuel economy. For the money I spent I do not believe I could have made a better choice. I am not sorry, not one bit for buying it. Anyway, I have some questions for you seasoned owners. What do you do at different FBO's who insist on using a tug to tow your plane? After informing them that the Mooney nose wheel has limited turning radius I usually let them tow. I inspect the nose gear after every tow and so far so good, however, I am still nervous every time they tow. At higher altitudes the oil temp can get a little high. Still in the green but a needle and a half from the red line. What I have done is open the cowl flap to the mid position. Is that normal? On takeoff I am not using the full 40 inches. I set about 38 inches and I still get great performance. I do this to be easier on the engine. If obstacles are a factor I will use the full 40 inches until clear. For climb I use 33 inches and 2600 rpm. Any thoughts on this? For you Garmin 430 users, when you insert your route of flight, can you enter using airways or do you have to input every fix? For example, the FMS we use on the 737 allows us to enter a fix then connect to another fix using a jet airway. Such as TCH J80 JFK. All the intersections would be included between the two fix's. By the way, any of you with flying missions experience, I would love to get in touch with you Anyway, thanks for reading and hope to get to know you better, Jim.
  7. At the end of the day, Mooney is short-staffed and trying to maintain a type certificate, parts orders, accounting, etc. I don't like it either. I like Mooneys and will try to fly them as long as they are fairly well supported. I'll take my customer support issues to someone authorized to represent the factory. Isn't that the point of the factory "Authorizing" Service Centers? They're supposed to be the experts. In my case, that's Don Maxwell or Dugosh.
  8. Suppose I own a business that depends on a particular customer base and that customer base can’t communicate with me then the actual question really becomes irrelevant. It’s not a matter of whether the customer could find the answer elsewhere… hell you could get the answer to most Mooney questions on this forum. It then becomes an issue of customer service. In this day and age crappy customer service could mean the ultimate demise of a company in my opinion….regardless of how well manufactured the product is J
  9. Mr. Jim Teski and his crew at Dayton Aircraft Services (MSC) have been maintaining my M20K for about 20 years. Prices seem reasonable enough....if there is such a thing
  10. Jepp Charts? What is that? FOREFLIGHT all the way
  11. Quote: jetdriven Having owned both a 201 and now a 231 I would argue this point on several fronts. Here is one example….I could not operate my 4 cylinder lean of peak in the 201 and in my 231 I can operate the six cylinder engine with stock injectors lean of peak which to me means 9 gph at pretty much any altitude I want. I was burning on average 2 gph MORE in the 201 and going a bit slower below 10K at comparable power settings. Also with regards to performance my 231 could out climb the 201 hands down even below 10K. The higher you go the bigger the difference of course. My K has been MUCH cheaper to own in my opinion and here is one example of why….I wanted a good autopilot and if I kept my J I would have to install a 20K STEC 55X to do the job I wanted. I pretty much got that capability for FREE with the KING a/p already installed in my and most other 231’s. You really can’t find a stock a/p in the older 201’s with that kind of capability.
  12. Quote: jetdriven Below 10,000 feet the 231 performance is the same but it costs 30% more to fly a mile. Or around the same as a Bonanza.
  13. Lance- i just emailed you!
  14. ...Not a good idea. WX datalink only displays (delayed) cloud to ground stikes. Your strike finder is going to show you cloud to cloud strikes which will or at least could provide a much earlier warning as to what your flying towards or into in real world IFR flight. Not something I would want to lose!
  15. Quote: DaV8or ...but at some point, they'll have to call it quits and work with what they have... us.
  16. (moved from a diffrent message board) Quote: jetdriven
  17. Quote: mooneygirl ...We certainly met the Mooney Ambassador mission: 1) Support Mooney I’m starting to get aggravated with this whole “support Mooney” rhetoric. Nothing personal but support should be a two way street. I call the factory time after time and leave messages yet never receive a phone call back. It’s unprofessional if you ask me. If the intention of Mooney is to ignore the owners then have a message saying calls may not be returned or something to that effect. I understand times are tough but there are cost negligible ways to stay in touch with your consumer base w/o spending money and w/o turning off current owners. Supporting general aviation is one thing but to support a company that can’t even figure out that maybe they should maybe start a free Mooney owners mailing list or something like that to keep folks up to date via mass emails as to why they cant do things like return phone calls is something else!
  18. Quote: panther1400 Do you have your 930 in now? Also thanks for the guide lines to fly until the monitor, I am leaning toward 930 because the engine is expensive and the alarms seem like a good idea and clean up a few things in the dash because its certified.
  19. Quote: panther1400 How do you recommend running your engines or should I say setting your engines without more than just a single cht and a fuel flow guage in the dash (231)?
  20. How much does a magneto weigh? Looks like total weight of this system installed is close to 8 pounds!
  21. @font-face { font-family: "Arial"; }@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } I have a question pertaining to my tail mounted VOR antenna which recently became dislodged and needs to be replaced. Apparently you need to replace both sides and not just one side but in any event I’m looking for either a direct replacement part (82 M20K 231) for the broken one currently installed and/or I wanted to get some opinions on what you all though the feasibility would be of totally removing the antenna from the tail and mounting the VOR coax cable and antenna in the wing tips which is really what I would like to do if at all possible. I saw this kind of antenna on the chief avionics web site (http://www.chiefaircraft.com/sa-003.html). I’m wondering if these could also track a Glide Slope and how big of a job time wise it would be to find someone to run the cables through the wings and mount the antenna in the wing tips if it’s possible for my make/mode Mooney. I called Daytona Aircraft Services (the Mooney MSC that maintains by aircraft) and the avionics manager said he never did it and it really wasn’t feasible for whatever reason. I’m not 100% sure that’s the case and wanted to see what you all might know about the subject if anything to include who else I might be able to call in the SE with some experience handling this type of Mooney specific project? Thanks in advance for any input!


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